Page 112 of Punishing the Brats
She was so tense at first though, expecting something from him, some painful surprise, that it didn’t feel so good until she relaxed.
She was still nervous, but maybe he’d just had a bit of a change of heart now that they were going off to college.
But then her heart sank.
Maybe Jacob said something to him and now he was taking pity on her.
She pulled away, big, blue eyes looking up at him.
“Why’re you doing this, Zach?”
It was strange, seeing her huge, domineering brother — those broad shoulders and hulking physique — being anything but pushy and controlling. He had run roughshod over her life for so long, she just couldn’t take any offer of kindness at face value.
“What? Can’t a brother help out his sister?” He said in his deep voice, but even he realized how weak of an excuse that was after so long, and his handsome face turned a little hard. “I saw your performance, and thought you deserved a break, geez, that’s all!”
At least that angered irritation was a little more like him, though it softened and vanished fast as it came, oddly enough.
She looked at him, her brows still furrowed in the middle, her pouty lower lip worried between her teeth.
“Why’d you come to the performance? Did Jacob...”
The one thing that reassured her was how confused he first looked at the mention of Jacob. Then set in the irritation again, and it confused her as to why her brother was so bothered by the mere mention of his best friend.
“What? No, forget that loser,” he said, and she’d never heard her brother talk about his friend that way before.
They’d been close for a long time.
“What, you’re mad I like him now?” she said, setting her own glass aside and spinning around to look at him. She knelt on the cushions of the sofa, her hands braced on the armrest as she looked up at him. “That’s not fair,
Zach, and you know it! If he likes me, you have to tell me.”
That set him off a little, but his expression hardened again as he stood there, towering over her.
“You’re too good for that jackass!” he blurted out without a moment’s thought or hesitation. “You’re talented, you’re clever, you’re hard working and you’re hot as hell! Stop wastin’ your time thinkin’ about that lose,” he said, before knocking back the rest of his wine as if it were nothing.
Though his words nearly sent her toppling back. She’d never heard him talk like that about her. Ever.
She stared up at him and she would’ve thought it was a joke, but she’d never heard him sound so sincere. So honest. He’d always given her a hard time about everything, and for the first time, he was actually complimenting her.
She sat back on her heels, arms folded beneath her chest, the cotton t-shirt clinging to her svelte body.
“Oh, what made you finally realize that, huh?”
Finally his patience wore out, or at least his restraint.
“You know what? Never mind,” he said, and gave her the smallest of nudges on the shoulder, so she rocked back onto the couch. He was so big and strong, and her so small and dainty, that it didn’t take much for him to shove her around, after all. But with that he turned to storm off.
“Wait!” She cried out, and lashed out to grab his arm before he was out of reach.
“You try and do somethin’ nice for someone, and all you get is grief,” he remarked with a furrowed brow and an irritated voice.
Her dainty fingers wrapped around his wrist, but confusion was swirling in her head. She didn’t understand why he was suddenly so hot and cold, and she shifted from off the couch so that she stood before him.
“What’s gotten into you, Zach?” she asked, and she was near enough that she could smell he’d put on a bit of cologne. Her nostrils flared.
She also noticed that he was dressed in one of his nicer shirts and pants too, the sort of thing he’d wear out on a date night. She’d not paid it any mind at first, because it was Friday after all, and she was used to seeing him dress up before going out.
“Nothin’!” he said obstinately, not meeting her eyes right away. “You did great today, that’s all,” he said, and swallowing down he squared his jaw and met her gaze at last, all serious.