Page 41 of Covetous
This man had issues.
“You’re missing my point. You think he’s going to just give me a ride? Run off with your new fiancé? I see how everyone looks at you; they’re afraid.” He smiled as if I’d just given him a compliment. His twisted sense of humor was not nearly as amusing from my point of view.
“He’s a ballsy sonofabitch. He’ll do it.” He shrugged, nodding at someone across the room.
Before I could turn to see who it was, he had me by the shoulders in some kind of bear hug.
“I need you to make a scene. Shouldn’t be too hard, con–.”
My knee connected with his balls before he could finish. He made a sound in his throat that sounded like a choked laugh. I shoved away from him and quickly pulled my dress down from where it had risen from the small movement. I said the first thing that popped in my head for added effect. “You selfish asshole!”
Turning on my heel, I saw more than a few people gawking at us and had to bite my inner cheek not to laugh. A few jokingly taunted Pierce about hormonal women. From my peripheral, I saw Jason watching me.
Taking a deep breath, I walked up the stairs and turned the opposite direction, heading down the hall.
I had no idea where to go so fortunately Jason didn’t waste any time getting my attention.
When he said my name, I looked over my shoulder and pretended I didn’t know he’d started following me. We were the only people upstairs and while I wasn’t nervous or scared this whole thing made me uncomfortable.
“Oh, Mr. Garter. Hi.” I gave him what I hoped was an innocent smile.
“Call me Jason, Willow. I’ve known you long enough. Are you okay?” His concern seemed genuine but based on the way he was looking at me, I was positive it was his other head doing the talking for him.
“I’m all right; he was just acting like himself. If you know Pierce, then you know how big of an asshole he can be,” I laughed.
“Aren’t you about to marry him next month?” He quirked brow and laughed.
Holy fuck. We were getting married in four weeks?
“I’m only doing it to piss off my father. Call it a wild act of rebellion.” I saved face. At least, I hoped I did. I wasn’t sure what to say to this guy.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He placed his hand on my lower arm, giving me a serious look. I caught movement over his shoulder. Enrique, Pierce’s cousin, stood watching us. He gave me what looked like a thumbs up before going down the stairs.
Jason started to turn to see what I was looking at but I grabbed his hand, bringing his attention right back to me.
“I’d love to talk, but not here. Eyes…and ears,” I whispered, indicating the people below.
Jason nodded, understanding written all over his face. “I know a way out where we won’t be seen if you want a ride home.” He smiled.
This was way too easy. Jason was an idiot. How couldn’t he tell this was a set-up? A man like Pierce would never actually let me leave without a guard or himself by my side.
“Really?” I questioned, still playing my role.
“Yeah, come on.” He reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me further down the hall. We approached a set of large double glass doors that led to a balcony. Without looking to see who may be around, he pushed them open and led me outside.
True to his word, there were two sets of stairs leading to the lower level on either side.
“You still wanna leave?”
Not with you. I wanted to go back inside, find Pierce, demand he take me home, and get answers to my growing list of questions. But I didn’t have that option.
“Yes,” I lied. “Let’s go.”
I watched him from the corner of my eye, keeping my main focus on the street signs. His large SUV drove smoothly. Another was behind us; he said they were his security, which made zero sense to me. Shouldn’t he have been in the truck with them, or vice versa?
“You’re kind of brave to offer me a ride,” I said, attempting to break some of the silence.
“Pierce doesn’t scare me,” Jason laughed.
He should.
How could no one else see how loony the man was? Jason chuckled and shook his head, placing a hand on my knee. He wasn’t a bad looking guy in the slightest, but he did nothing for me. His brown eyes needed to be blue, blonde hair black, and he lacked in the muscle department. My ovaries weren’t exploding just by looking at him.
The further he drove, the more my nerves wore down. Nothing but wheat fields surrounded us. We were on a long, lone country road and only two cars had passed us, both heading in the opposite direction.