Page 271 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
It was glorious, and my legs parted slightly at his order, still so scared. I knew it weren’t right, but I wanted it so damn bad.
“That’s right,” he husked, and he brought that big ol’ beast of an organ up against me, teasin’ the tip along my lady bits, makin’ me tremble and squirm as he used it to stoke the fires of my loins no less than he had his own fingers.
“Besides, it’s about time you had a big ol’ cock in you,” he said to me so crassly, the criminal’s words so dirty. “Don’t you want a big dick to take your cherry finally? It’s a lot of burden to carry with you.”
My face was screwed up as I felt him touch me, his breath grazin’ my ear as he spoke of such nasty things that every part of me craved.
He was right. I wanted him. I wanted his body.
I wanted him to rid me of my innocence.
I spread my legs a little wider but couldn’t bring myself to say anythin’ back to him.
“That’s a good girl,” he said in response, continuin’ to tease that big ol’ manhood of his against my nethers. Makin’ my lil’ clit sing as he would swirl around it, then slide on down to tease against the entrance to my cunny.
His lips landed upon my neck, smackin’ softly as he kissed on down to my shoulder, then back up again. He was so soft and gentle, despite his big, strong body, and all those scary tattoos. But he had so much strength in reserve, and I knew he could snap me like a twig if he wanted.
Instead, he just slowly began to sink that big ol’ dick of his into me.
“C’mon,” he said, his voice a deep, low groan as he sank into me. “I wanna feel you all around me, babe.”
“Too big!” I cried out. I’d never felt nothin’ like it, and I was soakin’ wet but that was barely helpin’ at all.
He didn’t relent, though, grabbin’ onto my shoulder as he sucked on my neck, his tongue flicking against me as he kept me from squirming.
Then he pulled me back against him, hard, with a single thrust, and there weren’t no goin’ back. He was lodged all the way up inside me and my little puss felt like it was on fire.
I had never felt so full in all my life, and his lips broke their seal on my skin so he could let out such a deep, satisfied moan. So husky and lewd, it sounded like he was lost in pure heaven, and I felt a bit like that too. Each throb of his shaft makin’ my lil’ cunny stretch wider to accommodate his big ol’ girth.
“Ohhh fuck yeah,” he cursed. “You weren’t kiddin’ about bein’ a virgin, girl,” he husked to me in such approval, his dick throbbin’ wildly inside me as one of his hands slid up beneath me to cup one of my danglin’ breasts. Those fingers sinkin’ into my supple, tender flesh, squeezin’ and kneadin’ at me. “You ready to get fucked girl? ‘Cause I’m ready to fuck your gorgeous brains out.”
“Yes!” I screamed, but it was just on pure instinct. I certainly didn’t wanna scream that! But he felt so good. It was like my body had just completely taken over my brain, and now I was just addicted and wantin’ more of this man I never should’ve ever let touch me in the first place.
But the feel of that raw cock as he slowly withdrew, tuggin’ at my insides… it was sublime. It was better’n any heaven I ever dreamed up in church on Sundays! The feelin’ of bein’ so full by such a big ol’ brute of a man…
Oh lordy, I was lost to sin!
He began to pump his length into me, slow and steady. That thick length fillin’ me up as he began to quicken his pace, his deep, husky voice lettin’ loose his groans as he pumped me up against the barn wall.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he said crassly. “You’ve got such a tight lil’ cunt, I’ve never fucked someone so tight and tasty as you.”
I was screamin’, and I knew the animals were gettin’ spooked but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about nothin’. Not about gettin’ pregnant, not about fuckin’ a stranger, not about anything other than the fact that I never wanted to let go of this feelin’, not ever.
His thrustin’ was growin’ stronger, that rough strong hand of his sinkin’ into my hip, holdin’ me in place as the slaps of our flesh grew louder an’ louder, fillin’ the whole barn up with our noises. The moans, the squeals, the whimpers and wet, fleshy smacks. It was so crass and lewd, I never dreamed sex could be like it. It was overwhelmin’, and I was lost in it like a girl who couldn't swim cast off into the tempest of the ocean.
“Awww fuck girl, you feel so damn good,” he crooned out in approval, his dick throbbin’ inside me, raw and unprotected, just the way God intended, even if nothin’ else that was happenin’ had been goin’ as he wished.
He bit my neck, leaving his mark on me, and I cried out louder, but it was just makin’ my body feel electric. Every slap of his body against mine sent fireworks into my core, and I was losin’ myself to pleasures I’d never known existed.
“Oh fuck yeah, Annie,” he cursed again, like nobody I never knew, his words so crass and unhindered by the decency. Each thrust of his raw, unsheathed cock strikin’ deep into me, followed by the loud slap of his heavy, cum-laden balls as they struck against my clit, strikin’ a new sharp tingle of pleasure throughout my form.
And suddenly, all those worries I had started slippin’ away.
He thrust in, and I no longer cared about bein’ a loose woman.
He kissed my neck, and I no longer cared that he took away a sacred part of me.
His fingers grazed by breasts, and I no longer cared that I’d thrown away my hope of a husband.