Page 9 of Taboo Passions (Sylvia & Zach 1-3)
It was wrong, and it was subtle, but her mind was hazed over by carnal desires.
He reached up with that free hand of his, and for a moment she thought he might grab her breast brazenly! Though instead, he touched his hard fingers to her collarbone, skirted the line between decency and depravity with his own sister, feeling her smooth, pale skin as he traced beneath her neck, and on up.
Zach didn’t choke her, nor even squeeze her throat, but his fingers for a moment formed a ring about her neck and that had such an odd effect upon her.
“We’ve got a lot of days ahead yet before mom and dad come home,” he said, licking his lips once more, eying her in ways she’d never thought he might. “So do you wanna be a good girl and do as you’re commanded?” he asked, brow raised at her.
More shocking than the sexual undertones of what her brother was doing, perhaps, was how much of a thrill he clearly got from controlling her. From being in charge of her, completely. There’d be no easy way to back off from this, she realized.
She’d stayed too long, trapped against his hardon and his strong hand.
How could they go back from this? How would she look at him from across the dining room table, eating a meal and knowing the feel of his cock throbbing against her?
“Zach, I gotta go,” she said, and she tried to squirm again, but he held her close, his other hand going up into her hair, cupping her face as he sneered.
Her attempt to wriggle away and change the subject met with his intense dissatisfaction. He tightened his grasp upon her, and her slender form could not wriggle free from that iron grasp as it threatened to bruise her wrists.
“That’s not the right answer, sis,” he said, the words growled out so commandingly. Though more shocking than the way he so aggressively took control, was how he began to grope at her ass.
“Maybe you should try again,” he said rough and low.
He had to let her wrists go in order to grab her ass, fingers kneading into her. It shocked her into stillness, though, and his other hand worked its way up to her ponytail. His fingers dug into her hair, freeing the elastic band and letting her blonde hair fall along her cheekbones, tickling at her collar.
She stayed like that, stunned, for several seconds before she shimmied back, away from his hard grip. Luckily she was still a gymnast, and though she might not have brute strength, she had some finesse, especially with him distracted as he was.
~Chapter 14~
Alcohol had clouded Zach’s mind, let him get more brazen than he should’ve ever dared. Though the view of her pretty face and lovely tits before him, the feel of her body grinding against his fresh in his mind, he was pushed over a precipice. With her lithe form and his focus upon touching her flesh, Sylvia managed to squirm free of his grasp, and panic set in suddenly.
A flood of emotions really. Panic at having let her out of his grasp while his need for her was still so strong. Some sliver of realization that he’d gone too far already and now she was going to end it all and maybe even get him in trouble.
It all served to help make his grab for her slower, more belated as she fell back from him and the couch and flipped out of his grasp entirely.
“Hey!” he shouted, still fueled enough by his desire for control to get up and grab for her again. But she was gone, her dainty little form racing for the stairs ahead of his. His big, broad form couldn’t hope to keep up with her light-footed climb of the stairs before she vanished into her room, and the click of her lock kept him out.
Though despite reason, he pounded upon it with his big fist.
“Come out!” he shouted, before finally reason began to sink back into his mind and told him to go away. Slink back to the couch and pretend none of it happened.
He didn’t see her the rest of the night, but when he was lying in bed, his mind still reeling, he pictured her touching herself. Thinking of him.
Wishing he’d gone just a little bit further.
The thought sent him over the edge, and he grunted, cleaning it up quickly before falling into a fitful sleep.
~Chapter 15~
Sylvia stared at the ceiling. She had no awareness of how much time had passed, but her heart was still racing and her cunny was still throbbing with need. Her step-brother had just groped her ass, feeling her up as he held her pinned to his hardon.
She couldn’t touch herself, though. Not knowing what it was that turned her on.
She couldn’t masturbate to the thought of her brother slipping in between her thighs, his mouth working along her breasts, teasing her higher and higher. She tried, tried forcing her mind to focus on Zach’s friend, but still, every time her pleasure mounted it shifted from him… back to Zach.
A gasp escaped her, and it was cruel punishment that she couldn’t get the thought of him out of her mind.
How good he felt, pulsing against her. How much she wanted it.
But it’s wrong, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time, but her body wasn’t listening. If anything, the fact that it was wrong was only making her think about it more.