Page 226 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
I was still stunned. "I'm... I'm not..."
"Can it!" I knew this level of anger. It wasn't one to be reasoned with immediately. "I thought you would be different, Haley. I really thought you would be. I meant the things I said. You were supposed to be special. I thought you were special."
Anger, as fierce as it was, was now mixed with tears. He grabbed some clothes and started putting them on.
"I'm not going to tell you what to do. Your body, your choice, and it's not like I can't afford this bullshit. I need to head on down the road for the next show." He didn't even have shoes on as he went to the door.
"I didn't mean to deceive you, I thought..."
"I don't want to hear excuses. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you my life is hard. I haven't married anyone because they're either other celebrities with their heads up their own ass, or they're someone like you, and only want me for my fame and fortune. Now I know better than to let my guard down for even a second."
"I want to be with you, Leo," my hand was reaching out to him.
"Stop with the bullshit. You'll be able to find my lawyers if you come down pregnant and you'll get your settlement. Smile, be happy, all that's between you and your gambit paying off is mother nature."
I wasn't happy. Tears were in my eyes, and they started to flow down my cheeks.
"Why do you have to be as deceptive as you are beautiful?" Those were his last words before he stepped through the door and slammed it on me.
I rolled out of bed. I wanted to just roll back into it. It had been a few weeks since my meeting with Leo Rose.
Oddly, I was regretting it had even happened. Maybe the old proverb of you shouldn't meet your heroes was true. You especially shouldn't fuck them.
I dashed toward the bathroom, a sudden bout of nausea taking me. After spending some fun time with Mr. Toilet, I turned toward the bag I had brought home the night before. I had bought the thing, but I didn't really have to go then. I had to go now.
Since the incident, I had avoided all of his music. I had taken down my posters. I didn't even want to think of him.
It didn't work. He was such a big part of my life, and it should have been something I carried with me forever.
As I waited for the test to finish, I wondered if I was definitely going to carry something of his for nine months, or did I eat something I shouldn't of?
I completely understood why Leo freaked out like he did. I knew all about gold diggers, and how groupies would target rock stars for hush money. Child support when you're earning that much is enough to support a child, the mother, and a small orphanage on top of it all.
Was it that I mentioned I was jealous of his rich and famous lifestyle? I just kept thinking back to saying it and feeling like a gigantic asshole for opening my mouth like that.
I had to ruin a good thing by being a horny teenager, didn't I?
I looked at the test.
Yes, I was pregnant.
I let out a breath, confirming something I was fairly sure of. I didn't get food poisoning that easily.
What did I do now? I had a golden, if tumultuous, ticket to never having to work again growing inside of me. Being a mother was hard, but I still had my own, and a grandmother as well. I didn't have any doubts about their support, either.
I didn't even have to worry about the legal aspects. Any lawyer would be gnawing for the commission tied to all of this.
Still, though, my memory flashed back to Leo. There was a sadness in his anger. The idea that he couldn't be sure about any supposed romantic interests intentions, well, that was no way to live.
My dream was never to just have money. My dream was to be close to the world of rock and roll, even if I couldn't participate in it.
I wasn't going to settle for something I didn't want. No, not without trying.
Pressing a button on my laptop, I waited for it to power on. I had to find Leo Rose. I had to talk to him - and I had to do it in person.
The seats to this concert weren't anywhere near as good as the ones I got to the last event. I had scrounged enough just to buy some tickets to the nosebleeds, but I had to hope it was good enough. It wasn't like anyone would believe me if I told them I was carrying Leo Rose's child if I walked up backstage, so I had to hope I would catch his attention.
He walked onto the stage. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he said. There was something different about this show than the one I went to last. "Let's get this show on the road. Rock on, and such."