Page 130 of Tasting Candy: Over 60 Erotic Pregnancy Stories
“I was on my way into the shop, wanted to do a little inventory before I open up my store,” he said to her smoothly, still holding her hand and stroking his thumb along the ridges of her thumbs. “But it’s nothing that needs doing right away. Especially not in the face of such a lovely woman,” he remarked with a pleasant smile. “Maybe I could treat you to breakfast?” he proposed, an eyebrow cocked at her in query.
Of course, she’d just had breakfast.
She shook her head slowly, pleasantly.
“I’ve already eaten, thank you. But...” she trailed off for a moment, worrying her lower lip thoughtfully. “You were with, what was his name... Mark? At the party last evening, yes?”
Martin gave a soft laugh and nodded his head.
“Yes, I know the young gentleman. He’s rather new to the place, not quite as new as you of course, but he’s in need of some guidance. He’s never helped a woman father a child before, and he’s most anxious to. I try to teach him a bit of patience and civility, you know,” he remarked with a gentle smile upon his handsome face. “He’s a hard working sort though, eager to please and be of service to a lady such as yourself. You couldn’t go wrong with a young lad like him, dear Lisa.”
That was just what she wanted to hear.
“Well, perhaps instead of meandering around the party this evening, I could come over for dinner?” she asked, licking her lips. “With the two of you, I mean.”
“Certainly dear,” he said, a smile upon his handsome face. “I’ll be sure to let him know. He’ll be most excited to spend some time with you. I think he’s got something of a crush already,” he remarked with a wink to her.
That softened her heart, her smile so tender as she gave a nod.
“I’m excited myself.” She took her hand from his, standing up a bit straighter. “Then I trust you’ll come gather me at the right time?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” he said, blowing a kiss to her with no small modicum of flair. “I shall look forward to this evening then, Miss Lisa. I’ll make sure it’s a time to remember, hm?” he backed away towards the door, and more ably avoided staring at her ample chest than a younger man would have with her in that position.
She chewed down on her lower lip as she backed away, her dark eyes twinkling with excitement.
“Until then,” she purred.
Lisa looked in the mirror, tidying a wayward strand of long, blonde hair. She’d bathed and felt so relaxed, lightly smelling of vanilla and sugar as she pulled on a tight, black shirt that lifted her cleavage, a necklace dangling tantalizingly between it. She wore another simple skirt, black thigh highs, and her shiny maryjanes, and thought she looked rather classy.
Which, of course, contrasted with what she was to be doing that night. Being bred by two other men, having them pump her full of their cum in the hopes that her child would have a better life once it was born.
The knock came upon her door right on time, and looking through the peephole she saw it was an excited, but well-dressed Mark, holding some flowers. The young man was dressed in a black blazer and pants, with the white shirt unbuttoned a little at the collar while holding some red roses.
When she opened the door his eyes went wide, and he looked entranced by her beauty, taking a moment to pull his staring gaze away from her body and stammer out.
“We’re, ah… dinner’s going to be ready for you soon, Miss Lisa,” he said, licking his lips anxiously.
She smiled brightly at the offered gift, accepting the flowers eagerly and retreating back within her small apartment to find a glass to put them in. She was still unpacking, boxes and clothes everywhere, but she invited him into her home.
“Sorry it’s still a mess,” she said as she filled the glass with water before putting in the roses and returning to his side.
“I’m all ready.” Lisa smiled at him, smoothing out her skirt. “I mean... I think.”
She was trying to be confident, to be in control, but she’d only just lost her virginity, and truthfully, she was as nervous and as anxious as he.
“You look it,” Mark said with starry eyes and a big smile. “It’s just across the hall,” he said, leading her outside, and crossing the hall as she shut her door behind her. He led her over to Martin’s place, opening it up and showing a rather well appointed place, with a large dining room table laid out with places for three.
The place was candle lit, and Martin stood over the freshly served meals, uncorking the wine as he looked over to her with a smile.
“Ah welcome, Miss Lisa,” he said so pleasantly, moving to pour up a glass.
It was nice, respectable. Mature.
Her stomach still turned, her mind swimming. She’d be lying if she said that there weren’t points during her day when she thought about running back home, hiding from it all. From those men and their desire to knock her up.
But every time she convinced herself to run, she was once more reminded of Terry and Ben’s tender, affectionate touches. And she craved more, not just of them.