Page 7 of The Wolf and the Sheep (Wolf 1)
“Everything.” My chest tightened because air was too painful for my lungs. My life had been so simple a week ago. I’d had a family fortune that would keep me and future generations wealthy until the time stopped, but now I was penniless. My father squandered everything we had—including his life.
“What are you talking about?”
I didn’t cry because I refused to shed tears. The last time I’d sobbed my heart out was at my mother’s funeral, and it hurt so much that I vowed never to do it again. Crying made me feel weak, made me feel useless. It didn’t solve the problem, and it only made me pathetic. “My father just told me he lost everything…all of our wealth.”
Dante was still as he stared at me, as if what I’d said was so ridiculous, he couldn’t believe it. “What? How?”
“He didn’t give me any specifics.” And it didn’t matter either. Whatever he pissed away our money on didn’t matter anymore. Our bank accounts were empty, and our debtors would still come to collect.
“But your family is worth a fortune. How could he just spend it all?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know…I really don’t.” I’d wanted Dante to come over tonight not for interrogation, but for comforting. But I had to tell him this horrific news, how our lives were about to change forever. “He said he was marrying me off to someone because it’s the only way he can protect me…” I knew that would be the worst piece of news, the revelation that would affect us the most. Dante and I hadn’t been together long, but the sparks were flying. It seemed like we could have a future together…if we were together long enough to experience it.
Dante’s concern slowly stretched away, replaced by a stony look. As if it were a defense mechanism not to react, he kept his feelings bottled deep inside. That boyish charm was gone, and there was only devastation in its wake.
“He said a lot of dangerous men will hunt him down, and unless I want to run for the rest of my life, I don’t have a choice. I guess this man is powerful enough that I’ll be untouchable…at least, that’s what he says.”
“Who’s the guy?”
I rolled my eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not marrying him.”
“If you aren’t marrying him, then what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know… We’ll run to France. I still have relatives there.”
“Then isn’t that the first place they’ll look? Will your relatives be safe?” He was speaking reason, but I didn’t want to hear any logic right now.
I grabbed the bottle from the table and took another drink.
Dante kept watching me with his pretty eyes. “Who is he?”
“Maverick DeVille…whoever the fuck that is.”
Dante’s eyes narrowed in recognition. “I recognize that name. His family owns a cheese business outside of Florence. It’s been in their family since the days of kings.”
“My father wants me to marry a guy who smells like cheese?” I asked incredulously, not the least bit impressed with his family wealth. “If he made wine, then at least he would be somewhat useful. But cheese?” I made a disgusted face. “This is not happening. And how does that make him powerful?”
Dante’s eyes lowered as he considered the question. “A lot of wealthy families have ties to the underworld. Maybe he uses the business to launder his money. He’s not the first one… Sounds like your father did the same.”
Why did rich people waste their wealth trying to get richer in sleazy ways? “This is a nightmare. I keep thinking I’ll wake up any second, but I never do.” My hair was a mess because I’d been fisting it all night, making it frizzy because I kept yanking on it and spinning my fingers through the strands.
Dante didn’t absorb the information quickly. He sighed quietly to himself then moved toward the large window, thinking about the load of turmoil I’d just dropped on him. Our relationship wouldn’t survive what was coming. We couldn’t run away together because we would get caught. And if we got caught…we would both die.
I refused to marry Maverick, but I had no other options.
But I was more stubborn than a mule, inheriting a decisive attitude from my mother. I didn’t take orders like a good soldier. I wanted to be the general, to call out the orders and watch lesser men obey me.
My father wanted me to sacrifice everything I believed in by marrying this stranger.
But I’d rather die…
Bernadette had drifted off to sleep beside me. Her leg was tucked in between mine, and her palm was flattened against my hard stomach. Her parted lips rested against my hot skin, still wet from our kisses. Her breathing was slow and steady, implying she would sleep in such a state of peace that she may never leave.