Page 381 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
“What ya mean, dad?” I ask, sounding a bit dumb.
“I mean you need to use this body to lure in men. To test ‘em, see if they take the bait of sin,” he says, tugging my bra down from my shoulder, exposing one breast as he grasps it, squeezing the pale flesh in his big, rough hand.
It makes me shudder and moan, but I flutter my eyes shut.
“And if they give into sin?” I ask softly, my voice quaking, and I feel his lips up on my neck, kissing beneath my ear.
“Then you let ‘em. See how sinful they get,” he says to me, his voice gotten so deep and low, so rough and raspy. “See if they do as the Lord demands, and spill not a drop of seed on the ground,” he says, his voice becoming a growl as he squeezes my butt and fondles my breast.
“But… but won’t the Lord be mad with me?” I ask, breathlessly. “Temptin’ men to do wrong? To fornicate without marriage?” I quickly feel it all fading away as he kisses and fondles me, and all I can think of is him, my daddy.
“You’re clean of conscience, sweetie,” he says, nipping my neck and making me squeal. “You’re just doin’ the Lord’s work… exposing sin. You can’t be held responsible for what a man does with his lusts,” he reassures me as he pinches my pink nipple and makes me gasp.
And y’know what? I feel it all eking away. All the guilt and worry.
Though with the way he’s touching me, making my body burn brighter, I worry about him. About the sinful way he’s touching me.
But I don’t want to say anything about that. I don’t want to say anything to make him stop. My hips grind against him, and I can’t do nothin’ to stop that. It’s just what comes natural, and I feel his thick cock throb between my ass cheeks. I wonder what it’ll feel like, touching against my flower, and my body aches with the thought.
I’ve wanted this for so long, but I didn’t have words for it. Didn’t have ways to describe what I needed, but he knows. His strong hands touching me so brazenly, his hard dick pulsing with every beat of his heart.
It’s sinful, but I’ve never wanted somethin’
more in my life than I do right now.
The way I was rockin’ my body atop his lap caused him to groan out aloud, his cock throbbing so very hard as he held me in his thick arms. His eyes were shut and I could see the look of bliss on his handsome, rugged face.
“Ohhh, you sweet vixen,” he growls out, his words so gravelly and rough as his strong hands squeeze and grope, sliding in beneath my skirt, grasping my panties and slowly but surely tugging them down with his powerful grasp. “You’re a born temptress… who makes men powerless to resist,” he says.
I should resist, should stop him from givin’ in to temptation rather than doing what I’m doing. Each of my slender legs pulls up, helping myself out of those cotton, white panties. I can’t help it anymore. He’s right. I was born to sin, and my entire body is cryin’ too loud, wanting just what he is offering.
I don’t even know what, not really. But for my fantasies and pure instinct, I don’t know what to expect, but I want it anyways.
He tugs the panties on down my thighs, along my calves and over my toes, liftin’ them up to his nose to take a deep breath and savour my scent upon them. I can see the look of exhilaration and thrill upon his face.
“Oh, you smell like heaven, Amy…” and his hungry, greedy eyes roam over me with such desire. “But your body is the gateway to hell for men.” He grasps onto me tighter, then lunges in, kissing my neck so ravenously, suckling and flicking his tongue over my skin.
I want to ask him why he’s allowing himself to succumb, why he of all people -- a man of the cloth! -- would give in to such temptation. Instead, a wanton, whorish moan escapes my lips and I bite upon my lower lip to silence my pleasure.
I can feel him kissin’ and sucklin’ at my neck, his hands feeling me up, sliding in beneath my shirt and skirt. Those hard hands roaming across my smooth flesh, parting my soft inner thighs as his long digits came to my seam. He touched me there as he kissed me, and what fire his simply little strokes did!
He did things to my lil’ cunny I couldn’t imagine before! And all with such simple little motions of his index finger.
It makes my back straighten, and his teeth nip down on my sensitive neck, and my world becomes nothing but heat and desire. I’d think I was in hell if it weren’t so good, but the heat is nearly enough to kill me.
“Daddy!” I cry out, even as my hips press towards his hand, begging those fingers to not stop.
His digits get nice and slick from my pussy, touchin’ and teasin’ me with such a masterful way about him. It was like he knew my body far better than I ever did, and he sank his fingers into my breast from within my shirt, squeezing at that fleshy mound as he pressed upon that sensitive bud of my clit.
“Ohhh Amy, my sweet child… you unbearable tease,” he growls to me, licking at my earlobe before nibbling it. “I have resisted your temptations for so damn long.”
I’m so worked up I barely know what way is up anymore. All I can feel is his body, pressed in against mine, his hard cock throbbing so quickly and I want him in me. I want it worse than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life.
“I need you,” I gasp out desperately.
That gets a deep, growling groan from him, and his hands tighten upon me, squeezing my breast harder, pressing upon my sensitive little bud.
“Don’t say that…” he says, almost as if to himself, as he pops open some of the buttons on my blouse. “Oh Lord… I am helpless against his test at last,” he confesses, and he pushes me off his lap.