Page 41 of The Scotch Queen (Scotch 2)
I swallowed my pride and tried not to think about what he was doing tonight. I tried not to picture the woman he was with, a woman far more beautiful than I was. I focused on my little apartment in New York City. It was a hole in the wall with busted appliances and noisy neighbors, but it was home.
This wasn’t home.
I slid over the sheets as I approached his powerful body on the other side of the bed. He was lying on his back with his hand behind his head. His toned triceps led to his powerful chest and beautiful physique.
My hand slid over his chest, and I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his neck. My leg moved between his as I pressed myself against him, wearing his t-shirt and just my panties. I’d never seduced a man because I wasn’t sexy enough to pull it off. But I did my best now, hoping he would take the bait.
He didn’t. “What do you want?” He didn’t push me off him, but he didn’t respond to my affection either. He just lay there.
My first instinct was to slap him for being so harsh. But that wouldn’t get me anywhere. “You must be really dull if you can’t figure it out.” I pulled the sheets down and straddled his hips.
He looked up at me, his gaze unreadable. His thoughts weren’t always clear, but I could usually pick up on his mood. Right now, he was a blank canvas. He didn’t seem angry or happy, just indifferent. “I’m not in the mood.”
I was losing the battle, but I couldn’t accept the defeat. “Well, I am…” I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor. Thankfully, it was a little cold so my nipples automatically hardened, and my tits were firmer than usual.
Crewe’s eyes immediately went to my chest, but he didn’t move.
I crawled up his chest then kissed the line between his pecs and his chiseled stomach. My ass was in the air, and I suspected he was probably staring at it. I moved my kisses to his chin and then finally on his mouth.
He kissed me back, but it lacked any passion.
He must have been with someone else tonight. He’d never turned me down before. Normally, he wanted me around the clock, nonstop.
A burning pain thudded in my chest. I told myself I didn’t care about the other woman, that I was just discouraged I wasn’t making any progress. But the pain wouldn’t stop. When I pulled away, I quickly hid my pain and got off him. “Fine. I want to wait for you, but I can do it on my own.” I returned to my spot on the bed and did something I’d never done before.
I spread my legs and slid my fingers into my panties.
I touched my clit in a circular motion, doing my best to look as sexy as possible. For all I knew, I looked ridiculous. But I had to hope that this would work, that Crewe would be enticed to come out of his brooding mood.
At first, I did it just for show. But the longer I touched myself, the more I liked it. I stopped caring about Crewe being in the room. I closed my eyes and felt my breathing grow deep and shallow. Erotic images came into my mind, Crewe on top of me as he thrust into me. He was the first thing I thought about once I became turned on, and I suspected that was because I’d been sleeping with him for months.
Nothing more meaningful than that.
My original plan was no longer in my mind, and now I just enjoyed the feel of my fingers. I writhed on the bed and closed my eyes, my back arching and my nipples hardening as they pointed to the ceiling. I couldn’t catch my breath, and I felt the heat sear my body.
“Jesus fucking Christ…” Crewe finally left his side of the bed and crawled on top of me. His hips separated my thighs, and he pointed his rock-hard dick at my entrance. His thick head pushed forward before sliding completely inside me.
My hands gripped the back of his shoulders, and I moaned when I felt him between my legs. “Crewe…”
He pressed his mouth to mine and gave me a hard kiss, full of tongue and the kind of passion I wanted from him. His hand dug into my hair, and he fisted it aggressively, claiming me as his. “That was the hottest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.”
I spoke between kisses. “I prefer you to my fingers any day.”
He moaned against my mouth. “Lovely…”
“I’ve been waiting for you to come home all evening… I need you.”
He breathed against my mouth, his cock pulsing deep inside me.
My hands moved down his powerful chest as I felt his lips with mine. My hips rocked slightly, feeling him stretch my soaked pussy. “Fuck me slowly.” My hands moved up his shoulders to the back of his head. His strands slid through the openings in my fingers. “Kiss me. Make me come.”