Page 45 of Punishing the Brats
I look at him with big eyes, sporting a delighted smile on my face.
"Oh, really?" I beam at him. "That would be so nice of you, Jake!"
I make sure to softly graze his upper arm with my left tit as I turn around and reach back down to my bag, fetching a pen and some notepaper.
He doesn't move away, but welcomes my touch. Boys like him are so easy, too easy for my taste.
"Here's my number," I whisper as I write down a phone number. It's a fake number, not my own. This is just for show, after all. I can fell my stepdad's eyes on me as I slide the piece of paper over to Jake, simultaneously opening my legs a little wider.
I'm pretty sure he can see it now. The thought of my stepdad catching a glimpse of my naked sex makes me shiver with lust.
Jake appreciatively grabs the paper with my alleged number on it and smiles at me triumphantly. 'Score' is written all over this naive boy's face. "Cool, thanks."
I giggle. "Why do you thank me? You're the one who offered to help me, remember?"
He blushes. "Uh, sure!"
I turn around to the front, once again catching Mikes eyes on me. But this time, he doesn't look away. Instead, his eyes move back and forth between my face - and my lap beneath the table. I notice him taking an extra deep breath as I lower myself, exposing more of my nakedness only for his eyes to see. He faintly shakes his head, narrow eyes piercing through me. Oh, he is mad alright. And aroused, I can tell.
"Okay, settle down!" He raises his voice, addressing the class with his intense look still on me. "Let's get started."
I don't give him a break for the entire lesson. Just as I expected, he is not able to get up from behind his desk. He does it once, because he has to write something on the whiteboard behind himself, but he makes sure to move his back to the class as much as possible, slouching and quickly returning behind his desk when he is finished.
The thought of him enduring a hard one while teaching a bunch of unsuspecting students only edges me on. I alternate between subtly flirting with my seatmate, who obviously enjoys my attention, and opening and closing my legs in intervals. Mike glances over to us again and again, never sure whether to expect me sitting with my legs wide open, my glistening center exposed to him, or catching my tapping Jake's ar
m, pretending to ask a question or just to have a look at his script, as I don't have one in front of me.
Once in a while, our eyes meet and I use the chance to seductively place my pen between my lips, licking the tip of it while my stepdad has to fight with all his strength to maintain his composure.
Eventually, he demonstratively looks at his wristwatch. There's still a few minutes left, but not one of the students complains as he dismisses us early for the day.
"Let's finish here," he concludes. "Starting with a new chapter doesn't make sense at this point anyways."
As soon as he has said it, people around me start packing their stuff. I sit back up, crossing my legs.
"I have a little time now," I hear Jake next to me. "Would you maybe like to grab a coffee? We could go over the stuff from today together."
"I'm sorry, I'm busy," I reply without looking at him. "Maybe another time."
He clears his throat. "Sure. Well, see you next week then?"
I turn around to him and nod politely. "Yeah, next week. Bye."
He leaves the lecture hall, as do most others. I remain on my seat, my legs crossed, observing Mike as he packs his own stuff. He takes his sweet time, but when he is finally done, he lifts his head, frowning when he realizes that I am still there. But just for a moment. He looks around, watching the remaining students as they chat and collect their things. There is only a handful left of them, but enough for him to still be cautious.
I smile when he looks back at me, determination showing on his edgy face.
"You," he says, pointing at me. "I'd like to have a few words. In my office. Now."
He doesn't say a word, doesn't even look at me as I tag along next to him. My insides are in commotion. We pass through herds of students who are hurrying to their next class, happily chatting, not suspecting a thing and paying little to no attention to one of their professors leading a first-year student to his office. Of course, there's nothing weird about it.
How could they know. Heck, I don't even know what to expect. If he leads me there just to give me another lecture on how to behave and to tell me that there won't be anything going on between us from now on, I'd sure be disappointed. But I will try my best not to let that happen. My center throbs with excitement at the thought of him punishing me. Takings me on his desk, not able to restrain himself any further, just as he had in the motel room a few months ago.
I actually feel nervous for the first time in a while when we are standing in front of his office door and he starts searching for his keys in his pants' pocket.
"Get in there," he hisses when he finally opens the door.