Page 80 of Punishing the Brats
He turned, glancing into our bedroom. “I’m a dick? You’re a pain in my ass! I don’t have time for this.”
“Just look on the damn nightstand.”
I spotted the meat thermometer by the sink and jabbed it into the hunk of meat now stewing in its juices. I watched the tiny needle spin.
Greg appeared in the hallway again, holding the envelope, eyeing
it. He muttered a confused word or two, then read the return address. “Oh, shit.”
He hustled into the living room and sat down on our couch, reading the letter, his shoulders slumped and I read the gesture loud and clear; relief. I moved along the counter to watch him.
He ruffled his hair and exhaled. “Holy shit.”
Somewhere in the distance, a Wookie cried out. He hopped up and darted into our room to retrieve his phone.
“Oh! Hey Terry. Sorry I’m not going to be able to make it tonight. – I’m not actually working with AAA anymore.”
I listened to him there, standing shirtless in our hallway, his tone having shifted from dejected frustration to the lilt of an excited school boy.
“Yeah, actually going into business for myself. – As of today. – I know, right?”
I slipped down the hallway to join him in our room, bending down to grab my clothes from the floor. He slapped my ass, the sting of it causing me to yelp as I scurried out of reach. He returned to the phone as I began to get dressed.
“Seriously? No, absolutely! That sounds great. I’ll touch base with you tomorrow. You got it, Terry. Looking forward to it.”
Greg hung up the phone and chuckled to himself. I waited for him to offer the news, to share this moment of glee that I heard so clearly in his tone.
“So, should I call Mitchell now and tell him to go fuck himself?”
I smiled at him.
“Or should I drag your sorry ass into the shower and punish you some more?”
I smiled and turned for the door, but he was on me before I could escape. He wrapped his arms around me, hoisting me off my feet, and marched down the hall, slamming the bathroom door behind us.
* * *
Also from Delaney Jane
…Only for the Night
By Cecilia Lawrence
Debbie was frustrated. She'd always been sexually charged. Her pussy would tingle and simmer in the back of her mind. Her nipples would harden and ache for her attention. Normally Debbie would masturbate once or twice a day to deal with it, but since she'd been driving the past day and a half she hadn't the chance. It didn't take much, and the constant vibrations of driving the RV were getting to her. It wasn't just the lack of sexual release that frustrated her. It was her lack of direction, not in driving, she knew where she was going. No, it was not having any idea what she wanted to do with her life, no discernible career path, no clear desires to change or impact on the world, fuck she didn't even have a boyfriend. There was something about her that attracted all the wrong sort of assholes. Half the time she wanted to ignore their leery gaze, their stupid opinions, their bullshit excuses and just get some release. But every time she remembered what a real man was like, what she deserved and shoved them away. There again lay the problem. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being directionless, maybe the sniffing dickheads wouldn't, well, seem like such dickheads if she wasn't constantly around her step-brother Brad.
She spared a glance behind her to see his lazy form slouched on the table. Everything he touched turned to gold. Her parents fawned over him, he was so clever, and he was so successful. Who else had to deal with a sibling the same age who figured out how to game the stock market while studying for exams? Now he didn't even need to go to university and he did it so... effortlessly. He was a bit arrogant, though quiet, when pressed he wasn't afraid to throw his opinions around. Even worse his opinions were generally sound, always making her feel silly for not having seen before the world as he shaped it. How many times had Brad's quick thinking, sweet words gotten her out of trouble her fat had barged her into? When she yelled at the driver whose car driving by had 'denied her home run', or when she had thought it would be a funny prank to throw flour on their classmates in home EC not realizing the fire hazard. The worst of it was that he rarely bothered to do anything just smiled and when no one else was around, looked bored. Debbie wished she had the luxury to look bored.
