Page 7 of Sharing Her
I turned to kiss Brett on the lips, flashing my sparkling engagement rings with a playful smile.
“Careful what you wish for, Brett,” I say. “Forever is a long time.”
Catering To Her
“You look a little lonely, why don’t you join us in here?”
I stop walking and turn my head ever so slightly to look back toward the steaming hot tub, not sure whether that thick, husky voice is talking to me or not. When my eyes fall on the speaker, though, I can’t believe my eyes.
“Yeah, blondie, he’s talking to you,” says the second man with a cocky smile.
Jack Marlowe and Aiden Scott, two of the hottest guys in Hollywood, are soaking in the bubbling, steaming water, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think both of them were absolutely devouring me with their eyes.
I’m just one of the catering girls. My blonde hair is on the curly side and cut well above my shoulders, and I have a curvy frame that suits my modest button-down shirt and skimpy skirt and heels well. The cherry-red lipstick and subtle rose perfume I’m wearing was probably more than was necessary, but I like a little extra effort in my looks. Still, I don’t think I’m Hollywood material.
When I got the call this morning that I was supposed to cater for one of those exclusive Hollywood house parties you only hear about in the tabloids, I couldn’t believe it. Having broken up my good-for-nothing boyfriend who didn’t even bother to pop my cherry last week, I was in the mood for something new and exciting, and this got my heart racing.
When I slipped some of the most expensive, frilly, lacy lingerie on under my professional catering outfit, I assumed it would just be something to give me a boost of confidence.
My risque underwear would be my little secret.
I never expected to turn heads at the party, much less the heads of the two guys I’d spent more than a little time thinking about in my private time in the bathtub.
“Usually,” Aiden says, turning to lean his bare arms against the concrete, “when Jack Marlowe says ‘come’, girls listen.”
“Maybe she’s shy, Aiden,” Jack says. “Or just tired. We’ve been watching her all night, we know how hard she’s been working.”
My heart flutters. Just how much have they been watching me?
“Alright, then come bring some of those drinks over to us,” Aiden says. He hooks his finger and beckons me with a smile that makes my heart melt.
I’ve been a fan of their movies since as long as I can remember. Both these guys are almost ten years older than me, but they look better than anyone my age that I’ve ever met.
Jack has short black hair and the perfect amount of scruff on his face, and his piercing blue eyes are so clear and bright that I feel like they can see right through my clothes.
And I kind of like that idea.
Aiden is the perfect foil to him. He has shaggy blonde hair that makes him look like a surfer, and his face is clean shaven to show off his perfectly tanned skin and deep green eyes.
If you believed the tabloids, Jack was the gruff one with a heart of gold, while Aiden was the forward and fiery one. The idea of finding out whether either is true sends a ripple of excitement up my back.
“What can I get you gentlemen?” I ask in my best server’s tone as I approach them slowly. My heart beats faster as I realize I’m swaying my hips on my way over to them, and both of them grin at the sight.
“Think I’d like a tall drink of you,” Aiden says, and Jack rolls his eyes.
“Couple glasses of champagne, but I want you to join us,” Jack says.
His tone makes it clear that isn’t a suggestion. It is a kind but firm order. My cheeks go red, and I can’t help but smile.
“I might get in trouble for drinking on the job,” I say.
“Are you even legal to drink?” Aiden purr as I approach. As I step close enough to look right down at them, I realize he’s looking up my legs with hungry eyes.
“Would they let me serve if I wasn’t?”
Jack grins at Aiden. “She’s got bite. I like her.”
“I do too,” Aiden muses. “Legs that go on for days, blonde Marilyn Monroe hair