Page 217 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
Faster, we built to the climax of our symphony. He would bring everything together, higher and higher. My sights never shifted from the man of my adoration. I'd be echoing for him, I'd be crooning for him. He'd give me this and so much more and this'd only be the first thing he'd do to me this night.
Then, I'd let myself be heard. It hit me so hard, and so suddenly, right as the song was winding down, I finished bringing myself to orgasm, and was left with the reminder that I was alone in my parents house.
Someday, I'd be right there with Leo. Enjoying all of his riches, both in the economic and the physical sense. Someday, I would be his woman, and he would write songs about me.
Or I was foolish teenaged virgin with ridiculous dreams that didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of coming true.
One or the other.
Probably the latter. It wasn't as if he would see me and see that I was the one. Given that I didn't really know how to play any instruments well beyond the most basics of you strum the guitar to make it make a sound, it wasn't like I was going to become a rock star on my own either. I was a typical teenager with overblown crazy dreams and nothing more.
I sighed, and closed my laptop. I leaned over to my old clock radio and turned that on instead. Sure, most kids my age didn't even bother with the radio anymore. We had streaming services and the internet to fulfill all of our musical curiosities. It was the same for me, but there was one thing that changed my habits.
Leo Rose was holding a concert near me. That meant another thing - that the local radio stations would make their shot at staying relevant by giving away tickets to his show.
I couldn't afford tickets on my own. Not to a gigantic show like Leo Rose's in the least.
I could afford the price of free however.
Some song I didn't care for was now winding down. The DJ took to the radio. "That was a new classic; 202.3 always bringing you the best of all classics, old and new. Speaking of instant classics, Leo Rose is coming to the Harding Coliseum and Performing Arts Center tonight!"
Tonight, I wasn't doing anything beyond just puttering around the house. It was lazy summer and I was at the final days of being a senior at high school where nothing seemed to matter. All there really was on the agenda was plotting the next half century or so of my life which wasn't exactly something I looked forward to doing.
"In tribute to Leo Rose's hit single 'Eleven Things To Never Forget About You', we're going to be giving the eleventh, twenty-second, and thirty-third callers special V.I.P. tickets to tonight's show, which includes in person meet and greet with the man Leo Rose himself!"
I gulped. A meet and greet? I thought it'd just be for tickets and nothing else. I'd be able to meet Leo Rose? I almost fainted right then and there, forgetting that I hadn't even entered the contest yet, let alone won anything.
"We're going to play just that song, and when we come back, we'll see who our very special winners are!" He then announced the number that everyone who wanted to enter should call.
'Eleven Things' hit the airwaves, and I was panicking, wondering if I should plan any strategy. Would there be that many people calling? Should I delay? Should I dial immediately? How many people in this town wanted to see Leo Rose but didn't have tickets yet?
I shook my head trying to clear out the panicked crazy, and realized I was overthinking it. I couldn't really plan any of these things, at least not quick enough before the thirty-third caller was announced.
Sliding over my bed, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. I crossed my fingers, my toes, and wondered if I had any other things to cross in hopes to win the ticket - and the chance to meet Leo Rose.
I was so anxious, I couldn't even enjoy the sweet sounds of the Leo Rose song that was playing on the radio.
For me, that's incredibly anxious.
As the song drew to a close, my entire body tensed up. "Oh please, oh please, oh please..."
"Caller eleven?"
"What's your name beautiful?"
"Jenny. Did I win?" They asked. It was not me asked. This didn't do my nerves well.
"Yes you did Jenny! You're going to tonight's Leo Rose show!'
"Woo!" They seemed excited. Not excited enough though.
They bantered a bit. I didn't care. It wasn't me winning.
"Let's go to the twenty-second person. Caller?"
"Oh hey, that's me?"