Page 7 of Protector: A Billionaire Step-Brother Romance
“Okay, boring. But what about my second question?”
“Why do you wanna know what he was wearing so badly? What could that possibly do for you, Jessica?” I asked, laughing. I shimmied out of my denim shorts and folded them neatly on the dresser. I squinted at my full-length reflection, surveying my rounded hips and smooth, white thighs. In this light, my pale pink undies were almost sheer, but I looked away.
“I’m just curious, is all.”
I leaned over my dresser to say, “He was dressed like a dude. I don’t know.”
“You are completely useless to me, Mackenzie Mason. Useless.”
“Thank you, thank you,” I replied. “I try.”
“Okay but really, though. At least tell me if he’s as hot in person as he is in pictures. Give me something,” she pleaded. I reached back to unclasp my bra and let it fall to the floor. I sighed contentedly, picked up my phone, and got back into bed.
“I mean, he’s gonna be my stepbrother, Jess. I don’t think it’s right for me to talk about how hot he is,” I claimed.
She snorted. “Ha! So you definitely do think he’s hot, then.”
“I didn’t say that. Besides, I can have an objective opinion, right?” I asked, only half-joking. I snuggled down under the comforter and stretched.
“Sure, whatever. We both know you already have a crush on your brother.”
My breath caught in my throat. “Stepbrother, Jess!” I choked out, then quickly added, “And no, I do not!”
“You dirty little bird,” she laughed. Before I could protest, I heard a series of muffled male voices in the background, and then Jessica said, “Oh hey, the guys are here. Finally! I gotta go, babe. I’ll text you later. Try not
to fantasize about your new bro too much, ‘kay?”
“Ugh. Bye, Jess. Be careful,” I mumbled.
“Love ya!” she quipped, and ended the call.
I dropped the phone on the pillow next to me and flicked my lamp light off. I stared up at the ceiling as my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. A yawn rattled through my body and I realized just how sleepy I actually was. Thinking about everything that had happened over the past week was a little too much to handle, and before long I dropped off to sleep…
There was music pumping, shaking me to my core. A deep bass rumbled across the floor and electrified my veins. I couldn’t make out the words, and I wasn’t sure where I was, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter very much. My vision was foggy and my limbs moved without much guidance from my brain, as I danced under dim, flickering lights.
Suddenly, there was a hand on my waist, long fingers pressing into my hip, moving down to grab my ass. Another thick arm snaked around to graze my throat, one pointer finger coming up to circle my mouth. To my dull surprise, I opened my lips and drew the finger into my mouth, rolling my tongue back and forth along its underside. There was heat behind me, and I could feel a strong, muscular body pressed up against my back. The stranger bent down a little to breathe raggedly into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. His hand gripped my ass hard for a moment, then roved across my hip to my inner thigh. I leaned back into him and felt his long, hard cock hot against my side. He groaned and held me closer still, whispering words I couldn’t understand into the ticklish warmth of my neck. His hand slipped up underneath the hem of my skirt and stroked lightly at the slit between my legs. I inhaled sharply and turned my head to face him. His lips mashed into mine wantonly, greedily, and I melted into his embrace. As he worked his fingers into the slick folds of my pussy, I moaned against his mouth. Suddenly needing to see his face, I pulled back and gasped to see vivid green eyes gazing back at me. He parted his lips to form my name…
I jerked awake with a muffled shout. Sitting straight up in bed, I reached a shaking hand under the comforter to feel the wetness between my legs. I shook my head, trying to banish the dream from my consciousness.
Did I honestly just have a sex dream about my brand-new stepbrother?!
I tried to keep quiet while I moved alongside the hedges surrounding my dad’s property, tugging at the straps of the small, black bag of equipment hanging over my shoulder. Trying to keep quiet on the way up to the manor, I’d left my bike about a mile down the road behind a little thicket where Chelsea and I used to play back when we were kids. Even after that, I’d kept off the road on my way up here, remembering the old path I used to take the many times I’d snuck out of the house while I was a teenager, before I was ever able to really get out from under Dad’s roof. Aside from some overgrown pathways from the couple of years of disuse, the way to the house was mostly unchanged. If my luck decided to keep going this way, this break-in would be simple.
Once I was up to the hedges that decorated the tall fences surrounding the perimeter, the real question became whether or not he’d decided to change around the household security systems. Back when I’d needed to sneak out pretty regularly, I’d had to deal with the ton of surveillance Dad had outfitted the place with. It was a lot more than was probably necessary, but a guy like Dad was the kind of figure that attracted a lot of media attention—and a lot of stalker attention, as it turned out. The whole reason the pool house had its own alarm system was that a journalist had stumbled in on me while I was using the guest room in there to watch TV. She’d gotten in expecting to find my dad and snap a photo of him watching a porno for the tabloids. I thought that was hilarious, and once we’d gotten to talking for a while, we used the king-size bed to make a little news of our own that didn’t make it on the record. She’s moved out of town since then, but I still get a message every now and then asking for “a follow-up story”.
My getting into the place today, though, would be all the harder because I was trying it in the middle of the day. I knew that Dad was out of the house, meeting with one of his agents at this time of day, and the newsfeeds told me that Mackenzie and her mom were out shopping for wedding dresses today. The only people at the house might be a few of the serving staff, and security wouldn’t be tight in broad daylight. Of course, the daylight also meant I had to be a hell of a lot more careful.
I kept low as I approached a section of the hedges I knew to be a blind spot. There weren’t many like this, though, and it was only clear for a couple of seconds, so I pulled out my phone to check the feed I’d hacked into earlier. The guys I’d bought the program from told me I could use it to just shut the cameras off, but that would draw too much attention—I had to be careful to pull this off. On my little screen, I watched the little area in question move out of view, and I darted for it, legs pumping across the fine grass that surrounded the place. At the hedge, I dove forward, thrusting myself into the shrubbery while prone.
Now was the tricky part. There was a little tunnel I’d dug under the fence’s perimeter not too far from here, but I had to crawl through a good span of hedge to get to it, and it seemed a lot thicker than it ever had been. I hadn’t been expecting to put those hours in my personal gym to use by breaking back into the house I’d spent months trying to escape, but as I felt my forearms and calves going to work pushing me forward through the brush, I was grateful for it either way. The material my turtleneck was made of kept itself from getting snagged on branches too often, so all I had to worry about was not making too much noise while I moved toward my—
I felt my heart plummet. I’d reached the spot where my old tunnel was, but there was nothing there but a patch of dry dirt. The bastard had it covered up. He’d known. Immediately, my eyes flicked around for the glint of a camera lens. If he knew about the tunnel, there was no doubt in my mind he’d set up a surveillance here in case I tried something like this. I had to move fast now. I whipped out my phone, heart now racing.
Nothing on the camera feeds. I shook a little bit of the bushes to see whether it showed up, and I found my patch of hiding-hedge in the range of a camera sweep that offered about ten seconds of a blind spot. Fuck.
There was only one way in now. I stared at my screen, counting the time until I’d memorized the pattern down to the second. Waiting until the camera would be just about to pan away, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and took a breath. 5…4…3…