Page 46 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
“I’ll see you tonight, then!” She took another step back inwards, her breathing so quick before she turned and quickly moved towards the stairs.
He didn’t say a word more, just peered back over his shoulder and watched her hurry on up the large, curving stairs through the manor. She saw no other people there yet, but she understood a true artist like Flynt needed his peace.
When she arrived upstairs, there was no mistaking the place he meant. There at the center of the upstairs hall was a set of double doors, old and exquisite, leading the way to what must have been his room. Then, right next to it a small, single door. It was unlocked, and she went right in.
Inside, the old colonial style room was small compared to what his must've been, but lavish and beautiful. An adjoining bathroom with a large tub awaited her, and there to her right… a locked door that could only have led directly into his room.
In all her excitement about that, she almost didn’t notice the silver tray next to the bathroom. There, a decanter with some fluid awaited her, right next to a fancy gold tin. Opening it up she found inside some pills, and knew immediately they had to be what he meant below.
She looked at them curiously, fingers roaming over them before she went to the bathtub and turned it on, letting the hot steam begin to fill the air.
It had been a long flight and she stripped down, looking at herself in the full length mirror next to the bath. Her breasts were large and capped with tight pink nipples, her stomach flat and her ass firm. She was proud of her body and smiled at it before she pulled her hair up into a bun and stepped into the steaming water.
She let it wash over her, breasts disappearing beneath the surface as she kept her hands dry.
With those, she reached towards the pills and the water. She poured herself a glass, the cool drink contrasting against the hot steam, and she held it in her mouth as she popped a pill between her lips and swallowed.
It was risky not knowing what the pill was, how she’d react, but it was thrilling at the same time. A way of learning what type of high Flynt liked.
Little did she know, though, that it wasn’t that type of pill at all.
As she bathed she swore she heard someone enter into her room, and assumed it was the help with her bags as to be expected. But by the time she was done and got out of the tub, she looked into her bedroom only to see her clothing gone and an outfit laid out for her on the bed.
Her bags were nowhere in sight, and a peek into the drawers showed nothing of her own.
She assumed it was all part of Flynt’s plans, and went to the clothes he’d laid out for her.
Outfit was perhaps being a bit generous, as it was a see-through white dress, a pair of matching high heels, and nothing else more but gold chains. A waist sized one, a neck sized one and four others that looked ankle or wrist sized.
She looked them over curiously, uncertain of what to make of it.
She didn’t yet feel any high from the drugs, though the bath had relaxed her and she felt fresh and clean. She’d shaved just before she left, and used the lotion provided so that she was soft as anything.
Even though she was accustomed to dressing sluttily the clothes provided for her made her blush, and she drew her lower lip into her mouth.
Yet there weren’t any other options, and so she pulled on the dress, amazed that her nipples were so visible from beneath it.
There was no way she could go out looking like that, especially without a bra. It felt so scandalous, the way her breasts swayed as she moved.
As the minutes ticked on and the sun began to set, though, she knew she didn’t have the luxury of time, and went towards that door that led to his room. Perhaps if she could just ask for her things...
She knocked twice, listening to see if she could hear anything from within.
It was locked to her though and she couldn't hear anything from the other side. For that matter the door to the hall was also locked, and though that should’ve made her panic she merely reasoned it had to have been for her own security. Right?
She kept herself calm, and decided to take it easy, enjoy the tropical air by the balcony. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there before the sound of music came wafting by her, sounding like it was coming from Flynt’s room next door, out the open balcony door next to hers.
She went back to the door that joined their rooms, and though her first inclination was to knock, she didn’t want to interrupt him in the middle of his performing.
So instead, she gently turned the knob to test it, and surprisingly found it unlocked.
When she opened it up, she saw his massive, spacious room, a giant four-poster bed big enough to fit a family, and then him… sat down by the window.
His vest was gone then, just the shirt on, left wide open, showing his hard, well-toned abs and pecs beneath as he played the guitar. And he looked utterly wrapped up in what he was doing, the random pieces of music from before slowly coalescing into something nearer to a song.
She leaned against the door, feeling quite the voyeur as she watched. She lost track of how long he played as she stood there in nothing more than her translucent dress, the rest of her outfit still resting upon her bed.
The music, as always, spoke to her soul. It touched her in such a deep and meaningful way, and she slumped down a little, closing her eyes as she listened.