Page 165 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
I know it might not even be on this computer. Maybe it’s at Rick’s home, but dad hasn’t brought me over there since last summer for a BBQ and I know how weird it’d be if I just showed up out of the blue trying to get on his computer.
Nervously, I bite in on my lower lip as I walk through the school halls. It’s creepy at night. Even with the lights on, and the janitors here and there, it feels too quiet and abandoned. Like the ceilings are too high and the walls are too wide, and yet it’s almost claustrophobic, like everything’s closing in on me.
I try to reign in my fear and continue my walk towards the end of the hall. I remind myself of why I’m here.
To find out what pictures Rick has of me.
Earlier that day I’d gone into the secretary’s office and when she wasn’t looking, I put a little piece of tape over the door hole so it wouldn’t lock all the way. When I finally get to the door, I gratefully find out that no one noticed, and I slip into the inner office.
I stare at the nameplate on his door. Principal Rick Wood. All the others called him Mr. Dick Wood behind his back, but I never did. Mostly because I was afraid that if I did, I’d moan out the word or something like that. I didn’t want anyone to know how much I thought about his dick.
I turn the knob and push the door in, but it makes a surprisingly loud noise and I cringe and stop. But I hear nothing, can’t see anyone around. So I continue and push on into his office.
The light from his monitor is still on, which means he must’ve forgot to turn it off when he left work. But all the better for me, because it means that I can get onto his computer more easily.
And it’s doubly good, beca
use I see he hasn’t logged out of his account! No guessing his password. Which is good, because I have no idea how I’d go about that. I wasn’t thinking straight, or planning ahead, clearly!
I sit myself on down, the chair squeaking noisily, but no sooner than I start moving the mouse about to click through folders do I notice the dark silhouette of a tall, broad-shouldered man looking in from the door.
“This kinda thing gets a girl a whole ton of detention… or worse,” came that dark, gravelly voice that was so familiar.
Oh crap! He must have heard me come in through the receptionist’s door.
“It’s not what it looks like!” I protest instantly, the words coming to my tongue no sooner than I’d thought it. I push myself away from the computer as if it’s hot lava and I somehow won’t get in trouble if I’m not touching it anymore. My blonde bangs brush against my forehead as I shift, and suddenly I’m more aware of everything.
Of the smell of him in the air, the rich cologne filling my senses. It’s so dark, but my eyes adjust slowly, and I can see how good he looks in his suit, the way he’s undoing the collar of his button down shirt.
He steps towards me slowly, purposefully, placing his two palms upon the desk and leaning forward. I can feel his dark gaze on me, boring through me as he sizes me up, licking his lips slowly.
“Y’know, if you were anyone else… I’d be about to expel you, Andrea,” he says to me, each word a deep, husky delight on my ears as he says them.
“No,” I whimper, my shoulders slumped, my school outfit crinkling. I’m hot beneath my blouse and vest, and my skirt suddenly feels itchy around my thighs. I can’t let my dad find out I was sneaking into his best friend’s office at night, that I would have been expelled if he didn’t know me so well!
Those perfect, masculine lips of his quirked up into a wry smirk, and as he sizes me up again, I feel downright trapped. So I stand up to leave, but he so casually steps in my way, blocking the only route around his desk with his tall, towering form.
“Andrea,” he says, my name rolling off his tongue so smoothly as he reaches out and cups my chin and cheek, stroking his thumb along my smooth skin. “Where do you think you’re going? We haven’t come to any arrangement here yet,” he says.
My nose crinkles, and his eyes twinkle. He’s teasing me. I know that look better than any. It’s like he caught my hand in the cookie jar and now he’s asking what I’ll do for him to not tell dad.
“What kind of arrangement?” I ask, and I’m surprised by how lusty my voice is. I feel scared, sure, but he keeps stroking my cheek, and I can feel my body start to flush.
“Well,” he begins, taking his time as he looms over me, his natural musk tinged with some light manly aroma of cologne. My eyes are the perfect level to stare at the bare triangle of his hard, masculine pecs. “I can’t very well let you off with just a warning in lieu of an expulsion Andrea, now can I? Some kind of punishment or service has to be rendered,” he explains slowly, those long, hard fingers of his knitting back into my hair.
When did it get so hot in here? I swallow hard and lick my lips before lightly crossing my arms beneath my heaving breasts.
“I’ll wash your car for you every day after class,” I promise, knowing very well how much he prizes his car. His dad gave it to him years ago, and he’s looked after his Cadillac like it was his child. I guess since he never married, he needed something to care for.
“Wash and polish my car, huh?” he says, brow raised, sounding sceptical of my proposal. “You think that’s all it’s gonna take to wipe the slate clean, lil’ girl?” he taunts me, goads me as those dark eyes of his flash wide a moment and he looks down over me. “I think we’ll have to step things up a notch, don’t you?”
I’m dying to know what pictures he has of me, but that look in his eyes...
I’m a virgin. I’ve never been interested in other guys, especially not those my own age. But Mr. Wood is so sexy, and way out of my league. So why does it look like he wants me? Why does he keep looking at my pink-lipglossed lips? Every time I lick them, he looks at them almost enviously.
There’s no way.
Is there?