Page 46 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
Reaching into his pocket, Legault carefully pulled out the piece of paper they’d created, unfurling it. “Look fer yerself, sir. I served my time, was sergeant and looked out fer my men as best I could. Just lookin’ ta contribute to the war effort in as best a manner as I can now, back here with ya’ll.” He never showed any sign of irritation with the man, showing deference to him on his property.
Tom let his gun drop to his hip, though still those hardened eyes looked at Legault as if trying to see through to the man’s soul. There was that tinge, there, shared between them. The knowledge of what death looks and smells like, and he nodded for Legault to approach, his hand held out for the letter. “Lemme see.”
Legault did just that, handing over the letter as he looked about at the farm with appreciation. “You’ve made quite the lil’ haven fer yerself here, sir,” the approval on his voice obvious. “Ain’t no man could hope fer better than ta retire from the war to a life on a farm like thissun.”
“It’s my way of providin’ for the troops,” he agreed as he scanned over it, though it didn’t seem much like he was reading it. He waited a moment before staring at the younger man before him, “Well, ain’t gonna need help ‘til spring.”
Legault nodded his head to the man, “I reckoned as much, sir. A man like yerself who served knows how ta take care of his own property an’ kin against bandits an’ other sorts, I figure. But it’s a long trek through the winter countryside, so I figured I had ta try. After all, might be some folks about who need a hand with doin’ some repairs or somethin’, or willin’ ta keep a fella on until the spring comes and the real work begins,” he said, carefully planting the ideas.
The man’s mind churned before he slowly nodded, looking thoughtful. “Look, I ain’t got much, and I need ta care for me and mine first.”
Legault took the paper back and nodded casually, “‘Course, ain’t no sensible man operates any other way, sir. You look out fer yours, and ya give what ya can to the war effort. And with the aid of the Up Above, I’ll do just the same in my own time. I thank ya for hearin’ me out anyhow.” He extended his hand out towards the veteran’s one-arm in a cordial manner.
Tom delayed before he put his hand in the other man’s mitt, holding it firmly, “Look,” he said sternly. “I can’t care for yer food. We only got what we got. But there’s a spare room, if you can look after some things ‘round the place. Amy ain’t good with her hands, and... well, neither is her old man.”
Legault’s eyes went wide with surprise, “Ya mean that, sir?” He did an excellent job with the act, and looked about at the surrounding forest and countryside. “Out here a man would have no issue scroungin’ up food, not even at this time a year, I reckon.” The excitement glimmered in his eyes. “I’ll do you an’ the Up Above proud with my work, I swear. And ain’t gonna be no reason ta fear no bandits or nothin’, because I’ll lay down my life before I let those pigs hurt you kind folks!”
For the first time a smile touched the man’s lips, and with the softened expression he looked so much like his tender hearted daughter. “I’ll show ya ‘round,” he said, for perhaps he was lonely too.
* * *
“This is some amazin’ piece a property ya got here, sir,” Legault said with appreciation as their tour wound down. “Ya could house a real big family in here,” and as he rubbed a hand over one of the wood beams he was truly thoughtful on that count.
They both heard the creak of the door as it opened and Amy’s voice rang through, “Pa, it’s just me! The fish are in the smoke house.”
The old man looked to Legault and he could see the joy twinkle in his eyes, but then darkness overcame it, “My daughter is my prize. You ain't to touch her.”
Legault’s look of appreciation went serious and he nodded to the man. “‘Course sir. Ain’t a man’s place ta encroach on another’s daughter without leave a him an’ the Up Above,” he said, expecting this to come up from the beginning.
He stared for a few moments longer before giving a nod and calling out, “I’m upstairs, Amy. We got a guest.”
His voice dropped, “I’m Tom, by the by.”
Amy’s light footsteps were on the stairs, a steady, slow pace.
“Legault,” he said, “as ya no doubt reckoned from the letter.” He put on a light smile and turned to watch as his young love came up the stairs. It took all he had in him to contain his excitement and desire; he had to put on a cool front, for her father would be suspicious of the slightest betrayal of his lust or love.
Amy’s head poked in, and went to her father before the Legault and her brows furrowed. “Pa?” she asked, “Why’s there a man here?”
Giving a formal bow, he rose up and introduced himself. “Legault ma’am. Yer father offered me a spot a work here on yer lovely farm,” he said with some pride, resisting the urge to brush a hand back over his hair. He didn’t figure Tom would be too appreciative of him doing anything to win Amy’s affection just yet.
The innocent young woman gave him a nod, having left her shawl behind and leaving her in that heavy, fall outfit. “Amy,” she answered before looking back at her father, “I only caught enough fish for us,” she reminded him.
“Yea, Legault said he’d hunt for his own,” Tom reassured his daughter, moving to her and kissing her forehead, “But for tonight, why don’t you make enough for three. He’ll make it up to us tomorrow.”
“Yes, Pa,” she said obediently and slipped from the room, leaving the two men alone once more.
* * *
It was so late when Legault heard it; that tell tale creak of the floorboard. But was it her? Or was it simply the house settling in to sleep as well. Yet he heard it again, closer, and when he saw the brass doorknob begin to turn, he knew it had to be her. His loved one. She shut the door behind her with a soft click, wearing nothing but a pale white slip, her hair piled onto her head in pins. She closed the distance between them so quickly, her mouth finding his in the pale moonlit room.
The farmhouse was so much warmer than the cold hovel they’d had to rendezvous in so many times before. He met her in naught but his underwear, his full, muscular physique on display in the dim light as he held her, crushed her to his blonde haired chest.
It was so long before he broke from their deep lip lock to gaze down at her, and brush his hand over her cheek. “Damn but that weren’t the hardest thing I’ve had to do in months,” he said with a sigh. “Sit across a table from you without touchin’ ya, or even look at ya.”
She nodded in agreement, and silenced her soft moan against his throat, licking him hungrily as her hand roamed lower and lower. She had come to know and appreciate his body, but never had she been so brazen as to touch his member unbidden, unaided. Never had she made the first move, yet her nipples were so hard against him.
Legault’s strong hands went to the underside of her ass and thighs. He lifted her with ease. The room was fairly spacious, as it had belonged to her brothers before they’d went off to war, but now only housed the one. “What I wouldn’t give ta have a place like this all fer us,” he said as she kissed at his neck, the hardness of his manhood, so stiff and full, pressed against her through his thin, cotton boxers. “I’d fill it with yer laughter an’ a dozen lil’ kids.”