Page 41 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
She rushed to the creek, splashing in unceremoniously and cleaning herself of his cream. She touched herself as a mother might tend to a wound, cleaning her slit free of him. He could see her shoulder blades, the way the droplets glistened on her pale skin. Just under the water was her firm behind, shapely as someone her size could be.
As she slowly walked out of the creek, a cool sheen on her body, she looked the role of a woman, as though she had been reborn. She went to her clothes and quickly dressed, looking up at him apologetically, “I will likely return tomorrow, but I must catch fish. I will not be a welcome sight tonight.”
He remained stiffened and exposed, his hard abs showing. At her words he cupped her cheek and leaned in, kissing her lips plushly, “Don’t worry yaself, Amy,” he reassured softly. “Just come back, an’ tomorrow I’ll make everythin’ perfect. I swear,” and with that he delved in for a deep kiss, his fingers combing through her hair again to the back of her head.
She met him hurriedly, but didn’t linger long. She grabbed her pole and, with a final look back to him, she began the trip home. Her heart was lighter and the gnawing loneliness was staved off, if only for the moment.
* * *
Legault's evening had been consumed with thoughts of the petite young Amy. It was a struggle just to envision his wilderness isolation returning to how it had been before he’d experienced her. It had come out of nowhere, unasked for, beyond his imagination, but he knew that the encounter would devour his thoughts forever more.
The next day, the rugged man made his way from his hideout down to the creek again. He’d had no idea a farm was so close to his spot, but instead of worry striking him, he could only eagerly await the red headed farm girl’s return. Oh, how he hoped she’d return.
He’d followed her back to her lands the previous day at a distance, making sure she returned safely, and as an excuse to watch her slender form a bit longer. He fantasized about her treading the way back to her home as he sat by the creek, fishing the entire morning through. He caught more than he would need or want, tying them together and letting them linger in the shallow water.
He could see his reflection, look over the neatly trimmed blonde beard and the tied back hair. His green eyes were deep and diligent and his large frame was broad and strong. He was a former military man, hiding out in the forest, and loneliness had gripped him until he met Amy just the day prior.
She had been so soft and yielding as he stole the virginity and heart from the young woman, merely half his age and so docile. Just thinking about how tight her pussy was around his cock, the way cumming in her had made him feel was enough to cause that thickness in his pants to swell once more.
Luckily, it was earlier than the day prior that the woman returned, her hair braided into two pigtails, her clothing identical to what she wore before. A simple white blouse was frilled around the top and bottom, and the long skirt grazed the dirt as she walked.
The way she moved, though, was different. There was a slight exaggeration in her motions, something more confident and desirous than the naïve woman he’d stumbled upon in the woods yesterday.
A small, shy smile crept to her mouth as she caught sight of him, and for a moment she spied upon him, watching his motions so carefully and with all of the eagerness of a new love.
She wasn’t able to scout long, however; he was far too alert a man for that. Only his preoccupation with memories of their one encounter allowed her to creep up on him at all unnoticed.
But with her in sight, his eyes immediately went wide and he dropped his self-crafted rod to stand. She captivated him and he gawked, soaking in her look. A broad, handsome smile formed on his face and he called out over the sound of the creek, “I love what ya did with yer hair, Amy.” And he did, for he stirred just to look at her.
She flushed, stepping towards him as quickly as he spotted her, a wide smile showing off her teeth, “They didn’t even know. I just told’em that there was a bear that chased me from the fish and I had ta run, and they didn’t even know the difference,” she exclaimed excitedly.
He trotted towards her in turn, bounding across the rocky shore and then the soil until he wrapped his arms about her in a firm embrace. His heart felt like it burst in his chest and he kissed her hard, “That a girl,” he said approvingly. “I was so worried ya would get in trouble an’ not be able ta show, m’sweet.” He squeezed her again, pressing his mouth to her once more.
She met him with all the hunger that he had shown her the day previous, but as she withdrew, she became more reserved. Giving him a bashful look, she spotted his fish from earlier, her lips parting in shock, “You did this?”
Not releasing her from his touch entirely, he gave a toothy smile of his own and nodded. “Didn’t want ya ta have to worry about makin’ up for yesterday,” he said softly, “so I caught ya some ahead of time, sweet Amy.”
His broad, strong hands rubbed over her shoulder blades and onto her biceps. “Gods, I feared ya were all a dream, brought o
n by isolation an’ loneliness.”
They embraced, her arms growing tighter around him as the heartbeats passed, “Thank you. I couldn’t come home empty handed twice. Surely they’d catch me then.”
His dark green eyes flittered over her youthful face, “Of course.” She was half his age and the picture of beauty and perfection. Bringing a hand from her shoulder to her hair, he picked a pigtail up and fondled it fondly. “Ya braid these yerself?”
“Yeah,” she said, her hair so soft between his fingertips. She seemed so delicate. Her bone structure, the smallness of her nose, her wide, doll-like eyes, they all made her feel so much less real. But here she was in her simple peasant’s outfit which hugged against her body.
Bending down, he brought the soft braid of red hair to his face, letting it brush against his lips as he inhaled her feminine scent. She was nothing but delight to him, and he shut his eyes to revel in it a moment.
“I wanted ta make sure, Amy... ya weren’t hurtin’ none too bad after, I hope? The first time’s always painful, but... I hated thinkin’ I might’ve done ya some injury,” he asked, his voice laced with worry and fear.
She shook her head, trying to assuage his concerns, “It’s nothin’. Just like the monthly,” she quipped lightly in a country twang. “The biggest worry was that Pops would figure me out, but he didn’t, so...” she shrugged her shoulders. “Seems it all worked out.”
Relief filled his features in the form of a big, white-toothed smile. “Good,” he exhaled the word on a sigh and kissed her lips again. His head tilted as his tongue darted into her mouth to brush against her moist muscle. When they finally broke apart, he looked to her blue eyes and reassured, “Won’t hurt like that again. I swear. Only a firs’ time thing, sweet Amy girl.”
“Wasn’t so bad,” she promised, not wanting to frighten him away. She, like him, had spent the evening re-enacting it, and truly, even though she looked vibrant, there was a fuzzy sleepiness in her eyes. She was deprived slumber by her fantasies of him. Of what it truly meant to be a woman.
She almost glowed.