Page 90 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
The fresh air must’ve taken away a lot of the effects of the first drinks, because when I took it straight, I felt it not a minute after. A warm, soothing feeling. It hardly had any taste to it, but I could feel it as I pushed the glass away.
But when he poured me up another, I drank that back too. I didn’t want him thinkin’ I was a goody-goody or nothin’.
As people came up, payin’ their respects to him, he seemed focussed solely on me. Restin’ his hand upon my hip as he smiled and shared the vodka with me, it was clear Truck was somethin’ of a leader of these hard tickets.
“You handled that situation back at the club well,” he said in his deep, gravelly voice, a glint in his eyes as we drank.
I giggled.
“I didn’t handle it at all. I didn’t do anything. All I wanted was to go to the bar for a drink,” I reminded him, and the vodka was makin’ my tongue looser.
His big, strong hand rubbed and squeezed at my side, his thumb roamin’ in over my belly.
“You kept your cool through it all. That’s an important quality in a woman. In anyone really,” he said, knocking back another vodka before topping us both up, the alcohol seeming to have no effect on the giant man. “Knew from the moment you walked in, I had to score some time with you.”
I laughed, my nervousness beginning to drift away a little. Whether it was the alcohol or the fact that we were no longer running from a bunch of scary bikers, I didn’t know, but whatever it was, I liked it.
“There wasn’t another choice other than keepin’ calm and just goin’ with what needed done...”
He grinned at me as I downed my drink, leaned in and kissed at my neck, much to my surprise. His lips workin’ their way up towards my ear, but no sooner than the glass was away from my lips, he moved on in and claimed ‘em with a moist kiss.
My very first kiss, despite the dark look I was rockin’.
Though judgin’ by how pleasant and skillful he was, it wasn’t anywhere close to bein’ his first.
And he felt... really, really good.
I’d never even fantasized about something feeling so good. It affected me from my lips right down to my toes and back up again, makin’ my body feel chilled and hot, all at once.
I hadn’t really thought about what I wanted out there at the club, I was just tryin’ to find myself, but instead I found a bad boy with a mouth of sin.
Before I knew it, his glass was discarded on the bar and he had both hands upon me. One at my hip and stomach, the other movin’ up to cup my breasts. Suddenly I wasn’t just in a room full of lewd people, I was part of ‘em.
I was engaged in somethin’ indecent, before all eyes, as Truck’s big hands felt me up, his lips worked at mine, and he gave a deep, husky growl of approval. He sounded like some sort of large, intimidatin’ beast.
I pulled away, touchin’ my fingertips to my lower lip. It was almost like it was numb but not quite, and I was breathin’ so fast, his hands still wanderin’ over my body.
“Truck, maybe we should... slow down,” I said, though my body hated me for it. And, honestly, part of my mind, too. I was supposed to be someone different than my prudish, virginal self. I wanted to leave that girl behind.
But I was nervous. It was all happenin’ so fast. Or I think it was… I was so tipsy by that point. Way too much vodka for my first-timer self to handle.
My words seemed to almost confuse him, but he took a look around at the place, as if that was the problem.
“C’mon,” he said, but this time he didn’t take my hand and drag me along like I feared he might — having to wobble on those high heeled boots with all that vodka in me felt like it’d be suicide — instead he swept me off my feet, literally, and carried me on over to the stairs, holdin’ my whole body up as if I weighed nothin’!
It impressed me, not gonna lie about that. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and even though my feelings were all strange and out of sorts, I admit... I was excited to be held by him. He was the kinda guy who’d never even look my way when I was in school.
The kinda guy I’d giggle over with my girlfriends, knowin’ he was way too hunky for me. I’d have facebook stalked him and all that but this was beyond even my fantasies of what’d happen.
“Where’re you takin’ me?”
“Somewhere private,” was all he said as he pushed past another couple making out in the upstairs hallway. “Outta the way,” he growled as they hurriedly shifted to make way for him and I; though mostly him of course.
He kicked open a door and took me on in to what must’ve been his bedroom. It was a mess, but the king sized bed and blankets all looked nice, just unmade. With some of his clothes on the floor. No garbage or anything around, thankfully.
Slamming the door behind us with his foot he gave me a toss onto the bed, and my whole world went wildly spinning, thanks to both the trip and the alcohol. I couldn’t help but cry out — mostly in amusement — but he pounced atop me in no time, kissing at my neck as soon as I settled into place.
He felt so amazing. His mouth, the way he knew to touch me, it was surreal. When he found that one spot on my neck, I was putty in his arms, my mind shutting down so that I was left with only pleasure.