Page 336 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
His hand rested atop mine as our gazes were locked, and it was impossible to measure the length of that time period for me. We could have been locked in a trance together for years, for all I know. He held me captivated, captive even. Not with chains and binds, but merely his words and his intense gaze, his handsome face and manly demeanor.
“I really wish to kiss you,” he said in his low, husky voice. “If I’m in the wrong for doing so, please just slap me and call me out for the lout I am,” he remarked before leaning in, head tilted as he gave me a kiss, plush on the lips.
I was too shocked to slap him, even if I had wanted to, which I didn’t.
I couldn’t believe how good he tasted, how good he felt, against me. I hadn’t been expecting it, to say the least, and I knew I was trembling. My hands shaking, my body weakened as I melted into his mouth, a little moan silenced on his lips.
He lingered there, kissing me for a while as his tongue ever so gently worked its way into my mouth. He went about it so expertly I didn’t even know it was happening until his tongue was caressing mine, and by then I was lost in the moment with him. The two of us making out deeply as we cruised along.
I know people love to talk about the ‘Mile High Club’, but in reality nothing even remotely romantic seemed to happen with myself or any of the flight attendants I knew. Bathrooms were too cramped, and the job had a habit of being too high pressure to ever allow for the relaxation required to get freaky. But with James?
I couldn’t remember ever feeling so at ease, so calm and yet excited at the same time. It was like a really good Christmas as a kid where you’re so excited but also just really caught up in the moment, enjoying the pleasures of the day.
I wanted to pull away and be responsible, but I didn’t know how I possibly could. Every time I tried, my body put a stop to it. I was putty in his hand.
His free arm went around me, so strong and assertive, he pulled me to the edge of my seat as we made out. He had such a powerful grasp, and I instantly felt an instinctive appreciation for it. His raw masculinity so overpowering.
He brought one hand up, sliding along my side, coming so close to my breast as he skirted the edge of it. The low smack of our lips filling the quiet air about us.
I didn’t have a great idea how much longer it’d be until we landed, honestly. And knowing that I didn’t know should’ve lead me to be more cautious.
Hell, everything about the situation should’ve made me want to be more cautious. But I was lost to excitement and pleasure like I couldn’t believe, and I pushed myself into him, begging him with my body.
Like a predator drawn to its prey, he came after me, accepted my enthusiasm with his own as he leaned over, pressed into our embrace tighter. That hard, muscular form of his against my soft, feminine body, my breasts mashed against his hard chest.
He leaned me back down upon the comfortable sofa-like seating for the VIPs, his body looming over mine as my skirt slid up, inch by inch.
It was, no doubt, the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and at the same time, even then, I knew I wouldn’t regret it. Even if everything went to hell, I was willing to throw it away, because I trusted him.
Funny, since my last breakup hadn’t really been... amiable and I’d taken a break from all men since, especially with all the stuff I see at my job.
But, and I know it’s a cliché... He was different.
His broad shouldered body got atop me, and I was left with little choice but to part my legs and let him lodge himself between my knees. My skirt rode up so high it was barely more than a belt, and his hand dared to move in, squeezing my breast gently over my top as he worked us both into a higher and higher frenzy.
A low, guttural growl escaped him and I felt the beast inside him, kept in such precarious check as his desires for me bubbled slowly over.
My entire body felt hot, too hot, and I ground against him wantonly. I couldn’t hold back with him, like I was under his spell. My arms wrapped around his neck, holding myself against him as I laid back on the couch, my mouth still meeting his in more of a frenzy.
Our passions were rising at a frightening rate, and I could feel the swell of his growing manhood against me as he pressed down upon my softer body. He explored and squeezed my body, relishing the feel of my thick, plump tits, the swell of my hips. He seemed to adore and lust for every part of me, slowly grinding his hips against me between my parted thighs.
Some part of me knew where this would lead, what would happen. I’d stopped taking the pill when I was dumped to give myself an excuse, a reason, not to get into this scenario with a man. But I was being careless, reckless, and I even loved it.
Wanted it.
Prayed he wouldn’t suggest stopping.
Luckily my prayers were answered, because instead of stopping or slowing down, James only grew more ravenous with time. His hard, strong hands groping at my flesh, squeezing my breasts, my sides, luxuriating in every part of me. He was easily the most insatiable man I’d ever been with, without all the gross, grubby hands and overzealous pushiness of so many other men.
It was just desire, primal and yet filled without any of that sense of entitlement. I moaned into his mouth, my lips sore and tender from kissing, and I wondered how long we’d been making out, but it had to be for a while to make them feel so numb.
I sucked in a breath as he pulled away for a moment before we were upon one another once more.
His hands roamed up and down my sides, until I felt that my skirt was up to my waist and my panties were sliding down my thighs. He reached in, his thumb rubbing at the lacy fabric of my panties atop my cunny, teasing my loins as he skirted the edge of my nipple above with his other hand.
A dull, low groan escap
ed his throat as he sought to please and coax me into higher desire along with him.