Page 53 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
I’d have to practice when I got to my room, makin’ that sound.
They continued a while like that, the two of ‘em eating and looking at one another across the table like somethin’ was strange. If I didn’t know better I’d say they wanted to eat each other more than the cake.
There on her knee, Mr. Roberts’ hand lingered, and her foot — still in that high heel I’d never seen her wear before! — kept tracin’ up and down his calf.
I knew the cake was done because I heard the forks hit their plates, but still they kept touchin’ one another a little.
“Mr. Roberts,” my sister began, as if somethin’ was on her mind rather serious, “I know you’re going to be busy with teaching Lily, but…” she stopped there.
“Go on,” he said, urging her as his hand rubbed up from her knee to her thigh, raising her dress a little and letting his palm and those long fingers touch her thigh. “What’s on your mind?”
“Well… I was thinkin’ you and I could spend some time together now and then. Get to know one another. I’d be ever so interested in hearin’ your stories about travel and such. Maybe… tonight. After the other girls have gone to bed,” she said, an impish lil’ smile on her ruby lips.
“Fiona,” he said and it sounded more like a wolf growlin’ than a man speaking, and he leaned closer to her.
“I’d enjoy that quite a lot.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Fiona was gonna get her behind tanned if Rose ever found out about this!
Yet there she was, Mr. Roberts barely havin’ time to get through the door and she was enticin’ him off to do things that were strictly not allowed. More than that, her high heeled shoe was left upon the floor and her bare foot trailed up from his calf in between his thighs so brazen like I figured he’d jump up!
But he didn’t.
“There’s a creek nearby, where the farm gets its water. But there’s some trees off to the west, and that’s where the old tree house is. You and me can have some private time there, lookin’ out over the water… the moon and all above us,” she said so sultrily, I had no idea where she go
t it from!
Mr. Roberts stiffened in his seat a little, and I could see he was breathin’ heavier.
“I’ll meet you there then,” he said.
“After all the lights go out in the farmhouse,” she added, smilin’ so happily with herself.
I couldn’t believe my eyes, nor what I was hearin’. One thing I knew for certain, though. There was no way I was going to miss what was to happen later that night.
* * *
I knew full well what treehouse Fiona was talkin’ about. I’d spent much of my time up there readin’ to get out of chores over the years. Never did I think Fiona would be usin’ it for somethin’ so… naughty, though.
But soon as the lights went out, I waited for it: the sound of Fiona sneakin’ off. It was so soft you’d have to be expectin’ it to hear. She was a crafty one, craftier than I gave her credit for, that’s for sure.
I went after her shortly thereafter, my PJs nice and thick, so I didn’t need to worry none about gettin’ cold. But her? I could see her ahead in the moonlight dressed in the same outfit as earlier, but holdin’ her heels in her hand until she got to the edge of the farm, and slipped ‘em back on.
I had to be cautious, because I didn’t know when Mr. Roberts would be comin’ behind, but as Fiona got into her heels and waited, I took my station.
Y’see, later on, Rose found out about my secret tree house, and she’d come and drag me back to the farm to do chores. So I created a second little hideaway in the trees. Tucked in underneath the treehouse was a lil’ box, obscured by the branches and leaves, where I was able to hide out.
I had to get into the treehouse before either of ‘em though, slide the secret hatch out of the way and climb down in. None too soon either, ‘cause I heard a giggle and a laugh.
I was beneath ‘em again, but this time I had a much better vantage point. My little hideaway was made to avoid Rose, but for that I needed to keep a good eye on her too. It helped that when Mr. Roberts and her climbed up, they turned on a lantern, lightin’ them both up so I could see ‘em clear as day.
There came Mr. Roberts, a fine back jacket on, but no tie again. He looked slicker than before, and his glasses were gone too. He was downright dashin’ without ‘em.
“So this is your little fortress of solitude, Fiona, hmm? A nice hideaway,” he said with a grin.
It was my hideaway. A little flare of jealousy went up in my heart, but I squished it back down. I didn’t have time for none of that. If she wanted to use it, I wished she’d have asked, but I understood why she didn’t. I wouldn’t tell her if I was sneakin’ out after lights-out. That would be a recipe for disaster.
But she was touchin’ on his chest, and that made me feel a little jealous too, though I didn’t know why. I barely knew the teacher, and I didn’t want to be the one touching on his chest. So why did it make me feel weird?