Page 57 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
As I tasted my first drop of cum, the two of them above me made out passionately. While I was delighted by the salty tang of that milky seed, and another drop landed upon my lips this time where I licked it away, they fondled and felt each other up.
I got so wrapped up in my own experience, fondlin’ myself beneath my PJs and tasting his seed, that I got carried away and made a moan myself. It got the attention of the two of them above me and I froze in my tracks.
“Did you hear that?” Fiona asked Mr. Roberts as he felt up her big tits.
“Probably just some animal,” he replied, not wanting to be distracted from her body.
“We should get on back before Rose notices I’m missin’,” Fiona said, suddenly worried about getting caught again, now that she had the man’s cum dribbling out of her pussy.
“Alright,” he said and he pulled back from her with a final smack of their lips.
“Thanks for showin’ me somethin’ new,” Fiona said with a blushing grin as she pulled her dress back into place.
“Thanks for the warm welcome,” he echoed in response as he tucked his big tool back into his underwear and pants with some effort.
And then, before I knew it, it was all over. They were disappeared back out into the darkness, and I was left in the treehouse by myself, the smell of their sex so heavy in the air. I couldn’t believe what I’d witnessed that night, and I figured it was goin’ to be the only time I’d ever see something like that.
But following around Mr. Roberts, it didn’t seem he was all too content with just one of my sisters, and when I noticed him eyeing up the twins one day, I took to spying again...
Dirty Country Love
Book Themes:
Barely Legal Virgin, Breeding, and Step-Brother Romance
Word Count:
* * *
Rollin’ hills, green grasses, and trees off in the distance.
It was a view as unchanged from memory as it was from a few hours down the road where she came from, but to Britney it was home.
All her life she’d lived out in the countryside, or at least all she could remember. From the time she was a lil’ child, she remembered the smell of the barn, and the sight of the endless fields of crops. Even before she found herself taken in by the kindly gentleman that was friends with her ma, before she passed on.
She was young then, only about eight or so, she reckoned, but her ma passed away and she had nowhere to go. Except to stay with her godfather, Mr. Drake.
An older man, tall and stern, he always had a smile for her, treated her like his own. Though he already had one of his own too, an older son. Damien.
As the truck took her on back to the Drake farm, she felt a chill run up her spine thinking about the older boy. He’d left home for the big city long before she was of age, always full of piss and vinegar, as the elder Drake used ta say!
He was always a bit of a trouble maker, unlike her, and so when it came time for her to move on out… she didn’t go to the city. Nope! She made her way to the tiny lil’ community at the heart of the farmlands, to work the diner there.
She missed working on a farm itself though, and always wanted to return. Preferably if she found a nice man, a good, hearty farmer, to settle down with, pop out as many kids as the harvest had wheat!
Well… not that many, but near to!
She’d never met the right man, even though plenty a fella flirted with her across the counter, but then word came…
Old Mr. Drake passed away. And with him the closest thing Britney had to family close by.
She hopped a ride on over with a co-worker who was on her way to visit a relative. Cindy was a nice gal, though not too chatty, so the ride was quiet. But that suited Britney just fine, she wanted to think about the man who was near a father to her.
She recognized the area immediately, long before she saw the farm house, even though the lands all looked near identical for hours of driving.
“That’s the place,” Britney said, sadness and excitement mingling. She’d missed the place, missed farm-livin’.