Page 68 of Punishing the Brats
I let out a gasp of surprise and freeze, staring at him. Despite the more than unexpected and confusing – some would say appalling – situation, I cannot help but notice his size. His cock is proportional in size to his entire body. Long, very long, with an accompanying girth that almost scares me. It even looks big in his own gigantic hands – what would it look like in mine?
He reciprocates my surprised stare for a moment, before he jumps up and pulls his pants up, hiding his beautiful member from my eyes.
“Fuck, Abby!” He exclaims. “You… you are home early. I did not expect you!”
“Um, obviously,” I whisper.
I know, I should be scared, angry, appalled. I should call him a pervert, yell at him and throw him out of my room, threatening to tell my mother about his indecent behavior.
But instead I cannot get this image out of my head. That gorgeously engorged cock, glistening with precum. My stepdad pleasing himself in my room.
What was he looking at? There is no computer, no TV, no magazines. It's just my tidy, uninhabited room with all the belongings that I had left when I moved out for college. What kind of thoughts and images did he come off to?
“I’m sorry,” he utters, still standing in the middle of my room, with a huge bulge between his legs. “Oh my god, Abby. I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay,” I reply with a hoarse voice. It’s okay?
Is that the only thing I can come up with?
He looks at me, utterly ashamed and confused. Neither of us knows anything else to say.
So, he opts for the only possible move and hurries to get out of the room, squeezing himself through the door next to me, careful to avoid any body contact.
He closes the door behind himself and I am left alone in my room.
I stare at the closed door for a few moments, before I turn around, directing my attention towards the desk chair that he was just sitting in.
Damn, what was that? Could it be that I am not the only one with a filthy mind and taboo thoughts running through her head? Is he fantasizing about me while he jerks himself off? Does he do this on a regular basis?
And why did he do it today? Now? Sure, I did not announce my arrival for another hour, but – as one could see – there was no way to rely on that. Did he want me to catch him? He must have calculated that risk to some degree, right?
I need to know. I need to know what is going through his head. And if it might work in my favor.
After all, if he wants the same things as I do – would it really be so bad to go for it? To make him my first. The man I have had a crush on for years and the man who was rubbing his gorgeous big cock in my room, thinking god knows what.
My heart is racing with excitement as I start to figure out a plan on how to achieve my goal. This weekend, if possible.
* * *
I remain in my room for a substantial time after the incident to avoid seeing him alone. Sure, I will need him for myself, but not right after I have embarrassed him like that – and shortly before my mother and all the guests for the reunion arrive.
My plan is something different.
I wait until I hear voices and come running down the stairs, freshened up and wearing a new dress that may be a bit too light for early autumn, but looks really good on me, emphasizing my slim figure just in the right way while still looking innocent and girly.
My mother and two of my aunts and their families arrive together and greet me enthusiastically, complimenting me on my dress – as was to be expected – and asking me the usual questions about college. I chat with them, joke around, being the perfect daughter. Happy, innocent and diligent – no one would suspect the thoughts that I carry in my head, securely concealed.
My stepdad is nowhere to be seen until we move over to the living room, where he tries to act busy by cleaning areas that do not appear as if they need any extra attention.
He greets everybody and engages in similar small talk as I have done before. And he completely ignores me.
I glance over to him as often as possible, trying to catch his eyes, but he does not give me a single chance. It is so obvious that my presence makes him nervous, I am almost surprised that no one else notices it.
The rest of the invited relatives show up shortly after and we get ready for dinner. As usual, I end up in the kitchen with my mother and her sisters to prepare the food, while the men and children or off to either play or prepare the dining room. What a nice, classy family we are.
I know my moment will come, but not tonight. All I can do tonight is try to catch his attention. To make eyes at him and let him know that I am still thinking of his naughty act, that is still on my mind and I could tell his secret any time.
I make sure to sit opposite of him during dinner, but he still manages to completely ignore me. He is suspiciously interested in what my Aunt Margaret has to tell him about her new garden and the plants she has been harvesting.