Page 56 of The Wolf and His Wife (Wolf 2)
The show was over an hour later, and the lights came on as we rose to our feet. Now, proper introductions were made. I introduced my wife to the few people who hadn’t met her yet, and everyone else who did know her was thrilled to see her once more.
We were escorted to a private room in the back of the theater, a fancy dining hall where the aristocrats used to have their private meals after the conclusion of the show. High-top tables were everywhere, and large windows gave prime views of the city. Waiters passed with glasses of champagne and trays appetizers.
She sipped her champagne and watched the occupancy of the room rise, more people from our party joining us. “I never expected a man like you to attend so many parties. You seem like someone who would be home every single night if he had the choice.”
“Networking is the most important aspect of business.” It was how I got eighty percent of my business, just from a mere introduction. Other acquaintances vouched for me, and then my credibility was established. “But you’re right.” I took a sip of my champagne. “I hate this shit.”
“Good thing you have me. I think I’m a little more approachable.”
She was definitely my better half. “A lot more, actually.” My arm curled around her waist as more people came up to us for a chitchat. Everyone recognized her from the opera because going to the theater was the biggest hobby for most of them. They got lost in conversation, and naturally, I was forgotten.
I didn’t mind. If I could be a fly on the wall, I would be.
I excused myself to get another drink, but I never made it to the bar.
Standing in the corner making small talk with someone was the seven-foot asshole I hated.
His eyes shifted to mine, and he raised his glass like he was giving a toast. His pearly white teeth reflected the light from the chandelier. They were so bright, it was obvious they weren’t real. He’d had dentures put in his mouth long ago after all his teeth got punched out.
He was probably armed, but so was I.
I remained calm and didn’t seem the least bit offended by his presence. I continued to the bar, ordered my drink like everything was fine, and then made my way over just as his guest stepped away.
“Nice party.” His flute of champagne was particularly small in his large grasp. He downed it until it was empty then placed it on a passing tray. His hands slid into his pockets as he surveyed the guests at the party.
Knowing he was only twenty feet from my wife made my blood boil. I knew what he’d tried to do to her, how he intended to use her to line his pockets with gold. The anger was so paramount that I was motionless. All I could do was stare at him. The second I reached for my gun, he would reach for his—and a lot of people would die.
“Your wife looks good in diamonds.”
“Because she is a diamond.”
He chuckled. “That’s a good way to put it.”
“What’s your plan? Take her in front of three hundred people?”
“No. If I made a scene, I would never get invited again.”
How did he get invited to begin with? “I have a feeling you weren’t given an invitation in the first place.”
He smiled, showing his obnoxiously white teeth. “Just talk like you’re rich, and people think you’re rich. That’s all you have to do to survive at these hoity-toity social parties.” When another waiter walked by, he snapped his fingers to get his attention then took a drink off the tray. “Then you can have all the free food and booze you want.”
“I doubt you’re in a position where you need free anything.”
“I don’t know…Arwen’s father hit me pretty hard. The bank repossessed his homes and antiques, so I was left with nothing.” Now that the subject had been broached, it turned hostile. His eyes were on me, full of warning. My instinct was to get Arwen out of there, but being surrounded by three hundred people was the safest place she could be. And since I was there, I could keep eyes on him at all times. “Maverick, I don’t want it to be this way. You and your father are good men.” His hand moved to my shoulder, and he squeezed like we were old friends.
I pushed off his hand. “Touch me again, and I’ll stab that flute into your neck.”
He brushed off the threat like it was of no consequence at all. “We both know how this is going to go. A lot of men are going to die. A lot of resources will be wasted. If we spend too much time focused on each other, we won’t notice what our other enemies are doing. I’ve already offered to pay you generously. So, take the money, and let’s end this.”