Page 153 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
It was the most intense moment of my life! And really left no doubt as to why he was such a bad boy with so many lil’ ones all around the world. With a load that big, he was packin’ enough sperm to breed the nation.
And that was just what I wanted. I took it all in, grinding my hips and ass into him, body arching and writhing and nipples so hard.
It took a long while before the haze subsided and I fluttered my eyes open just long enough to see Mr. Claus rubbing one out on the balcony, watching me squirm beneath another man. I smiled before I brought my face back to Mr. Frost’s, mouth meeting his with such passion and intensity.
We made out there as my husband watched and jerked off, all that rich seed pooled within me. It was the most wonderful time of the year, and when he began to fuck me again, I knew it wasn’t even over.
It hadn’t been an easy time giving birth to another man’s child. But I knew Santa really got off on the whole thing after all, and he was all rosy cheeked and happy once I popped out another lil’ elf for him.
Though, how he’d react when I showed back up at Mr. Frost’s place next year? I had no idea.
Pregnant Brat for Christmas
Book Themes:
step-father/step-daughter, barely legal, virgin, breeding
Word Count:
I can’t believe my luck.
It’s the holidays and I decide to drive home for Christmas from college, but a snowstorm’s hit and now my car is planted in a snowbank, with the other half lodged in a ditch. So here I am, huddled in my car as the chill sets in.
And worst of all? My cellphone doesn’t work here, because my stepdad’s place is out in the middle of nowhere and there’s no reception.
So I’m thinking to myself: do I get out and trudge all the way through a snowstorm to find a place to call for help? Or hope help finds me first?
The only thing to keep me warm in the meantime is thoughts of seeing my hunky dad at his big old house. The fireplace going in anticipation of my arrival, the tree all decorated, and the smell of familiarity in the air.
Though I wish there were another fire waiting for me too, but hey… those aren’t the kind of thoughts a girl’s supposed to think about her daddy.
“Screw it,” I say, and give in at last. I’m gonna have to trek out into the snow and try to find a place to make a call or at least make it to the next house on these rural roads. It’s either that or freeze to death in the storm.
I bundle up tight, prepare myself… but oh hell, once that door is open and the chill, icy winds blow in I know there was no preparing for this! The gusts of wind are enough to tear through my winter jacket and I almost can’t breathe!
I slam the door shut again as I shiver, curse myself, but then…
Hey, Christmas miracles do come true I guess, because I see some lights coming down the road, cutting through the snow. I blink my lights, hoping to get their attention, and they come to a slow halt. I can’t make out details but I think someone’s getting out of the vehicle and I roll down my window.
“Dammit Trixie,” comes my father’s voice through the thick wind as he leans in, his furlined hood surrounding his face. “You can’t drive for shit, can you?” he says, his handsome face spread into a wide grin at me.
“Dad!” I say almost leaping out my window so that I can wrap my arms around him. “It’s not my fault you still live out in the sticks! No one can drive right on these roads.”
I’m just so happy, though, that I press my mouth to his cheeks, his light stubble teasing my soft lips. I can’t believe how good he looks. He’s beefed up a lot since I last saw him, even, and his shoulders are strong and broad beneath my arms.
He chuckles and reaches in, hugging me back before pulling away and looking over the car.
“I think this one might be lodged in too deep for even my truck to pull out,” he says, hand on my door. “Come on Trixie, we’ll call a tow truck once the storm’s over. You’re comin’ with your dad for now,” he says, smiling warmly as he opens up the door for me.
Unfortunately, everything they say about girls in the city is true. Well, at least the part about never buying proper footwear for the winter, as my four inch heels at
test to. They looked so slick in the store window I just had to have them, but when I try to slam my door shut, I instead fall right on my ass with the motion.
“Oww!” Crap, my ass is going to be bruised tomorrow. There must be a sheet of ice under all this snow!
“Shit,” my dad says and he bends down in the blowing snow and picks me right up without hesitation. “It is just not your day, sweetie,” he says with a smile. My dad, to the rescue again. He carries me over to his truck, pulling open the door even as he holds me up by some clever hand trick, and lays me in.