Page 28 of The Wolf and the Sheep (Wolf 1)
Dante’s hand smoothed over the back of my hair, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’m so sorry…”
My wedding ring was so heavy on my hand that I never got used to it, so I was always aware of the commitment I’d made to Maverick. But it was all just a meaningless display so I could kiss this man without feeling guilty.
Dante tilted my head back and kissed me on the lips. “Is there anything I can do?”
I pressed my lips tightly together and shook my head. “No…it’ll happen any minute now.”
He continued to run his fingers through my hair, consoling me in whatever way he could manage. After he held me by the door for thirty minutes, we took a seat together at my father’s bedside.
Dante held my hand, his fingers careful not to touch the large diamond on my ring finger. “How was the wedding?”
I shrugged. “Beautiful…but meaningless.”
“Is Maverick good to you?”
He was spiteful and aggressive, but not a complete dick. He had his good moments…and his bad moments. But it could be worse. He could be violent with me. When I’d said I wasn’t there to sleep with him, he could have easily forced me…but he didn’t. He didn’t control my life, giving me the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted. I didn’t have any right to complain. “Yes.”
Dante continued to hold my hand, our fingers interlocked on his thigh. There was nothing he could say to ease the pain of losing my father, of becoming some man’s wife. All we had was this moment together—and nothing more. We just sat together, holding on to our connection before it was extinguished forever.
Minutes later, Maverick walked inside. He was dressed in his usual attire, dark jeans and a t-shirt. A watch sat on his wrist, but that was the only jewelry he wore. His boots thudded against the floor as he made his entrance. His gaze went to Dante first, probably recognizing him from my bedroom a few weeks ago.
Dante lifted his head and looked at him, tensing noticeably when he guessed exactly who he was.
Maverick stared at him for several seconds, noting the way our hands were joined together at my father’s bedside. He looked at me next then moved to the other side of the bed. He slipped his hands into his pockets and watched my father.
I felt the tension rise in the room as the two men breathed the same air. Dante disliked Maverick because he was married to me, but his hatred didn’t run deeper since he was good to me. But it was still awkward for him anyway, especially when I continued to wear my beautiful diamond ring.
Maverick seemed indifferent to him, but I knew him enough to understand he didn’t like Dante in the room. His mood was dark, his silence profound. His displeasure was so obvious that I was certain Dante could feel it.
I knew it would only get worse until one of them left. “Dante, I’ll call you later.”
Dante pulled his hand away and didn’t argue. “Alright.” He leaned in and kissed me on the mouth.
I kissed him back.
Then he left the room.
Maverick continued to stand there, watching my father sleep.
I stared at him, waiting for him to have some kind of an outburst.
But he didn’t say anything about Dante. “He’s not looking too good.”
“He doesn’t have much time left.”
He looked at the monitor and checked his vitals like he understood what any of it meant. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“You’ve already done enough for me, Maverick.” He paid for my father to stay in the hospital, and for a room like this, it was probably ten thousand euros every single day. It was a generous offer, regardless of how rich he was.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t mean it.” He finally turned his gaze toward me, watching me, his powerful shoulders straight. He filled out his clothes well, all the muscles pulling the fabric in just the right ways. I’d seen him shirtless once before—and the man was ripped. I’d love to watch water drip down all the grooves of his abs before it made it into his happy trail. He looked just as hard as he’d felt against my fingertips.
“I know. But you’ve already been so generous.”
Compliments bounced off this man like air particles. They never broke the skin and penetrated deep inside him. He was incapable of accepting anything positive and always responded cynically. “Dante doesn’t care that you’re married?”
It was an odd question—and very sexist. “Do your ladies care that you’re married?”
His espresso-colored eyes took me in without blinking.
“Our relationship won’t last. Since he can’t marry me, he doesn’t want to be my lover for the rest of our lives. He wants a wife and a family someday…and I can’t give that to him.” I wasn’t necessarily in love with Dante, but I could see it going somewhere. We’d only met a few months ago. Maybe if we had more time, things would be different. It was a lost opportunity, but I didn’t resent Maverick for that. He was just as unhappy about this marriage as I was. There was only one person to blame—but he was about to die. “I suspect that will always be a challenge for me. Men don’t want to be a secret.”