Page 34 of The Lone Wolf (Wolf 3)
My hand moved to his, and I gave it a gentle squeeze, my heart releasing the deadly toxins it had absorbed from his malice. Now, it seemed like things were really different, like we were a team.
His hand squeezed mine in return. “I didn’t throw up, right?”
“No. You don’t remember?”
“I remember you picking me up but not much else.”
“Why were you drinking so much, anyway?”
“It was a long day. I had a lot of work to do at the office, and then I met Charles in the city. Whenever I meet anybody, there’s always a lot of drinking involved. Then I met up with Kent at a bar…and that was a terrible idea. I’m a heavy drinker who handles my liquor well. Never really crossed that line before. But somehow, it happened last night. When I hit my threshold, it was too late… I was long gone.”
“I think you need to sober up for a week to give your liver a break.”
“Yeah…I’m sick of scotch anyway.”
“Wow, you really must have learned your lesson.”
“Of course I did,” he said. “The whole thing is embarrassing. How can a man take care of his wife if he’s so drunk, he can’t take care of himself?”
“Because he’s a human being who can make mistakes too. Relationships aren’t one-dimensional. It’s about giving and taking. It was one of the few times you needed me, and I was glad I could be there for you. You’ve done so much for me…” He’d saved my life multiple times and became the rock underneath my feet. He supported me in every way possible, from cradling my heart to holding my hand.
“But I was happy to do those things.”
“I know.”
He grabbed his coffee again and took another drink. “First time I’ve had breakfast in bed. Abigail must have known it was bad.”
“She knows you pretty well.” I watched him drink, watched his throat tighten and shift as he let the warm liquid fall into his stomach. He drank half of it before he returned it to the tray. “So…Sabrina wanted to jump your bones?”
Maverick looked across the room, his eyes settling on the flames that burned in the fireplace. “Did you start this?”
“That’s pretty impressive. Logs are pretty heavy.”
“And I’m pretty strong. Don’t change the subject.”
He grinned slightly but still avoided my gaze. “What do you want me to say?”
“The truth.”
“Yes…she wanted to sleep with me. Now, what’s for breakfast?”
I’d hated that woman the moment I saw her touch my husband on the arm. It was obvious she was a seducer the second I looked at her. She fished for affection from all the men around her, wanting their obsession because it kicked up her validation. She’d already slept with Maverick, but she wanted him more—just because she couldn’t have him. “Is that her type? Married men?”
He shrugged. “I think she prefers powerful men with fat wallets.”
“Well, this powerful man and his fat wallet are taken.”
He turned his gaze back to me, a ghost of a smile on his lips. “Yes…they are.” He looked into my eyes, his brown eyes shifting back and forth as he watched jealousy turn into annoyance. When I got like this, I was easy to read. “She lost her husband years ago, and she’s been shopping for a replacement.”
“Then she needs to stick to bachelors.”
“She wants the best of the best. Their marital status doesn’t matter.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Most men have affairs. It’s not that surprising.”
There was nothing less attractive in a man. Sneaking around and lying about his whereabouts to have a mistress made him less of a man. At least Maverick was up front about his intentions. Now he seemed to be a truly devoted husband. He wore his wedding ring everywhere he went and carried my ring on a chain. I could see it now, lying against his bare chest. “You aren’t like that…”
“No, I’m not.” He grabbed my hand again and rested it on his lap. “And I will be faithful every day for the rest of my life. Not because I’m bound to be, but because I want to be. I could be crazy drunk, and I still wouldn’t do it.”
My anger toward him was fading more and more. Evaporating like water on a summer day, my temper was slowly dissipating. That anger was being replaced by affection at an equal rate. I didn’t want us to be divided any longer. I wanted us to try to be husband and wife…to give this a real shot.
“Please.” He pulled me closer to him, bringing our faces close together. “You said you would try. Please try for me.”
He was the most irresistible first thing in the morning like this, with tousled hair and a sleepy gaze. His tight frame was so warm and inviting. His strong body looked even sexier when my wedding ring hung down his chest, like he was carrying a torch for me. My arm circled around his waist, and I pressed my face into his neck. “Okay…I will.”