Page 243 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
We had the entire wing to ourselves. I didn’t scrimp on things like this. I worked hard, and I deserved the best, and while the hotel technically housed other guests, I ensured they’d be nowhere near me and my Angel.
The room was adorned in red and gold, the king sized bed nestled next to the large window that looked out over the ocean.
But lavish rooms and high class living weren’t the only things the hotel was known for, and I greedily took in the little instruments I’d requested, laid out with care on the bed. A blindfold, five strips of leather with their metal Os, a paddle.
All I needed.
Angel reacted with sheer awe, gazing about as if she’d never seen so magnificent a place before in all her life, and of course she hadn’t. Though when her gaze came to rest upon the sight of those kinky implements, her eyes dipped and I could see the blush fill her pale cheeks.
Though sweetest of all was how she clung to my arm a little tighter as she forced her gaze away.
“It’s spectacular,” she said breathlessly.
I stroked over her shoulder, warm from the heat of the sun, and yet even still, my touch made her skin bump.
I shut the door, locking it.
I didn’t want to waste even a single moment with her, and I pulled away from her.
“I didn’t give you permission to talk, Angel,” I said with a tut-tut to my voice, my eyes flicking to the bed. The sun was higher in the sky now and the room was a bit darker than outside, a warm orange flooding the bed.
“You’re going to have to be taught what happens when you speak out of turn.”
The poor girl looked mortified. Her round, exotic looking eyes wide and glossy, her face appearing simply aghast. Those pouty lips of hers trembled, about to speak before she realized better and hung her head. Those little hands clasped before her as she awaited her punishment.
What a sweet young thing.
I had to hide my smile, though. My excitement.
That was the hardest part, for me. It wasn’t doling out the punishment, it wasn’t listening to the girls scream in pain and pleasure, or feeling them wriggle and writhe.
It was trying to pretend it didn’t affect me until it was time.
I motioned towards the bed.
“Keep your dress on, but go to the bed,” I said sternly, though I’d like to think I wasn’t cold about it.
She obeyed perfectly, that beautiful young woman moving with such angelic steps, her dress streaming behind her as she went and tucked the skirts beneath her thighs and took a seat. She glanced over at me with those big blue eyes of hers before hiding back beneath her blonde hair.
I stepped towards her as she settled in, and I hoped her heart was racing like mine.
I had a specific set
of instructions for the company that sent her, and so far as I could tell, they obeyed my every word.
My index finger went to her jawline, touching along it and making her look up at me again.
“I want you to be as quiet as a mouse,” I instructed as I reached towards the leather collar at her side. My thumb ran along it, the cold metal pressed to my palm. Rubies adorned it all around in an intricate pattern and I smiled at the craftsmanship as I brought it to her throat.
She tilted her head back, chin up as she let me put that collar about her neck, tying it tight about her slender little stalk.
Up close like that I got to appreciate just how long and curved her lashes were, they fluttered before me beautifully as she let me take control. Her anxious swallow straining the confines of that collar, yet she restrained her squirm.
I looked down on her with such appreciation as I went for the next piece of leather, this one suited for her wrist. I lifted her hand from her lap and she kept it in place as I fastened it, the rubies glittering alongside that metal O ring.
I took a moment to feel her slender, smooth arm and smile.
I was so damned excited. The thought of having her, fully, excited me like nothing else. No meeting with the most powerful people in the world, no amount of money, could compare to the way I felt before taking a beautiful young woman for the first time, claiming her for myself.