Page 268 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
His eyes narrowed at me, but it took only a moment for me to realize he weren’t upset with me, just sizin’ me up. Studyin’ me.
“I need a place to tend to my wound, and hold out while the heat dies down,” he said to me in deep, confessional tones. “But here’s the thing… how do I know if you’re a good girl or a rat, huh? How am I to know you won’t just turn me in the moment I turn my back?”
I shrugged. “Why’d I do that, huh? There a reward on your head or somethin’?”
He reached an arm up over my shoulder, pressin’ his palm to the wall as he had me hedged in, blocked off.
“Maybe you’re just the type of goody two-shoes who’d turn a fella over who’s in need,” he said, lookin’ me over, his eyes comin’ to rest down my top, which was pretty scandalous I gotta say.
I could smell him. That musky, masculine scent like a man who’d been workin’ hard in the fields all day. That recent sweat, that bit of glistening across his brow. I looked over his full mouth as he spoke, watching the little ways that he sneered, that his upper lip parted to show off the whites of his teeth. A little bit of moisture glistened on his lower lip, and I was transfixed.
So transfixed it took me a while to realize what he was sayin’.
My brows furrowed, but my mind was moving like molasses, distracted as I was by his... everything.
“I won’t,” I murmured dumbly.
He leaned in real close, only amplifyin’ all my problems with the situation! I could barely swallow, my throat had gone dry even as I worried that I was droolin’.
“And how am I supposed to believe you, huh?” he asked, takin’ another long look over my body. I was dressed in only my daisy dukes, shoes and a top tied up around my belly, ‘cause it was too hot for anythin’ else. But it left me vulnerable to his hungry gaze.
Not that there were anythin’ wrong with that. I kinda liked it, even. Was makin’ everythin’ in my body wake up like from a sleep, and I couldn’t help but just stare at him.
I knew, though, that wasn’t what he wanted. I needed to say...
Convince him of some way he could believe I wasn’t gonna rat him out. I mean, dude’s obviously trouble from the look of him and the fact that the sheriff’s after him...
“Uh, I won’t.” Damn it, Annie, that’s not gonna work. “I promise.”
The look on his face said he weren’t impressed none by that pathetic attempt to persuade him. Though he casually reached up a hand, let the back of his finger brush along the edge of my breast just ever so slightly. It was full, and round, biggest rack in the town, not that the competition was exactly fierce. But hey, city feller like him certainly seemed to approve!
“You’re a pretty dame,” he said to me in his smoky voice, “and I wanna trust you. But I’m a cautious fella, and I don’t know yet why exactly I should. I mean… I’m out here in your barn, and you’re bein’ so tight lipped,” he said, the words sounding so… so poignant somehow.
But the way he was touchin’ me and lookin’ at me didn’t exactly make me wanna talk. He was turnin’ me into a droolin’ dummy, and set my pulse to racing.
“I just ain’t ever been in a situation like this, I dunno what to say,” I said, my voice breathy and so quiet. I was tryin’ to be bold and confident but he was makin’ me squirm and there was a pulsin’ between my thighs that I couldn’t ignore.
“I don’t want you to say much of anythin’, beautiful,” he remarked, liftin’ his hand up to my face, lettin’ his thumb trace along my pouty lips as I just stood there and stared. “But y’see, a man like me… in my predicament… I need some sign of faith. Some show that you trust me. Y’know what I mean? Some gesture that lets me know you’re gonna be faithful to me,” he remarked, his broad, bare chest on display, this hoodlum on the run so deliciously exposed before me.
It wasn’t that I was really dumb. It wasn’t like I didn’t understand what he might be gettin’ at.
But I wasn’t no loose woman. Sure, I was eighteen, but I was still a proud virgin and until that moment I figured I’d save it for marriage. That I’d give it to someone special, someone who loved me.
Around this brute, though, all logic and reasoning was quickly slippin’ away from me.
“What do ya mean?” I managed, trying to buy myself time.
Though time for what?
His head tilted to the side, and he looked me over, not a shred of shame on display as he gaze down my top at my big, pillowy tits. He was a brute of a man, and showed no reservations in lettin’ it be known. Though with a body like that, such prominent pecs and an eight pack of abs, it was hard to blame him.
“A beautiful lady can show she trusts a fella a lot of ways,” he said, lickin’ his lips ever so slowly, leavin’ those pink morsels glossy like his perspiration glistenin’ chest. “By givin’ a man she likes somethin’ precious. Somethin’... pleasant,” he husked.
I was certain that I was as red as a tomato baked in the sun.
“It’s just, I ain’t never...” I murmured...