Page 23 of Protector: A Billionaire Step-Brother Romance
“I love you, Kenzie,” she said, tears glistening in her brown eyes. She really did look radiant, if a little bit sad. Nobody else could tell, but I knew her better than anyone. There were flickers of regret in her gaze, in her faltering smile. Still, I had to be strong for her. It was too late now, anyway… wasn’t it?
I hugged her back and said emphatically, “Love you too, Mom.”
Cole appeared beside me and took my arm, guiding me to a corner table. He sat quietly for a few moments, probably trying to regain his composure. I reached across to pat his arm. He heaved a sigh and rubbed at his temples. “God. He’s just…”
“I know.”
“I just wanted to…”
“I know.”
“If there weren’t a billion people here right now, I’d just…”
“I know. But it’s okay. Now the press has a lot of great photos of the happy family. That’ll put them off our scent for awhile, at least,” I reasoned. Cole nodded in agreement but continued to stare blankly at the tabletop. Remembering the smudge on my forehead, I suddenly stood up. Cole jolted, as though to leap into action, and I giggled. “It’s okay, Cole. Chill. I’m just going to the bathroom to clean this lipstick off my forehead. My mom always forgets.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with?” he asked, concern knitting his forehead.
I waved him off dismissively. “I’m fine. Plus, how shady is it going to look if you come after me? We already showed up late to the reception together.”
He thought for a moment and then reluctantly said, “‘Kay. Hurry back.”
I squeezed through the masses again, narrowly avoiding being pulled onto the dance floor by one of my obscure and very drunk cousins, and made my way into the totally empty manor.
I gazed into the bathroom mirror, delicately wiping away the lipstick smudge and then touching up my makeup. It was not too terribly hot outside, but our roll in the sheets earlier had really done a number on my hair. I wondered if anyone had noticed. After a few minutes, I deemed myself decent enough, and pushed open the door to leave. But something hard caught the door as I opened it, causing me to gasp in surprise and jump backward.
Then he peered around the door: my new stepfather. His hair was a little ruffled, the salt-and-pepper tufts sticking up in places, and he swayed a little as he stood before me. It was then that I really noticed how huge he was: he stood almost as tall as Cole, and quite a big broader in the shoulders and chest.
“Oh, um, sorry!” I muttered, flashing a brief smile. He grinned in response, but his eyes were cold, a little glassy. A shiver traveled down my spine.
“No harm done,” he replied deeply. But he still didn’t move, blocking the doorway with his hulking frame as I stood awkwardly in the darkness of the bathroom.
“Just freshening up,” I said, trying to small-talk my way out of the uncomfortable situation. He squared his shoulders and gave me a predatory once-over.
“Freshening up,” Todd repeated softly, and took a step closer. “You’re already fresh, though, aren’t you? Still so young… so clean.”
I frowned as a thousand red flags shot up at the forefront of my brain. “Mr. Van der Hausen, are you okay?” He wavered a little, blinking blearily. “Todd?” I squeaked.
He lumbered toward me and shut the bathroom door behind him, cornering me. I wondered if maybe I should scream. But who would come? Who would even hear me? Taking hold of my shoulders with two sweaty hands, he leaned forward to whisper to me.
“None of that anymore. You’re my daughter now,” he laughed darkly. “Call me Daddy.”
As soon as his hand scooped down to grab my ass, my blood began to boil, and I suddenly recalled the defense moves that Cole had shown me. With a grunt, I wrenched his hand away from me and kneed him in the groin. Taken totally aback, he stumbled away and stared at me murderously.
“Bet you didn’t expect me to fight back, huh?” I hissed, surprised at my own brazenness.
“You little whore!” he cursed, and lunged for me. But he was drunk and I was quick, so I sidestepped his attack easily and bolted for the door. Flinging the door open and darting down the hall, I ran into Cole, who opened his arms and immediately moved into protective mode.
“What happened?” he demanded, cradling my head to his chest.
“T-Todd,” I murmured into his dress shirt. “H-he’s drunk.”
I felt Cole tensing up, and then Todd came staggering toward us, one hand cupped over his crotch and a hateful, yet dignified expression on his face.
“What the hell did you do?” Cole shouted, pulling me even closer.
Todd scoffed.
“I didn’t do anything,” he lied, smoothing his hair down unsuccessfully. “Your little sister just lost her damn mind and assaulted me.”