Page 289 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
I told myself it didn’t matter anymore.
I made my way along the corridor, headed back to my cozy little room to await her arrival. I had on my suit for the wedding, since the event was set to start before long.
It was risky, I’ll give her that. Guests were everywhere, and though it wouldn’t be completely outlandish for her to be visiting her best man on the wedding, it’d be a little strange.
I was only best man because Juliet forced the issue, I knew that. Ken never cared much for me, or my relationship with Juliet, but she and I went way back, so it never mattered to either of us.
I walked into my room, looking over at the rather lavish bed, the flowers that adorned the bench before it. I couldn’t be certain, but that felt like a special little touch, just for me. The champagne next to the vanity, the mirror that took up most of the anterior wall, the Jacuzzi in the corner, all made the room seem a little romantic and tawdry at the same time.
I knew we wouldn’t be using the Jacuzzi yet, though, and that made me frown a little bit. It would be nice to just relax with her, make her wait...
But more than anything, I wanted to fuck her in her wedding dress and send her down the aisle with my seed on her panties.
The thought made me smile, but not so much as the rapped knuckles upon my door.
I looked over the red comforter, into the large mirror and fixed some of the dark hair that had gotten out of place, and made her wait just a moment longer before I opened the door.
Juliet was radiant. She had brown hair and almond eyes, porcelain skin and a killer smile. She was a beauty, svelte and wealthy beyond reason. But that smile she gave me, the way her perfect, white dress clung to her, pressed her small breasts up and making them look full and lush, she was beyond compare.
“Come in,” I urged her, opening the door wide so she could push on pass in that wedding gown of hers. The tresses of which dragged out into the corridor a nice ways. She had to come inside and walk deep into the room before I could shut the door behind her.
“The blushing bride,” I said with a gravelly taunt, looking her over as I stepped on up. My own tuxedo rather nice, but simple. That was the luxury of being a guy I suppose, got to keep it simple.
The gown had rhinestones embedded in it, along the corset and down into the tulle, her back bare but for the ribbon lacing, showing off her toned shoulders and arms. She turned to look
at me, her lips a pretty red, her eyes looking smoky and fluttering lightly.
“God, you wouldn’t believe how hard it is going down the stairwell in this,” she said, and I knew she’d avoided the elevator to reduce the risk of being caught. Though in her high heels, I could only imagine. Ken was a tall guy, and Juliet was petite, so she was clearly compensating.
But then, as I approached her, looming over her so tall, I was reminded that Ken wasn’t the only one.
“Seems like you must’ve been pretty hard up for somethin’ to make such a trek in that dress… and those heels,” I taunted, reaching out, touching my fingertips to her arms, lightly grazing up over the dress and sizing her up appreciatively.
I know time was limited, but I wanted to savour what I had. To play with her. Enjoy the moment.
She went to gnaw on her lip, but instantly stopped herself, remembering the lipstick and flushing a bit more naturally.
“I’m... just sorry I didn’t ask you when I first wanted to. Or the second time, or third, or any of the other times after that. But you’re the only one I really trust, Blake. You’re... the only one I want to mark me like that.”
It sounded so primal, the way she said that, especially with the way her eyes smoldered at me, contrasting to the glittering of her necklace and earrings. Her hair was pulled back from her face so I could see those high cheekbones of hers.
She looked like a perfect doll some princess out of a movie or some such. It was rather captivating, I had to confess. I could see the appeal of the big, flamboyant wedding after all. At least as I gazed on Juliet, looking so ravishing and pretty.
“Why did you ask me at all anyhow if you’re about to get married?” I said, and not even entirely because I wanted to know the answer, or so I told myself, I just wanted to extend the torture as my hands trailed along her. The backs of my fingertips brushing over her cheek, feeling that porcelain skin.
Her nose crinkled, her eyes up at me and no longer downcast in shame or doubt.
“Isn’t it obvious, Blake?” she asked me, and no, it wasn’t. Not to me, at the least.
She must have saw my confusion, because she took in a deep breath and ran her finger down over the lapel of my tuxedo.
“No man has stood by me like you have,” she said, her voice lowering. “And I want us to be linked forever.”
I wasn’t sure how to take that. Her words struck a certain chord with me. I’d long been into her, but never thought the feelings were returned. So I found myself looking at her rather wide-eyed and confused for just a moment.
“You’re a unique woman,” was all I could say, shaking my head in disbelief for a moment. “On your wedding day, you want to link us together… forever? One man not enough?” I said, taunting her just a little, but really, I got it. I did.
“We like different people for different reasons, right?” she said with a little half smirk. “And I couldn’t get knocked up before my wedding. What would people say? But... I want you first.” She licked over her lips, tasting the sweet strawberry gloss before she pushed her mouth to mine and shared it.