Page 94 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
She grabbed her bookbag and, with a fleeting look behind her, scampered
off down the river.
The Innocent Tease - Book 3
Book Themes:
May/December Relationships, Breeding, Creampie, and Blowjob
Word Count:
* * *
Amy was left to wander down the river by herself, albeit a little lighter after being deprived of her bra. The warm midday sun shined down upon her, and made wearing her jacket uncomfortable, though without it her white blouse proved rather see through, displaying the sight of her pinkened areolas beneath.
If only she’d noticed.
Instead she carried on down the river over the grassy earth towards her destination, oblivious to everything but the warmth upon her face and shoulders. That was, until she stumbled upon the mayor. He was the person she had to convince in order to get a job teaching at the school, and after taking her punishment from the priest, and running into a childhood crush, her day had quickly gone from exciting, to confusing, and back again.
The mayor was a striking man, tall and lean. He stood at the river near the lake, casting his rod out into the water. He wore a hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and protect his pale face, but Amy knew him well, having seen him around enough.
His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing his leanly muscled forearms. He was older than her father, she was sure, with silvery hair, but he was handsome and well taken care of. He didn’t look his age in his chiselled face.
Amy paused as she watched him, reaching up to touch her auburn french braid, angling it over her shoulder and letting it rest along her white blouse. She still wore her navy school skirt, knee highs pulled up, and scuffed maryjanes on her feet.
Her father was a farmer, and though she’d attended school until she was eighteen, she still wasn’t ready to follow his life. She was far too curious and intrepid for that. So all she had to do was convince the mayor to let her be a teacher’s aide and all her dreams would come true.
She cleared her throat to draw his gaze, her sparkling blue eyes upon him.
“Just a second,” he said in a low husk, not jumping at her sudden interruption as he seemed to have heard her approach. He took his time, angling his rod and then pulling back… nothing. “Darn,” he cursed so gingerly, the mayor ever a careful speaker.
“Now what can I help you wi--” he turned but his sentence was cut off mid-word as he stared at her. “Amy,” he said, her name breathed out on a soft exhale. He’d not spoken with her directly in years. Her father had too much of a problem with him. Going way back, before the others even.
Though Amy wasn’t aware of it, it wasn’t just seeing her after so long that made him stare at her in surprise. It was the lewd display she made, with her rather ample breasts showing through her pale, see-through top that caught the majority of his attention.
She smiled so brightly, oblivious to the way his gaze trailed, how her shirt was barely held together under the strain of her buttons. They couldn’t afford new clothes often, so when she hit her growth spurt, she was forced to make due. Even after her breasts grew to a nearly unwieldy size.
“Hi Mr. Aaronson. I... hope you don’t mind my interruption?”
His face lit up with a broad smile, that wasn’t even entirely due to the lewd sight of her exposed breasts.
“Of course not, Amy,” he said, reeling in his rod and then laying it carefully aside as he turned to her. He pulled his hat off, showing his sleek, silvery hair beneath as he approached her. “It’s been a long time, sweetie, hasn’t it?” he remarked, unable to take his eyes off her.
“Yea, I’ve been real busy with school and things,” she agreed, her head deferred to him, gaze down towards her scuffed maryjanes.
“That’s actually what I came to talk to you about. Mr. Muran might have mentioned my graduating?”
It took him a moment to clue in, but then he finally did and nodded his head.
“Oh yeah!” he said with a smile, his mind working as little slower with the nubile young woman before him, so enticingly beautiful. “God though, Amy… I didn’t hardly believe it until just now,” he let out a whistle, “damn if you ain’t the spittin’ image of your ma back in the old days. Only…” he lifted his hand and was about to remark on her breasts before he thought better of it. “Prettier still!” he said instead with a smile.
She flushed, the compliment warming her as she stared at the grass. She’d forgotten how nice he’d always been to her, growing up, before she wasn’t allowed to speak with him as often.