Page 296 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
It was the nicest thing I ever felt, and Mr. Avery made it all so sweet and carefree. He pressed me back gently to the blanket, his big, strong torso up over me, makin' me dare to touch upon all those hard muscles of his. It was glorious...
I never knew men could feel like that. So hard, so masculine, but so warm and reassurin'. He was everythin' good in men, times a thousand! And he was taken with me, I knew it. Like a gentleman's fancy, not some boy out for a roll in the hay and nothin' more!
I felt his hand circle around from my back as I lay down flat to the picnic blanket, felt those hard, long fingers search over my flat tummy, up to my breasts... skirtin' the edge of 'em along my tied-up top.
I didn’t wear a bra, and honestly it got a little hard sometimes ‘cause I was pretty chesty, and sometimes they hurt a bit when I was runnin’. But bras were too damned hot, and I didn’t care for them none, and never was I happier for that than when I felt him trace around those large mounds.
It was like electricity goin’ from him to me, and my legs parted so he could touch between them a bit better. It was so hot, and he was pressed atop me, but it was a good kinda hot. The kinda hot you want, you know?
I still couldn’t believe how good he felt and my tongue pressed against his and I guess it was kinda childish ‘cause he stilled and repeated my motion but slower. Sexier, not this little whip crack of my tongue like I did.
So I repeated that against him, and he moaned his approval and there wasn’t nothin’ I wanted more than to hear that noise.
Well, nothin' more than what he did next.
His hand slid up beneath my daisy duke shorts, and he touched those hard fingers to my private girl parts, right over top of my panties!
I almost screamed at the jolt that went through me. It was like lightning, like a whip crack that made my body stand at attention. It was really intense, is what I’m sayin’, and I could tell that I was really damp because the fabric was clinging to my privates.
Instead I moaned, real loud, into his mouth, and wriggled to be closer to him, my hand goin’ up to his face and pulling him in a bit closer to my lips.
We lay there in the grassy field, our two horses nearby as Mr. Avery and I savoured the moment. That strong hand of his touchin’ against my most delicate of parts, that work-hardened thumb of his brushin’ against my lady bits, those puffy lil’ wet folds.
But then it got so much more real, his other hand came between us, and undid those shorts, loosenin’ ‘em up before he gave a tug and downed ‘em. My panties had to be peeled off though, my naked slit so sticky with excitement it was almost like they were glued on!
“Oh Daisy,” he growled out, in that deep, husky voice of his, so manly as to make me quiver. Though the touch of his bare fingers upon my naked cunny turned a quiver into a full on shiver and shake!
Even my little toes were wiggling as he removed all my clothes except for my tied up top. I’d never had a guy look at me down there before, my legs hiding that little hidden apex from him. I was too shy, you know, because I’d never gone so far with someone. I didn’t even really understand it at the time, not then.
All I knew was that as he plucked a few more kisses from my lips, then slowly pulled back to look at me with them deep, mature eyes of his, I could feel the love. The adoration. The desire!
And as I watched him bring his finger up to his mouth, slick and glistenin’ with my honey, I got a tremble seein’ him have a taste of me! And enjoyin’ it no less...
“Mmmmm,” he rumbled with approval, savourin’ my flavour right as I stared at him in his bare-chested glory. All those big, hard, ripplin’ muscles coated with a sprinklin’ of coarse hair. He was more man than any other, I swear.
I moved in, kissing him again, and this time I could taste a strange tang that I didn’t recognize, but I knew it had to be me. I gasped and pulled away, but he was just smilin’ away as he started to move down. At first I thought he was going to move away from me, but then I felt his lips on my belly, then down lower still, and I nearly clamped my thighs around his head to stop him.
I didn’t want to have him kiss down there!
But his strong hands peeled my thighs apart, and there was nothin’ I could do as his tongue stuck out and ran across my bare sex, the vibration of his moan goin’ through me.
It was pure bliss, I gotta say. The only sin in it could’ve been stealin’ a slice of heaven for the world down below, because there was nothin’ more satsifyin’ than the way Mr. Avery began to lick at me down below.
My eyes rolled back into my head as I gasped and squealed, moaned and writhed. But I did my best to try and watch him, to see what he was a doin’ to me down there, and it was so delightful just to watch.
Past the heavin’ peaks of my breasts I saw that big man holdin’ my thighs and lickin’ at my lil’ twat with such hunger that I’d never seen the likes of. He wanted me more’n a meal at the end of a long, hard day, and I was breathin’ hot and heavy from it myself!
It felt so good, and he just kept goin’, his growls growin’ harder and faster and more primal, but then suddenly a funny sensation started to hit me. I couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, what it was, but I felt it everywhere all at once, like all my muscles just got real tight. And then it was the exact opposite, like everything on me was shakin’ out all the tightness and gettin’ real loose. It was amazing, and I don’t know no better way to describe it than that.
Mr. Avery made me feel like every inch of me was explodin’! And I wanted to, even as I reached out, ran my fingers through his hair and tried to push him away, squeelin’ and moanin’ so dang loud I probably made Ms. Molly and her new beau afraid!
A gush of warm honey flowed out of me as I cried out, and he kept on a lickin’! Drinkin’ it all down as I twisted and writhed all about. Those strong hands of his keepin’ me exactly where he wanted me though, despite all of it.
Everythin’ was a blur for a while, and it took me longer than it should’ve to realize Mr. Avery was a strippin’ off his jeans. Those ripplin’ abs of his givin’ way to a lil’ v-shape that pointed to a tuft of pubic hair, and then...
Oh heavens!
I ain’t never seen nothin’ like it!