Page 10 of Covetous
“My panties would literally be soaking right now because of you, but sadly, I’m not wearing any.”
Without waiting to see his reaction, I brushed past him and headed back towards the crowd of wedding guests. I knew I was flirting with disaster, but I no longer gave a shit.
Crickets chirped, fireflies buzzed about, and the wedding still raged on. I’d danced with a bunch of suits, the bride, and took some complimentary shots before wandering off.
I had my heels in one hand and a glass of coke and rum in the other. No one cared if I drank; I could do almost anything aside from selling my ass for dollar bills, and no one would bat an eye. I wandered off to another private gazebo, seeking some quiet and a place to rest without being bombarded by stupid questions.
I got a solid ten minutes of the peace I was seeking before footsteps alerted me that I had company. Without opening my eyes, I knew it was him. His cologne gave him away every time.
“I’m starting to think you’re following me, Pierce.” Opening my eyes, I was met with a sexy grin.
He lifted my outstretched legs from the wooden bench and sat down, settling them on his lap.
“Maybe I am. Does that bother you?” He rested a hand on my knee land I had to suppress a shudder.
“Um…no?” I hadn’t expected him to admit or reply to that.
“Even if you hated it, I couldn’t stop. Your father asked me to keep an eye on you,” he confessed, starting to trace imaginary patterns into my skin.
“I’m not a little kid,” I sighed, fighting off a groan. His fingers were heavenly.
“I think that’s the point. You’ve always been a handful. I suspect that’s only gotten worse. And should you really be drinking?” His brows raised when he realized I had a glass of liquor in my hand.
“Don’t worry, Pierce. I’m not going to try and straddle you again.”
“That’s a shame. I swore you said you didn’t have anything on under your dress.”
A laugh slipped out. “When did it become appropriate for us to talk like this? If you think this is going to make me email you, it’s not.”
“I already told you, you deserve more than that. And we’ve never been appropriate. Do you remember the fair?”
“Oh, my God.” I covered my face with my hands to hide my grin.
“You challenged me to see who could win the most prizes.” His smile was infectious, his eyes swallowing me. I probably should have removed his hand from my legs, been terrified of being caught like this. But I didn’t. I wasn’t. I liked this. It had been so long since we’d sat and talked to one another– though before, we weren’t throwing out sexual flirtations.
“I remember. You cheated by intimidating everyone.”
I laughed, remembering the way he walked right up to the vendors and demanded the biggest prizes they had. Those poor men and women were terrified.
At the end of the day, all I had was a penguin whose eye was about to pop off, and a permanent glare on my face.
The other suits thought this turn of events was hilarious. I’d been pissed up until Pierce gave me every single prize and bought me a funnel cake loaded with powdered sugar goodness. I still had all twenty-six stuffed animals in the back of my closet.
“I liked seeing you smile.” He looked at me and all the oxygen evaporated from the air. This was the laid-back Pierce. The one I adored when he let his devil horns disappear for a while.
“Well, I like when you decide to smile. Your sexy smile, though, not your demented one.” Did I really just say that?
“You’re sweet, Rebel.” He looked at me with a warmth in his eyes I’d never seen before. His hand started to move up my leg, gradually growing closer to the hem of my dress.
Stop him. I didn’t.
I kept my eyes locked with his before dropping them to his lips. I could always blame it on the alcohol, right? Leaning forward, I reached out and rested a hand on his cheek. He turned his head and kissed my open palm.
My heart was pounding in my chest. I so badly wanted him to touch me. Wanted him period. Gripping his hand, I slid it all the way up my thigh, straight to where I wanted him.
“Little minx,” he teased, wasting no time rubbing his fingers up and down my slit.
Somehow, I did end up straddling him.
Not sure how that happened.
I sucked in a quiet breath as his fingers pushed inside me.
The slight stretching sensation gradually faded as he began to move them at a steady pace. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth to stop moans from spilling out of my mouth, burying my face in the crook of his neck, gripping his suit tightly in my hands.