Debbie ground against the seat, biting her bottom lip as the RV bumped on the dusty road. "Did you want me to do that?" Brad's condescending voice curled into her air and her rage reached new heights. "Why don't you go back to sleep and stop annoying me?" She spat the words out evenly between her teeth. "Come now, I know you didn't want me to drive in the first place but you can't honestly expect to drive the whole 450 miles yourself?" Debbie could imagine his lips twitched up just enough to make a smirk discernible. "No, now stop fuckin' with me, I'm trying to concentrate!" she hadn't meant to snap, but if Brad showed any sign that she'd been too harsh, she didn't notice it. She bucked her hips against the seat as the RV jolted again. Debbie needed relief and soon. Maybe she could let Brad drive for a bit, and then she'd be able to have a cheeky wank in the bed. An ache went through her pussy as she felt the temptation but she snapped out of it. No, they all looked down on her, they had wanted Brad to drive, good dependable Brad, fuck them. Debbie wasn't going to let this one go, she was going to drive and she was going to do a good job of it and they were going to recognize it.
A few hours down the road the light began to fade and Debbie had to pull over. She was tired, she was hungry. They'd gone for enough for a break and there was a lake on the right and she could do with a quick dip to refresh herself. With that in mind, she plugged her hairdryer in to charge, her phone as well, she wasn't leaving anything to chance. Yeah, a dip would refresh her and they could get a few more hours in before they stop at a hotel. Debbie looked at Brad asleep at the table, his short curly hair, his lithe toned body, his innocent sleeping face and felt a tingle through her sensitive body. She shook her head and stepped out of the RV. She needed release. Wandering over to the lake, she checked the sun, still a few minutes of light left. Looked up and down the road, seeing the coast was clear, she took her clothes off and left them on a patch of grass by the lake. The cold water sent a shock through her sensitive flesh. She waded in, satisfaction as she felt the soft sand between her toes. She moved in deeper, the sensitive water lapping up against her wet pussy lips and made Debbie hold back a moan. It felt so good she had some serious thoughts about getting herself off right here before anyone else interfered, then she could concentrate on the road and getting the job done. A thrill of excitement went through Debbie as she thought of people driving past watching her lust hungry body writhing on the grass, her hand between her legs and the other teasing her aching breasts. What if Brad came out? Her mind naturally turned to the first probably audience and something inside her froze in conceptual climax as the idea sent shivers of promised pleasure to her brain. What the hell? Brad was her brother, not by blood, but did that matter? They'd grown up together, they had only looked at each other as siblings and here she was, so wet, so horny, so slutty thinking about taking her brothers cock and...Debbie had held it in for so long, her eyes closed, her hand trailed down her body and her fingers gliding down her shaved mound and slipped her middle finger down her moist slit. She brought her index and thumb up to her hardened nipples and pinched them. She bit her lip as mewls of pleasure licked at her throat. Debbie lost track of time, twisting on the ground with her fingers pumping into her cunt. Her legs splayed and hips jerking.
"Sis, you there?" Debbie whipped back to reality, guilt resurging through his sinful body. What had she done? It was almost dark. Debbie's sweat covered body clamped down in frustration. She was so close. She slipped back into the water, the cool sensation helping to negate the madness of denied pleasure flowing through her body. It would also help wash away the lust staining her thighs which Brad would almost certainly smell. "I'm naked!" Debbie paused trying to make out whether Brad had heard her over the sound of her splashing. But Debbie couldn't make it much other than some rustling, was he trying to peep? She brought her arm across her modest chest and the other down over her pussy. "Perfect! You always know how to have fun sis!" There was a giant splash as Brad jumped in. My mind panicked. Was Brad getting naked too? Debbie was curious despite herself. Brad came into view, the dying sun kissing along the water, casting shadows across half of his thin, toned body, he was pretty fit for a self-confessed geek. His waist was just under the water and Debbie cursed herself for blatantly trying to look. Then Brad laughed splashed a wave of water straight into Debbie's face. "Brad!" she wanted to be mad, but Brad was smiling that cheeky grin and his laugh, it made something inside her ripple like waves under an unsure dinghy. She immediately retaliated, using both her hands to splash water into Brad's smug face. Brad then started splashing water at her left and right. "Stop, stop!" Debbie laughed, the water smacking her full in the face as she waded backwards, Brad coming in after her.