Page 370 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
I stared at him, hope bubblin’ up in my chest, though I couldn’t really believe my ears. The things he was sayin’, they were what I wanted so badly to hear...
I looked at him, though, and his eyes were earnest.
“I want that more than anythin’,” I murmured softly.
He swept one of his big strong arms around me, and it was like the comfortin’ sort of hold I’d not known in so many years, only different. Special in its own way.
“Maybe the cops come for me again someday,” he said, looking down at me as he raised his free hand and stroked his fingertips along my cheek, and back through my hair. “But I’ll take the chance to stick around with you, Shelby. As long as you’ll have me.”
My heart thud louder in my chest as I listened to him, watched him, feeling his hard flesh press against mine, and I knew I didn’t ever wanna be without him. Even if that were the selfish thing of me to do, and to want.
I licked my lips, looking at him seriously, “You sure about this, Ash?”
His big hard body was so still, his jacket off, leavin’ him in that worn sleeveless shirt. His hard muscles bulgin’, skin tanned and marked wi
th the dark ink of his tattoos. He was like a rock, sturdy and dependable, I felt like he weren’t goin’ nowhere, ever again, then.
“I am,” he said, right before he dove down and pressed our lips together in an intense kiss, like nothin’ I’d ever known. His tongue workin’ its way into my mouth as we stood there in the kitchen.
I’d wanted it for so long. To know what his mouth’d feel like against mine, what he’d taste like, but the real thing was like nothin’ I could’ve imagined or hoped for. It was so much more. Like Fourth of July and Christmas all rolled into one, the excitement and happiness risin’ up in me like sparks.
I couldn’t believe it, but I pressed back against him, kissin’ him like my life depended on it.
We stood there, kissin’, makin’ out like we was kids. Or at least that’s how I felt, but big and strong and certain as Asher was, he certainly didn’t remind me of no fumblin’, sheepish boy. Those big, strong hands of his roamed over my back, my shoulders, on down to my hips. He even touched at my bottom as he held me.
He was firm and tender all at once, never quite lettin’ me shy away but never makin’ me feel trapped either. It was just like all the rest of the world slipped away and it was just him and me for the first time.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, tuggin’ him in close and smooshin’ my breasts against his hard pecs and abs. His breath was warm and tasted kinda sweet, and his tongue massaged mine.
His hands both went down, and in a brazen move he cupped my two butt cheeks and lifted me on up into his arms. He did it so smoothly it was like my whole body weighed nothin’ to him, and with those big, bulgin’ guns of his biceps, it probably was pretty close for him.
Asher strong hands held me there, safe and secure in his grasp as he felt my body, took such care in holdin’ me against him. It was like bein’ a girl again, up in my pa’s arms, safe and sound. But oh so different.
My legs were wrapped around his waist, for instance, and my skirt fluttered up around my hips, held in place around my ass by his hands as we kept kissing. My lips were goin’ numb and yet were filled with sensation the way he kissed me, and I let out a soft little whimper of need or desire against his tongue.
It got a deep, low husky growl from him in return. As if to show just how my big, bad man was so full of passion beneath his rugged, stony exterior. The heart of a hero beneath the surface of a fugitive.
He moved us over to the wall, pressed my back against it as he pinned me between him and it. His passions undaunted as he ground himself upon me.
And it was the first time I ever really felt someone’s manhood against me. It wasn’t at all what I expected, that firmness between my thighs, but my body seemed to know what to do and how to respond. It was growin’ hotter by the second, and I let out another moan against him.
I didn’t know what I was doin’. I’d always been a good girl, figured I’d wait for marriage, but I didn’t know what’d happen tomorrow, let alone in months — or years — from now.
All there was was that one night, that one chance to express our love to one another.
If he was taken away the day after, I wanted him for that one, sweet day. To know he was mine and wasn’t gonna take off on the run.
Asher rocked his hips, grindin’ our loins together as he held me there, his muscles showin’ no sign of fatigue as he kept me suspended between the wall and him. I felt out his bulgin’ biceps, his broad shoulders, let my hands wander on down over his pecs and abs until — without my even realizin’ it — my hands were workin’ at his belt buckle and jeans.
My body was workin’ before my mind could understand it, and my hips kept rockin’ against him, those butterflies in my stomach gettin’ out of control.
He was amazin’. I knew he had his secrets, but never would I have guessed that he was so much kinder than even I gave him credit for. That the heart of a tender hero beat beneath that proud lion.
With his belt jangling undone, he lifted me away from the wall, and before I knew it we were on the couch together. My back pressed into the cushions as he loomed over top of me. He kissed at my lips, loud, moist smacking of our mouths as he lifted my skirt to my waist, pressed back my thighs and let his pants droop from his hips.
“I need you,” he growled to me between kisses, his voice hard and rough.
It sent a powerful vibration through my core, like his words were reverberatin’ through my body, teasin’ every bit of it awake.