Page 345 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
So, not exactly a comparison.
“Who’s that guy?” my cousin said to me, a tall, lanky fella who looked like he weighed no more’n me, despite the fact he was a heck of a lot taller. No matter how much hard farmwork he put in, he never could seem to shake that figure of his.
It took me a moment to snap out of my starin’ and day dreamin’, watchin’ the guy as he dismounted from his bike, tugged his zipper down and let the whole world see his chest, hugged by a tight grey tanktop underneath. The kind of top that clung to his every muscly bump.
“Looks like a fool,” my cousin said, his face contorted in annoyance. “Ridin’ a big ol’ noisy bike, like he can’t get enough attention to sustain ‘im.”
That’s my cousin, a bookworm if ever there was one, he never had much patience for flash or showin’ off.
But me?
I didn’t mind if a guy showed off a little bit. I preferred it, actually. Especially when he looked like that.
Marcus must’ve caught me staring again, because he was nudging my arm with his elbow.
“Earth to Shelby, hello?”
I tucked some of my hair behind my ear, still looking at Asher, not that I knew his name yet at that point. I wondered what his story was.
“I can hear you,” I said to my cousin, getting annoyed that he was intruding upon my quality fantasizing time. “Y’know, if you’re so concerned about people seekin’ attention, maybe you shouldn’t be jabbin’ me in the side tryin’ to get mine so hard.”
That little dig got to him, I could see. Marcus grimaced, screwing up his mouth and lookin’ at me all annoyed.
“We were in the middle of what’s called a conversation, Shelby,” he said, but my mind was back on that biker I didn’t yet know. Watchin’ him in those leathers, the big boots, stompin’ his way over to Mr. Fennel’s booth to talk to him about somethin’.
Mr. Fennel, though, looked like he shared more of Marcus’ opinion on the newcomer than my own, because he didn’t have a lot to say to the big, gruff man, even as he ran his fingers back through his thick, luxurious blonde hair. That caught my attention somethin’ fierce.
“I bet he’s just some thug from the big city, come to make a ruckus until the sheriff kicks ‘im out,” Marcus said, noticing my look. “What? That’s happened more’n a few times these past few years! You best watch out now, Shelby. Over there on that farm of yours now, with nobody but yer invalid mother.”
Yeah, my pa passed away years ago from a heart attack, and now my ma is wiltin’ away herself after a horrible accident. She ain’t any help to me, she can barely keep care of herself as I tend the farm.
“Maybe you could use a man around, y’know. To help out, and keep ya safe,” Marcus said, smiling lightly.
“Yea, that’s a good point,” I said, taking a step towards the stranger. That’d be a great opportunity, and a totally valid one. He looked like he could toss hay with the best of them.
If I could convince him to come work on the farm, not only would I be able to spend more time with him, but it’d actually genuinely help us out.
“Hey! Hold up,” Marcus said, grabbing my shoulder to spin me around towards him. “What’re ya doin’?!” he said, lookin’ at me in a panic, as if I was about to walk off the roof of a skyscraper to my doom. “I was talkin’ about me!” he said defensively. “That fella’s the trouble you need to keep at bay!”
Marcus was so rarely an excitable fella, unless I got him to talkin’ about his books and such. This weren’t one of those times. So it was strange.
But what good was he around the farm, with his scrawny arms and his bookish nature?
I furrowed my brows, staring at my cousin.
“You ain’t much for farm work, Marcus and you know it.”
“Hey,” Marcus said, looking genuinely offended. “I can pull my weight and then some,” he said, sticking his chin in the air. I’d stung his pride, that was for sure. Ain’t often I’d seen him so defensive.
But then there was that biker babe, it was clear his talk with Mr. Fennel wasn’t goin’ well, the big old man was tuggin’ his suspenders and lookin’ away from Asher, refusin’ to meet his gaze. And whenever Mr. Fennel did that, it was because he was bein’ a right prick and couldn’t face up to whoever he was doin’ it to.
“I’m ready to head off and tend to a farm of my own, and I will soon enough regardless. But I figured if my cousin could use a hand, I’d offer it. Since you’re all on your lonesome and everythin’,” he said, Marcus’ hands upon his hips as I watched Asher pull away from Mr. Fennel and climb back atop his big ol’ hog.
I stared at Marcus, my eyes going a bit hard. I was getting annoyed, because I just wanted to talk to Asher and Marcus was distracting me. Killing my buzz.
I took in a deep breath, trying to look intimidating.
“You got your own stuff going on, and he’s just a guy lookin’ for a lucky break, some work to get him through a rough spell or something, I bet. I don’t know why else someone’d be out here in the middle of nowhere. And we’re supposed to help those in need.”