Page 31 of The Wolf and His Wife (Wolf 2)
Kent rambled on about shit that happened at work. “The guy wouldn’t pay, and I nearly pulled my knife on him…but then sense hit him hard in the skull.” He drank from his glass then glanced at the two women in the corner. He was in a gray blazer with black jeans, his hair dark like mine. He was easy to pick up women with because he had a lot to offer.
I kept looking into my glass, my mind a million miles away.
Kent kept looking at the women. “I wouldn’t mind a blow job from one of them, but that’s about it.”
I hadn’t even looked at them.
Kent turned back to me when I didn’t say anything. “Something on your mind?”
“My sister is still in rehab, and my father wants to kill me… I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“Then kill him first. There’s your solution.”
I despised my father for a lot of reasons, but the idea of killing him didn’t sit right with me. In my twisted brain, I still believed he could come back from this dark place…somehow. Even if he really would kill me if he had the chance, I wasn’t sure if I could do the same to him. I didn’t possess much compassion, but it felt inherently wrong to murder my own kin. “That’s not the solution I want.”
“Then try talking to him.”
“He won’t listen.”
“Then we’re back to square one…kill him.”
That seemed to be my only alternative.
“And he wants to kill your wife too?”
He wasn’t the only one. “He mainly wants her dead… He’d probably spare me if I didn’t get in his way.”
“Dude, your dad is a psychopath.”
“I know.”
He shook his head and took another drink. “I understand he lost his wife, but how does someone flip a switch like that?”
That was the reason my finger didn’t squeeze the trigger. I still remembered the kind man he used to be like it was yesterday…because it really wasn’t that long ago. Lily and I used to come over every Sunday for dinner. My father and I would talk about work or sports, and Lily and my mother would bake cookies in the kitchen after work. I never really appreciated it until it was gone. Now, all the members of my family had disappeared…and I only had Arwen. She carried my last name and seemed loyal to me, so I guess she was family.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Maverick. There’s no easy solution. But letting it continue until he makes a move is no solution either…unless you don’t care if he kills your wife.”
Killing my wife would solve all of my problems—every single one. But she was the one thing that was worth protecting. She’d become my friend, my ally. She was the star of every party I took her to…and the bigger star in my bed. She was a good person and didn’t deserve the wrath of those evil men, and that meant I had to protect her. “I do care.”
Kent ran his fingers along the rim of his glass. “How’s that going?”
“You know what.”
I didn’t share any details about our relationship because it felt wrong. I wanted to protect her privacy. She was also my wife…and I didn’t want to talk about fucking her to someone else. “It’s fine.”
“Fine?” he asked. “I figured it would be more than fine with a woman like that.”
I took a long drink. “Let’s talk about something else.”
Kent smiled slightly. “Alright.” He turned back to the women at the bar. “You want the brunette, and I get the blonde?” He’d just said he didn’t find them that attractive, but we weren’t picky on nights like this. It was obviously a test, to see exactly where I stood.
I glanced at them, thoroughly unimpressed. The more my eyes wandered to the tail in this city, the more I realized how special my wife was. She had legs for days, tits perfect for sucking, and she was an incredible lover. Made everyone seem plain by comparison.
“Maverick?” Kent pressed me into an answer.
I took another drink and let the booze burn my throat. “Sure.”
I walked in the door late that night and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the pantry and filled it with water. After all the booze I’d had, I needed something pure. I let the water drip down my throat and cleanse the alcohol from my blood.
Abigail revealed herself from the other side of the room, her hair in a braid with pajamas on her body. She could be dead asleep, but if she knew someone was in the kitchen, her eyes popped wide open. “Long night?”
I finished my glass of water then left it on the counter next to the sink. “A bit.”
“Can I make you something?”
“No. Not hungry.” I’d sat at the bar and listened to the brunette drone on about whatever she was talking about. When she grabbed my thigh, I pulled away. When she tried to kiss me, I rejected her on instinct. Kent went home with the blonde, and I left the bar alone.