Page 22 of Covetous
The longer I was alone, the more I noticed how insanely clean Pierce was. Not a speck of dust or crumb was in sight, the floor was insanely shiny, and even the damn groceries seemed to be put away in order.
His closet was nothing but a capsule wardrobe. Dress shirts in dark gray, black, navy, and white hung in color-coordinated rows. We were total opposites. I was lucky to find half my clothes in my closet on a good day.
As day turned to night, a light rain began to fall. Shortly after, it was a full-blown thunderstorm and the power went out. There wasn’t anything comparable to being stuck in a giant dark house in the middle of the woods. By the time Pierce arrived, my paranoia was at an all-time high.
He entered the house carrying two large brown paper bags and another large bag that read Agent Provocateur on the front of it.
He glanced at me sitting on the couch and took his bags to the kitchen. I got up and trailed after him, like a puppy that had been alone for too long.
“How long have you been in the dark?”
“Forever!” I answered, on the verge of hysteria.
He paused and looked at me. I could see the amusement on his face. “Are you afraid of the dark?”
“Sometimes.” I didn’t tell him this was because of my horror movie obsession.
“There is never a reason to be afraid of the dark. Monsters don’t disappear in the light.” He bent down and opened the cabinet beneath the sink, leaving me to turn his statement over in my head.
Was he talking about himself? The heart. I didn’t want to bring it up. What if he got upset that I’d found it?
“Go shower and put this on, minus the robe.”
He stood and thrust two bags into my arms, with a flashlight balanced on top of them. “You have fifteen minutes.”
He turned away again and ignored me altogether. The sex in his office seemed almost like a distant dream. If it wasn’t for the ache between my legs, I might have thought it was. I watched him, feeling more confused than ever before.
His suit was still perfectly pressed, he moved with confidence like he didn’t have a care in the world. I wanted to grab hold of my shoulders and shake myself for being so attracted to him.
“Ten minutes,” he stated, still not looking at me.
“What happens after ten minutes?”
“Then I do it for you.” That didn’t scare me. He didn’t scare me. I’d dealt with a real monster before, and Pierce wasn’t one. Even if he did have a heart in the freezer. Because that sounds logical.
I wanted answers more than I wanted to test him, so I clicked on my flashlight and wandered down the hall into the main bathroom.
Flipping the bags upside down on the vanity, I found one held hygiene products, the other lingerie. I picked up a black mesh chemise and matching G-string. This is what he wanted me to wear? Seriously?
Whatever; what would griping and whining about some lingerie get me? Surely not a ride back to my father’s. I was trying to be smart about this, but I had no idea how to go about doing that. There wasn’t exactly a handbook written on how to act when you’ve been kidnapped. Throwing myself on the floor and crying wasn’t an option.
Maybe someone else would have decided now was the time to prove they had lady balls. That was idiotic at best.
Fight Pierce?
Yeah, right.
I wasn’t a pushover, and I could handle myself in a brawl just fine without resorting to cat scratches and hair pulling, but I wasn’t delusional, either. He could hand my ass to me on a silver platter. Last night was a lesson learned. Plus, did I really want to provoke him? No.
Beg him to let me go? I’m sure that worked for about zero percent of people who were kidnapped.
By the time I’d showered and brushed my teeth and hair, I knew ten minutes had well elapsed. Dressing quickly, still not giving a shit about what I had on, I crept back down the hall to the kitchen, stopping when I saw Pierce staring into the freezer. He looked lost in his own little world.
I was debating if I should run down the hall and lock myself in the bathroom or play it off like I had no idea there was an entire human organ in his freezer.
The choice was made for me when he finally glanced over and saw I was watching him.
“Come here,” he gruffly commanded, making no effort to move away from the refrigerator.
Telling myself to get my shit together, I steeled my spine and went to him. I stopped mere inches from him, tilting my head up so I could investigate his face. He took his time letting his gaze sweep over my body, studying me like I was a rare artifact. When the blue eyes that kept haunting me finally met mine, I couldn’t deny I liked what I saw in them.