Page 136 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
Well, every day since only got better and better.
My hand went to his chest as I accepted the bouquet, kissing his mouth with such affection. I was trying to act calm as well, but I couldn’t help it. I was abuzz with energy, and I couldn’t wait for him to find out what his present really was.
“Thank you!” I purred against his mouth.
His strong forearm pressed into my lower back and he held me to him tightly as we kissed. My handsome man was never one for short kisses; he wanted to savour my lips each time and was never too shy to let it happen. Never too macho to kiss his woman in public, regardless.
"Well it's just the tip of the iceberg, my sweet," he said to me in that deep, velvety voice of his. His every word so rich and firm. His newly freely hand went to my side, down to my hip where he squeezed my ample flesh tightly.
I couldn’t help but grin at just how right he was. If he thought he had something for me that would top my gift, he had another thing coming.
“Well there’s no way you could do better than last year,” I teased.
"Oh, I don't know about that," he said to me with that self-assured confidence, smiling down with a twinkle in his beautiful eyes.
He lifted a hand up to cup my cheek, the engagement ring cool, such a contrast to the rest of his hard, warm grasp.
"Remember how we talked about having that baby?" he said to me smoothly, holding my gaze.
How could I forget? Months of asking him to ignore his traditional families wishes and just forget the condoms for a little while? To get a start on the family before we exchanged vows?
The conversations has gone as well as I’d assumed, but I was so ready for a baby and I didn’t want to have to wait another few months, that much was certain.
But I didn’t want to hope that he’d changed his mind...
“Of course,” I said, pulling away and tucking some of my dark, wavy hair behind my ear. “Why?”
He took his time answering me, that steely gaze of his travelling down over me, soaking in every inch of my figure as if I was the most ravishing woman in the world.
"I was thinking you'd look at least as beautiful in your wedding dress with a pregnant belly," he said, cracking one of those devilish smiles of his that made him look even more handsome still.
I was floored. Positively and utterly struck dumb for a long few moments as his hands roamed over my tight, red dress. I nearly dropped the roses before I came to, startling my way out of my thoughts.
“Are you kidding me?” I asked, and for a moment I forgot all about Stacey and our plans for later.
He trailed his hand back over my cheek, ran his fingers lightly through my hair in that appreciative manner of his which carefully avoided messing up my hairdo.
“Do I ever kid with you about something so important?” he asked, his voice rich and husky as he pulled be slowly back in against him, let me feel his hard, athletic body pressed against me. “I want you to have my child. And after that, I want you to have another. And another. And we can’t very well wait around forever if we’re going to make the kind of quota I have in mind,” he said with a quirky smile upon his full lips.
“Exactly!” I said, louder than I intended. I was just about to lose it, and I squirmed against him. Hell, I wanted to throw away all our plans then and there just to feel him take me, raw, for the first time. I’d always had problems with other types of birth control, but I couldn’t help but really crave his dick, bare and throbbing for me.
My hand went down his chest, over his abs, grabbing at his belt.
“We have forty five minutes before the reservation...” I breathed out, unfastening it and bringing my hand lower to rub at his package. Just the idea of him getting me knocked up had me wet as a hurricane.
That wasn't a lot of time to fuck, get ourselves back together then cross town to the restaurant, but neither of us seemed like we'd be able say no once I started loosening his belt. Todd's package swelled through his tailor-fit pants, and his hands felt out my ample breasts through my top as I went about freeing the beast. That thick cock of his locked behind a final layer of cotton beneath those pant, which I then peeled back to let that throbbing, veiny girth pounce forth.
"You're lucky," he said breathily as he took hold of me, guided me to the wall and bent up over up against it. "I've been saving a big load for you as a special Valentine's Day present," he growled as his dick throbbed behind me, his hands rolling up my dress to expose my cunny.
My hands braced myself as I looked over my shoulder at him. I couldn’t see him well as he brought the dress up over my hips, finding me without any panties, shaved smooth, and already soaking wet. I parted my legs, arching my back as I purred at him.
“Fuck me hard,” I pleaded, my plans, the flowers, everything forgotten with the promise of feeling his raw cock.
Later I'd share him with Stacey, but for now, my rich and successful man would be all mine, and I felt his bare, unsheathed dick sink into me. A single, slow thrust and he was buried to the hilt inside me, that broad, vein-bulging shaft spearing me open. But this time, there was no layer of nasty rubber between us, no knowledge that he was going to pull out to ruin the whole thing for me.
He let loose a deep, throaty moan as he ploughed in deep and pulsated with excitement. Delaying that brief moment before he began to pump his hips, hard and growing faster with each thrust.
It felt better than I could have ever imagined. He was so big and warm, and my juices let him thrust quickly. My back arched, pussy clenching his dick as I moaned out his name.