Page 359 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
“You know, the Summer Sun dance is tonight in town,” I mentioned awkwardly.
“Oh yeah?” he said, replying to me without delay, casting his eyes across the blanket to mine before he took a generous helping of water. With a satisfied ‘ah’ he wiped his mouth. “We should go. Get off the farm.”
As easy as that.
I stared, a bit stunned by how nonchalant he was about it, but by the time that passed, I was grinning ear to ear like a maniac.
“Yea, we should,” I agreed, like it was all his idea. “It’s nothin’ super fancy, you know. Not a tux and tie thing or whatever hoity-toity stuff from the city, but everyone cleans up and I’ve heard it’s real swell.”
“You heard?” he asked, archin’ a brow over at me, lookin’ all inquisitive. Here I was, tryin’ to get information outta my dark, mysterious stranger for days with no success, but he was great at ferretin’ it outta me it seemed. “Don’t tell me you usually stay in, Shelby. Beautiful woman such as yourself.”
I flushed at just how quick he figured me out, tryin’ to shrug it off. “Just never interested me, y’know, dancin’ and all that.”
It was a lie, but I already felt exposed, I didn’t wanna give everything away.
“Well damn,” he said so simply in that deep, dark voice of his. “And here I was hoping to score a dance or two with you. Guess I’m all outta luck,” he lamented, still smilin’ a bit as he ate and drank across from me.
How did he constantly do that? Turn it around on me?
“Well, I mean, I want to go tonight. Wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise...”
He arched a brow and peered at me, as if he could see right through me.
“Then you’ll be dancing with me.” It was statement rather than question, but somehow I felt the compunction to treat it like both.
I met his gorgeous eyes, trying to resist the urge to bite down on my lower lip. He was so handsome, in that rugged, rebellious way, but he was always so respectful with me. Not at all what I expected.
But I liked that, too.
“Okay,” I said, the word coming out like a soft puff of smoke.
With a big grin he flashed me a wink and chomped down into the last of his sandwich, polishin’ it off and washin’ it down.
“I don’t have any fancy clothes to wear though, is the only thing. Only got my work clothes,” he lamented, but then I remembered pa’s old things. Still sittin’ in the dresser in his old room. Right with ma. They looked about the same size too. Asher and pa, I mean.
Big, broad men, tall and filled out.
“Maybe I can find somethin’ in the house. We didn’t get rid of pa’s old things, and he and ma used to always go to the dances. They loved things like that.”
His smile grew wider and he nodded his head as he wiped off his hands on a cloth.
“It’s a date then,” he announced as he stood up, adjustin’ his belt and jeans. “Guess I’d better hustle and get my work done over on the east side before nightfall then. Don’t wanna be late gettin’ ready for the dance, now do I?”
My stomach was doing flips of excitement as I stood up, and I was sure I was beamin’. I’d never been so happy in all my days, and I knew I’d fret about it all afternoon.
I wished ma still had her mind about her so I could ask for advice about what to do. That was one of the worst parts of it, just feelin’ so lonely even though she’s still around. Wantin’ to share in my happiness with her and knowin’ she’ll never really understand.
Still, I couldn’t let that get to me, and I quickly packed up our picnic.
“We can eat here then go on if you want or else they have a small buffet thing before hand,” I suggested.
“Why not eat out? You’ve been bustin’ your ass cooking for us every day,” he said with a smile. “Dinner and a date sounds even better anyhow,” he remarked, and set off, brushing against me as he let his hand run down my arm. “I’ll be in to clean up early as I can,” he promised.
“Alright, I’ll try to find somethin’ nice,” I said, looking at him with such renewed affection and desire. My eyes roamed over his body before I turned on my heel, headin’ back to the farm. Each step felt lighter and more meaningful.
My first real date!
True to his word, Asher finished up his work early enough to get on back and get cleaned up. When he came out of the bath, I had a fresh set of pa’s date clothes waitin’ for him. I didn’t wait around to peek or nothin’, so don’t go thinkin’ me a total perv. But when he came on down, he was dressed up all nice.