Page 17 of Punishing the Brats
“Says who?” Kara asked.
“Like, people.”
“Yeah, people who never tried it.”
“That’s easy for you to say, Kara. You’re not the one being asked to kiss her brother.”
“I have kissed my brother. And my sister too.”
“She has,” Drake confirmed with a nod.
“And we’ve done more than that. Much more.”
“You guys are pulling my leg.”
“I swear, Suzette. Your brother is the only person I ever told. I’ve been having sex with my brother and sister for a while. There’s nothing more intimate, more loving. Check out the website to see how awesome it is. It’s filled with people like us. We’re having fun, we’re not hurting anyone.”
I swam to the coping. I could have reached for my phone but instead I reached for my drink, draining it in one gulp. I needed the tequila to soothe my nerves. This was beyond insane. Kara was involved with her siblings? More importantly, why wasn’t I running away?
The fact of the matter was that I had a secret of my own. While growing up, after learning what sexual yearning was, I’d developed somewhat of a crush on Drake. Because he was nice to me, it was him I fantasized about at night when I masturbated. I didn’t think about the school’s football players or movie stars or boy band heartthrobs; I thought about my brother.
I thought it was just a phase, in time I pushed him out of my mind. But now these fantasies were rushing back. Kara was offering him to me on a silver platter.
“Is this… Is this a trick?”
“No,” Drake said gently, shaking his head. “Believe it or not, I think you’re hot. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be with you.”
“You have?”
“Yes. I… I imagined a lot of things featuring you, especially since Kara told me about her own family swinging. I hope it’s not freaking you out.”
I giggled nervously. “A little. This is so sudden. So crazy.”
“I know. You can say no if you want. We can just forget about this whole thing and I’ll never mention it again. Or we can give it a shot. It’s up to you.”
I swallowed dryly. Although I wanted to be taken as a grown-up, I didn’t want to be seen as square. As a bonus, I could try out a long-standing fantasy.
“Okay,” I whispered. “We can try.”
He smiled and came toward me. This was going to happen. And whatever happened, I would blame the alcohol.
Then my brother was kissing me. I inhaled sharply, bracing for impact, ready to break the strongest of taboos. His lips were not as soft as Kara’s, his mouth more rugged and insistent, but it was the most delicious kiss of my young life.
“Yeah, you guys!”
Drake knew what he was doing. His lips started moving and his tongue gently probed my mouth. We tasted each other and I found that it was better than I could have imagined. I wasn’t repulsed and in fact I wanted more. I pressed myself against him to let him know that I wasn’t a prude, that I wanted to experience everything.
I felt his stiffy on my hip and he looked at me agape, like he couldn’t believe his little sister was such a wanton slut. I smiled coyly but I didn’t back down, still holding my body against his, rubbing my hands down his back.
“Are you ready for more?” Kara asked.
I didn’t answer but I rotated toward her so it wouldn’t look like I was hogging my brother. She kissed me again, harder this time. She cradled my face in her hands and it was her turn to press herself against me. I felt her breasts against mine, her nipples as hard as diamonds. I’d never gone this far before with a girl and it excited me.
Before I had time to process this, she was groping me. Her fingers dug into my hefty tits and she teased my nipples with her thumbs, making me gasp involuntarily. I looked at my brother and he smiled at the show. I was determined not to disappoint him.
He stood behind me and kissed my neck while his girlfriend lavished kisses all over my chest. In a matter of seconds she was sucking on my nipples, drawing a sharp breath from my lips.