Page 50 of Covetous
Act like a lady? I scowled at him.
“If I’m supposed to be practically invisible, why did you even bring me?”
“Think back on what I first told you and that’s your answer.”
Neither of us said another word. I tried to think back on all the warped shit he’d said to me. One line flashed through my head–the part of his speech that had stuck with me ever since he explained the document I signed.
Be what he needs me to be. But what if I couldn’t do that?
Eventually, he turned off onto a private road and approached a neighborhood that could only be described as extreme upper-class. There didn’t seem to be a ton of houses in the gated community, but that was because they took up too much space.
Pierce maneuvered his car around a moving truck and slowed at a set of iron gates. A large, intricate R was embellished on the front of them. I recognized it immediately. We were in Remmington Square…and since Pierce could never shock me just a little bit, he had to go all out by taking me to their actual goddamn house.
“The Remmingtons? Are you freaking kidding me?”
“Now you know why I warned you,” he commented as the gates swung open for his car to pass through.
If my nerves were unstable before, they were now all over the place. I wasn’t afraid of much, and I knew what went on behind the scenes, but the Remmingtons were at the tippy top of the power chain. They were like a mini fucking Rothschild. Their bloodline went way back and was spread out all over the place. Some had begun to use alias names to remain anonymous in their ploys.
The fact Pierce knew them well enough to drive to one of their homes and go inside did not sit well with me. I knew he did some unsavory things and dealt with some questionable people. But this? I was ready to high-tail it out of his car and foot it back home. These people didn’t operate on the same level as the suits in our world, they were worse. Much worse, with their own playing field.
How did Pierce manage to mix the two?
He parked, cut the ignition, got out, and came around to open my door, still not saying a word.
“Who the hell are you?” I absentmindedly asked, staring at his offered hand.
“I’m yours.”
I blinked, swearing I’d just misheard him. He reached down and grasped my hand, helping me out of the car.
We didn’t have to knock; the door swung open before we even reached it. A man dressed in all black stood before us. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses, and he had a gun in his hand.
“Serban, it’s good to see you, Sir.” a grin broke out on the man’s face, and he quickly stepped aside.
So, he’s more than familiar with them? God, who is he? This went so far beyond the connections Seth had and the things he did.
I hated to even admit it to myself, but somehow I just knew I was about to be dragged further into a conspiracy of bullshit.
The home was massive, gleaming marble floors, cathedral style ceilings, and expensive furniture that matched the dark jewel-colored tones of the rest of the house.
I didn’t get to look around for a long. A throat cleared, and I glanced over to see a man in a charcoal colored suit coming towards us.
Pierce took my hand in his and introduced us.
“Elias, this is Willow,” Pierce said.
Elias. I’d heard that name before. He was one of the notorious Remmington boys.
The younger brother if memory served me correctly. It was hard to hold his eyes, they were nearly as intense as Pierce’s. He studied me for a few silent seconds before what looked like approval reflected back at me.
“For one of Louie’s, she’s gorgeous.” Elias spoke directly over my head. I furrowed my brows. Who was Louie? Glancing at Pierce for some clarification, his gaze was locked with Elias’. Some type of silent communication was going on. It dawned on me that he was keeping this from me as well. Surprise, surprise.
“Come, let’s go to the study. Mateo is waiting,” Elias said.
Mateo—Mateo Remmington. A tremor ran up my spine. I did not want to be alone in a room with the three of them and whatever secret they shared.
The last time I was alone with a good-looking, dangerous man, he wrapped his hand around my throat and kidnapped me.
Whatever this whole shebang was that had to do with me, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know anymore—unless it was still about Seth, who may or may not have killed my sister, and who also said Pierce was a liar. Why was everything so fucking complicated?
My hand was warm and held tightly inside Pierce’s. We walked down a long hall to where an open pair of doors was. Inside the room were tall bookshelves, a lit fireplace, russet brown leather furniture, and a huge desk. Mateo rose when we entered.