Page 179 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
"Karen, I am a man of great success. With this success comes getting what you want. When you always get what you want, you start to develop very specific tastes. You want something out of your woman, out of your lover."
My interest was piqued when he mentioned the word 'lover'. "Like what?"
"I want someone with enough of their childhood demeanor still alive, but is still a woman. You, Karen, are a woman. A shapely one that any man would love to have. Looking over your family's finances though, you haven't fully embraced growing up yet. A woman, yet still a little girl. You are perfect, Karen. Perfect to attend to, to take care of in every way imaginable."
"Because I have a stuffed animal collection you think I'm going to just be your little girl?"
"You aren't interested?"
I froze a second. I wasn't fully sure what he was describing. I wasn't completely filled in on every bit of subtext in his words. There was one thing that was perfectly clear, though.
It meant being with him. It meant being him in ways he would care for me, and caring for me in very adult ways. "I'm intrigued."
"Then I will make you mine, Karen. You're going to be my little girl, with everything that entails. My so very spoiled brat... that is what will make Daddy very happy."
The food was brought out, along with the Shirley Temple.
I took a gulp of the drink - it was better than I expected, not even really knowing what a Shirley Temple was. Seemed to be a mix of fruit juices and soda. I could live with being restricted to this.
As I reached for the knife and fork for my food, he put up a finger. "Oh? What's wrong?"
He reached across the table and pulled my plate over to him. "Let me get that for you."
Ty took the knife from his side, and asked for my fork. I handed it over, again curious to where he was going with all of this.
Cutting into the meat, a little bit of juice escaped as he carved out a chunk of it. "Open wide, little girl."
I obeyed, as he delivered the food right into my mouth. He let me savor it, licking up the meat and its juices, little it dribble down my throat. Glancing across the table, I saw that smirk on his face. How delightfully twisted of him. I bit the meat off the fork and pulled my lips away, chewing it.
"Chew it up real well, little girl."
It was as good as 'Daddy' promised. I wondered if the pleasures that would follow if I went with Ty Warren would be far more than simple culinary ones...?
He took me by the hand as he led me from the restaurant. "Little girl, we are retiring home for the evening."
"Oh, are we?"
"Oh, yes. Let me show you what awaits you." His grip grew firmer as he brought me to the limo and let me step in.
I was curious to say the least, about what was going to come next. What was with all of this Daddy stuff?
He brought me to one of the tallest buildings in town. I came from money, yes, but he seemed to be on a whole different level than my family was.
The whole
time, Ty Warren held me close to him. It wasn't a simple hand hold, but he encouraged me to hold onto him, to hug him like he was the very giant teddy bear he had bought me today. Resting on him almost as we rode the elevator high, all the way to the top floor of the building. The doors opened in front of two ornate double doors. He pulled out a key, unlocked them, and opened them for me, leading me in.
I was met with a gorgeous view of the entire city below. An amazing sight to say the least. I took it in for a moment, before Ty spun me around and laid a deep kiss on me. A rush of adrenaline hit me as he did so, his tongue invading my mouth and mine almost following his automatically. One hand running through my hair, the other going down my back. The kiss, my very first, seemed to be lasting an eternity - an eternity I was enjoying so very much.
When it finally broke, my eyes were locked with his, and his were very much driven and determined. "If you are to be my little girl, there are going to be rules you must follow in this relationship."
"What rules?"
"You must obey, Karen. You must obey Daddy. You will do as I say, and you will do so without objection. You are to be mine, you are to be my... Kitty. Yes, Kitty, that is much more fitting of a name for my little girl."
I blushed, not being called that for more than a decade.
"I must obey no matter what?" I wasn't sure what to make of this as he explained.