Page 198 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
"Are you trying to interrogate me?" I said, squirming in my handcuffs. "You think I'm going to lead you to some huge conspiracy of streakers who only run through high class hotels?"
"Cute," the officer said with a sarcastic smile. "What you did was wrong, lady."
"I guess, but I don't see how treating me like a murderer is going to do anything?"
The door the room swung open, and I immediately glanced over to see who it was.
Daniel Carter.
I swallowed. He was well dressed, no jacket, but a tie, and he was carrying a metal briefcase. "Officer," he said, nodding his head.
"Mr. Carter, she's ready for you."
"Thank you, Officer."
The cop left the room, and closed the door behind him, leaving me in a terrifying situation.
I was alone with Daniel and I had nowhere to run to escape him.
"Olivia," he said, flatly.
"Daniel," I said, nervously.
"Do you know how hard it was to find you? I realized you never even gave me your last name. I had to hire a private investigator to find you again, trying to find the only Olivia in this city with your beautiful face, your soft hair, your luscious lips, your sexy curves..."
"I get it."
"That's what the private investigator said too."
"I didn't know if you'd be able to figure out what'd been going on with me. I was afraid you would have heard that the Van Hansens were ruined and you'd tell me to fuck off."
"Maybe I would have."
I nodded. "I didn't want you to know I was destined to be in the poor house, okay?"
He paced around behind me. "I've gathered that. So, that's what you were at the Cleopatra to do, then? Find some rich schmuck, earn his trust, make him your sugar daddy?"
"Yes, that's what I wanted to do." I answered his questions honestly, knowing that I wasn't exactly in a good place to be lying and stringing him along. "I didn't know what to do otherwise. I thought it would be someone who probably deserved something like that anyway."
"You don't think I deserve being lied to?"
"No. You didn't seem like all the other assholes who were in the bar that night."
"So you went along with me anyway, despite still having that intent?"
I nodded, not wanting to outright say it.
He took a deep breath, still pacing behind me as I sulked.
"Relationships are about both sides bringing something to table. When money is involved, one ends up supporting the other, so the other better bring something worthwhile."
"I can't bring anything," I said. "I'm broke. I'm sorry, Daniel, I didn't..."
"Olivia, tell me. Was the whole night an act? Did you just pretend to like all the things I did to you? Or were you faking it?"
He planted his hands on the table and were staring directly into my face.
"Were you, Olivia? Just all part of your plan, right?"