Page 14 of The Scotch Royals (Scotch 3)
“Thanks.” She placed her napkin in her lap and began to eat like she hadn’t just kidnapped me.
“Is this how you get all your dates?”
“Just the ones I really like.”
I forced myself not to smile in response, but it was difficult to do. Even under the extreme circumstance, our chemistry was evident. She was the only person in the world who could make my anger disappear without even trying. I grabbed my fork and ate, surprised how good it was. “Looks like you can save lives and cook.”
“I’m a woman of many talents.”
I drank my scotch as I stared at her, taking advantage of the fact that her gaze was averted so I could look at her. She didn’t get right to the point immediately, but I knew it was coming. She was giving me a false sense of security, a comfort that wouldn’t last long.
“You’re going golfing this weekend?” she asked, keeping the conversation light.
“Yeah. It’s a charity event. I go every year.”
“That should be fun. But it’ll probably be cold.”
I drank the rest of my scotch, downing an entire glass before I even finished my meal. London probably noticed, but she didn’t make a comment about it. My health was none of her concern anymore. “It’s always cold in London. I’m used to it.”
“How are you at golf?”
I wasn’t one to brag. “Not too bad.”
“I’ve never played.”
“It can get a little boring after the ninth hole.” Now we were talking like we used to, the conversation flowing even though the topic of discussion was mediocre. It didn’t matter how close Ariel and I were—we’d never had this kind of relationship. The only person I’d experienced it was with London. The fact that she sucked me in so easily only fueled my anger. “Let’s get to the point, London. I have a plane to catch.” I didn’t eat all of my food even though I wanted to, just to make a statement. I wasn’t going to eat her cooking and picture her making my meals. That was exactly what she wanted.
“The point?” she asked. “I just wanted to see you. There is no point.” She did something different with her makeup, making her eyes darker and her lashes longer. I liked the smoky look, the prominence of her cheekbones and the fullness of her lips.
I poured another glass of scotch just to spite her.
She hid her annoyance, but I knew it burned under the surface.
“You know I’m leaving in a week. My position here at the clinic is over, and I need to get back to New York.”
I knew her time here was running out. She gave herself a month to make it work with me, and not a day longer.
She set her fork down, not finishing her food either. She looked me square in the eye, unflinching, strong, and beautiful. “It’s been a few weeks now. I’m assuming you’ve had a chance to think about what I said.”
That’s all I’d been thinking about. “It doesn’t change anything. You know that.”
She gripped her glass of scotch but didn’t take a drink. “I can apologize as many times as you need to hear it, but you have yet to apologize to me.”
“Apologize for what?” I asked incredulously.
“For keeping me as a prisoner to begin with.”
I’d never apologize for that. I drank from my glass, dismissing her comment.
“My point is, neither one of us is innocent. But we love each other. Whatever we have is special, real. I know it is. I can see it in your eyes right now.”
Why did I have to give myself away so easily? Why did she have to read me like a goddamn book? “It doesn’t matter how we feel about each other. It’s over. So go back to New York and leave me the hell alone.” I pushed her away harder, trying to get her off my mind forever.
She didn’t flinch. “Crewe, when I leave next week, I’m not coming back. When I land in New York, I’m going to push you from my thoughts and move on with my life. I’m gonna find someone else to spend my life with. I’m not going to mope around and miss you. If you want me, now is the time to say something.”
My fingers gripped the glass tighter.
“I’m not bluffing, Crewe. Drop your pride and work with me on this.”
Now that there was a timer set, I felt the weight of the situation. If I ever found out she got married and had kids, even if it were years down the road, I’d be devastated. Even when knew she tricked me, I couldn’t let Ariel hurt her. I didn’t know why I loved this woman after the way she deceived me.
But I did.
“This is the only offer I’m gonna make.”
She stilled at my words, anxious for me to finish.