Page 363 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
He delayed a moment before tensing up and sitting straight.
“Nothing you should be punished for, that’s for sure, Shelby. I should get out of here tonight, even if I’ve got to hitch my way,” he said, opening the door and climbing out on his way to the house.
“Don’t be silly, Asher!” I said as I opened my own door, dropping down to the ground and slamming the door shut behind me as I stalked after him.
“If you really gotta go, I’ll drive you somewhere, but not ‘less you tell me what you did!”
“I already told you,” he said as we got to the door, though Asher froze as he looked back, and I peered along with him. It was light comin’ from the direction of Marcus’ family farm, a truck by the look of it.
“It’s probably just family comin’ over,” I said, as the truck began to turn down the drive to my place, just as I predicted.
“Maybe something’s wrong,” Asher said, releasing the door and staring with a worried expression.
“Everythin’ about this seems wrong, Asher,” I said and there was panic in my voice. I’d never felt so frightened, not in all my days. “Just tell me what we need to do.”
We got our answer just a moment later though, when the truck pulled up to a halt and out came Marcus, hands up as if we had him under arrest.
“Don’t fuckin’ hit me,” he said defensively, his jaw a little bruised I could see. Asher merely clenched and unclenched his fists, standin’ his ground.
“He’s not gonna hit you, dummy! He only hit you because he thought you were a burglar sneakin’ around in the middle of the night, trashin’ his bike. You’re lucky I don’t hit you!”
Marcus bristled at my remark, but he seemed to bite his tongue.
“I came to warn you,” he said all ominously. “I was in town earlier today, and there was some gang out on the prowl. Lookin’ for someone.” His gaze turned accusatory and trained on Asher.
“We know, they broke up the dance,” I said with a sneer. Too little too late, Marcus.
Though I wasn’t a hard hearted person, and even though I was still madder than anythin’ at him, I didn’t want things to be bad between us, and I forced my expression to soften. “Thanks, though. Asher can’t leave, though, since someone broke his bike.”
“Yeah well, he best find a way to get gone anyhow,” Marcus said, lowering his hand as he stood there at the truck. “‘Cause they’re lookin’ for him, and they know he’s here. They’re gonna cause trouble for folk until they get him, and you especially, Shelby.”
Anger turned my face crimson again ‘cause I had my own suspicions of how they figured out that Asher was in town.
But I’d have to deal with that later, ‘cause for now, there was somethin’ more pressin’.
“How many are there?” I asked.
“Was three of ‘em in town that spoke to me. And I never told ‘em nothin’,” he said defiantly, sticking out his chin. “I just heard ‘em askin’ around at the gas station, so I asked if they was lookin’ for a big tattooed guy, described him,” he said, jutting his chin towards Asher. “They figured out the rest on their own.”
“Sounds like you told’em somethin’. That you’d seen him. That you know him. How long you think it’s gonna take’em to figure out he’s here with me, huh Marcus? How long you think it’ll take? And how am I gonna tell’em he’s gone? They’re just gonna trust me, tip their hat and be on their way? Guys like that,” I said with all the fury that’d been building up since Marcus invaded my property, “They’re not gonna trust a thing I say ‘til they search the house and the farm, inside and out. What’s that gonna do to ma?”
Marcus put up his hands again and backed into his truck.
“I never told ‘em nothin’ else! Don’t believe me if you don’t wanna, but I just came ta warn ya. There’s gonna be a heap of trouble comin’ your way Shelby, if you don’t smarten up. You’re gettin’ dragged into some damn gang war and you don’t even know it!”
I was getting really scared, and Marcus wasn’t helping.
What had Asher done that was so bad that he’d have people like this after him? What wasn’t he telling me? It had to be something major or they’d have let it go, and all I could think of was that he stole a bunch of drugs, but I hadn’t seen anythin’ like that on him. Or a whole lotta cash.
And he didn’t seem the type to be really on anythin’, I never saw him take a puff of nothin’.
Tears burned my eyes. What had he done?
Marcus drove off, leavin’ the two of us standin’ there together. Asher was still quiet for a time, but finally he took a step closer to me.
“Come on, you should get inside,” he said, reaching out to touch my shoulder.
I pulled away though, turning to face him, not ashamed at the tears that were threatening to spill at any moment.