Page 405 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
It’s not a request, it’s a plea, full of desire and the drive of the primal lust this first time with him has awakened in me. And as I beg for his seed, I feel his cock swell larger and harder than I ever knew a cock could be.
“You’ll learn well from me,” he growls into my ear as he starts growing faster and harder, my honey seemingly endless as he pounds into me. His bucking grows less regular, and I realize by the low groan in his throat that he’s giving up restraint. This is who he’s meant to be, an unbridled breeding machine. And I’m his victim.
“I’m yours, Master,” I gasp, and his hand brings my face to his, our lips locking as I feel his seed explode within me, filling up my tight, come-drenched pussy with hard, regular pulses.
I had no idea what it would feel like. Sure
, I’ve read about it before, but this is nothing like what I’d read about. It’s complete bliss, feeling his naked cock release itself, twitching and throbbing within me.
I want as much as I can get of him, so I push my hips in time with him as he doesn’t stop bucking, even as he’s drained of all his masculine, virile, pearly seed. I want every last drop of it to fill me up, and nothing in me cares about the consequences. I just want him. All of him.
And as suddenly as it came on, it starts to recede, the last of his seed entering me as his tongue washes over mine. He’s savoring my taste, and he opens his eyes to look at his willing victim. I bat my eyes as he smiles, wanting to look pretty for Master. And the glimmer in his eyes tells me I’m succeeding.
But then I feel a slight sense of loss as he pulls out of me, some of his seed spilling out with his cock, and he zips himself up, turning and moving to his shirt and jacket to get dressed again, just like that. I’m still breathing heavily, naked, on the rungs of the ladder.
“Your first lesson went well, Maisie. Under my tutelage, you will learn quickly how to please me. Do not speak to anyone about our private sessions. Your second lesson will take place tonight, after dinner. Go.”
I’m stunned by how simple the statement is, yet the promise of more entices me. I swallow before I find my voice, remembering what he instructed me earlier. “Yes, Master.”
He strides over to the fireplace, gazing silently into it as I get dressed in a hurry—or at least, as hurriedly as I can slip into the complicated lingerie. But within a few minutes, my heels are clicking on my way back down the lonely hallway, my head abuzz with...well, everything.
I just gave my virginity to Lord Alastair. I’m not sure what’s shaken me up more—that, or the fact that I want more.
I spend the rest of the afternoon shadowing Beth and the other senior maid, Frannie, learning the basics of how to help run the Delaney house.
They’re an old and sweet pair, and as we bustle around the house, I can’t help but feel like a daughter being doted on.
“Oh yes, we’ve seen a lot of employees come and go over the years, decades, even! Especially since Lord Alastair has taken over the affairs of the estate.”
“Tch, you make him sound so dour, Frannie. He really is an excellent young man. Talented, authoritative, knows how to keep the affairs of the family in order at home. We’re both rather proud of him.”
“Of course, I just meant that he can come off as a little strict for some. But I can tell that you’ve got tenacity, dearie, I’m sure you’ll get along with him swimmingly! Especially if he’s speaking with you in private on your first day—he must see something special in you.”
I guess you can call it that, I think as we set about preparing dinner. Tonight’s menu includes filet mignon and a side of roasted asparagus. I don’t even recognize some of the spices the maids are telling me to put into the meat, but I obey, feeling myself exceedingly conscientious of what I put into my labor. I know exactly why, too—it’s burning between my legs even as I bustle about, the promise he made to me making my heart pound.
“Are you okay, dearie?” Beth asks, noticing my blush as I remember the feel of his cock. “You look a bit flustered.”
“Oh, it’s nothing, just been quite a day!” I laugh off with a nervous smile, and she beams back sweetly. But while I’ve got the chance, I decide to take advantage of what information I can squeeze out of my new coworkers. “So I have to admit, I don’t know much about the Delaneys, but they seem to be famous around Surrey.”
“Ooooh, you don’t know the half of it!” Frannie says, tending to the asparagus while Beth climbs up a tall shelf to retrieve an opened bottle of red wine with a date on it so old I feel my heart skip a beat. “He’s quite the philanthropist. Pours money into the community, holds charity balls every weekend it feels like, that sort of thing.”
“Oh yes,” Beth chimes in, “bit of an old-fashioned type, Lord Alistair. Always had a taste for the Victorian life, he has, compared to his globe-trotting brothers,” she adds with a roll of her eyes.
I nod, biting my lip. That was putting it lightly. The man has a library like something out of a fairy tale, but he looks more like a villain than a Prince Charming. “So, does he take his dinner in his quarters? Or will he be entertaining guests tonight?” I figure I’d ask, since it’s Friday, but the maids exchange looks with one another before turning to me.
“Actually, dearie,” Beth says slowly, looking a little uncertain, “he instructed us to have you serve him in the dining hall—and that you’d be joining him tonight.” She smiles, resuming her usual upbeat optimism. “That never happens! He must really see some potential in you, Maisie.”
I feel myself blush, and I bite my lip, glancing down at my outfit again. So he’s planning to have his new plaything dine with him. The thought sends a shiver through me, but not an unwelcome one. I feel a bit embarrassed that I’m going to be eating separately from the other staff, but well, it’s hard to turn down filet mignon.
“Well I suppose that explains why I’m cooking double portions!” I say lightheartedly, and the other maids laugh, and the air is clear again as we bustle about.
I find myself rather liking Beth and Frannie. They add a bit of much-needed life to the dreary manor. At least, life outside the flare of passion I have between my legs for Master.
With a covered plate of our dinners on a literal silver platter in hand, I make my way through the door to the dining hall. Inside, my jaw drops once more.
Red walls and curtains pop out against the gold ceiling and moulding of the long, spacious room, and busts of various unfamiliar faces stand between huge windows that stretch from floor to ceiling. There’s a fresco on the ceiling, depicting nymphs bathing in a refined yet borderline lewd manner.
There’s a long, ebony table in the center of the room with silver candelabras every few feet, luxurious dining chairs lining the sides. Every one of them is empty except one.