Page 17 of Covetous
“If you would have put one of us on her, she would be here.” One of his men snapped at him. I coughed to cover up a chuckle that escaped.
Pissed off, and now embarrassed, Seth stopped pacing and aimed his gun at the man’s head. Aside from Abigail, no one in the room so much as flinched when the bullet hit his chest. I raised my brows at his emotional unraveling. He was such a fool. If half his men weren’t working for me, that would have cost him most of their loyalty.
“Does she have contact with her mother, maybe she ran off with a boyfriend?”
I shifted in my chair, fishing for information I couldn’t find.
Seth opened his mouth to respond, glanced at Abigail, and thought better of it.
“Let’s go get some air,” Jax volunteered, helping the troubled girl from her chair. As soon as they were out of the large dining room, Seth ordered the doors be shut. The body slumped on the floor was ignored.
“I gauged the bitch’s eyes out and fed her to the swine,” he answered bitterly. I had to give him props; that was damn creative. My curiosity was piqued. That was such a personal way to kill someone.
“And the boyfriend?” I tried to keep my tone neutral, irritated that his answer had the ability to bother me on any level.
“Willow doesn’t like boys. I’ve never seen her so much as bat an eye at someone with a dick,” Seth scoffed.
His answer pleased me tremendously. I refrained from telling him just how much his daughter liked cock. Specifically, mine.
Glancing out the window, I saw it was nightfall and silently cursed. I hadn’t intended to leave Willow alone all day.
“Mr. Borgia, I will do all I can to help you find your daughter.” Comfortably lying through my teeth, I rose from my chair, only half listening to his response. The drive home was at least thirty minutes, and I was looking forward to how this night ended.
I had dozed off on the sofa.
When I woke up disoriented, the house was dark, and I was still alone.
Maybe ten minutes had rolled by when I heard a car door slam shut. Scrambling over the back of the couch, I darted into a darkened corner and hunched down, sweating bullets as I waited for the door to open. Something beeped and a soft red light blinked a few times. The stupid box that made the house Fort Knox.
Pierce entered seconds later, his silhouette signaling the arrival of the bogeyman. He paused in the doorway, then turned and started making his way towards the stairs. I waited until his footsteps faded, took a breath, and then ran for it. I had just grasped the brass door handle when a strong arm shot out and dragged me backward.
I landed with an “Oomph,” on my ass. Pierce moved so that he was in front of me, crouching down so we were level.
“This will go much easier if you’re compliant, Rebel.” His voice was cold, indifferent almost. I felt as if I were seeing him for the first time. This wasn’t the Pierce I had shared my body with; this was the Pierce who was known as a ruthless killer. And I’d happily spread my legs for him.
Visions of me locked in a cage or chained to a wall had my fight or flight response going into overdrive.
I kicked him right between his legs. My foot connected with his dick, and I scrambled backward.
Pierce let out a grunt and grabbed me by the ankles, flipping me around so I was on my stomach. I slammed my elbow into him, causing pain to explode up my arm. I was certain it hurt me way more than it hurt him.
His weight crushed me to the hard floor and knocked the breath out of my lungs.
“Stop moving,” he sighed.
“Fuck you!” I snarled, unable to flip back around.
“I plan for you to.” He sounded amused now. Stuck on my belly, I used the only defense mechanism I had left.
He hissed sharply as I bit into his wrist like a dog with a bone.
“Ow!” I cried out as he took a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back. It felt like the strands were going to separate from my scalp.
“I don’t want to hurt you right now, Rebel, but you’re testing my patience.” His voice shook with restrained anger.
Not wanting to call his bluff, I went still. That’s when I felt it, his hard dick pressing into my back. My compromising position became all too apparent. The robe had fallen open. It was bunched around my hips, exposing my bare ass. I could almost feel Pierce struggling with indecision behind me.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I cursed the fucking voice in my head begging for him to do it. I sagged in partial relief when he moved away.