Page 30 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
The Military Man & The Farm Girl
Book Themes:
Barely Legal, virgin, breeding
Word Count:
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Jake was all over me, his big strong hands feeling in places the Lord don’t smile on. Places ain’t nobody ever touched since I became a woman! My skirt’s hitched up over my hips, and he’s got a hand up in under my top and it’s squeezing my breast tight. I can’t help but moan in between our kisses.
The truck’s radio was on, somethin’ real nice for the time, though I can’t remember what it was now. I mean, compared to what was going on, the background noise hardly seemed too important. Somethin’ country though, and it was perfect. Because there was Jake, big and strong, ready to ship out.
And I was gonna give him a real sendoff.
Y’know, the kind that keeps him hard in his bunk while he’s overseas each night, thinking about me and what we’d done.
I ain’t no slut, though. In fact, I ain’t never done anything with a guy before. And even if I had? It’d have been Jake. We’ve been sweet on each other since we was knee-high to a grasshopper! Or at least, that’s what my pa would say.
The same pa that got in the way that night, who hauled Jake off of me as he was about to whip out that cock of his and we were gonna finally do it. My first time, and it was just perfect. The right time, the right place, the right everything. Except pa.
I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since. So antsy I could explode!
A tour of duty is a lot longer than you realize when you’re pent up and horny the whole while.
But now I’m waiting for him at the airport in the middle of the night, and it all seems so much more intense. So much more real. I didn’t tell pa where I was going, or even that I was leaving. I stayed at my friend’s house, and by the time the clock struck two in the morning, I was still wide awake and ready to give Jake the welcome home he deserved. Especially since I couldn’t give him a proper send-off.
I had borrowed Lily’s little black dress, as she called it, and it felt like it was two sizes too small but I gotta admit that it makes my breasts look right nice, pressed up to my collarbones. And the mary janes made my legs and butt look just a little bit better. I had everything planned, alright. Even had the top of the truck taken off and a sleeping bag and pillow tossed in back. I figure we can drive out someplace quiet, look up at the stars, and finally do it.
I finally started to see ‘em coming, a few troops who must’ve taken the same plane out all arriving together. But no Jake.
I can feel the worry rising in me!
But then the two in front part, and Jake rises up, taller than ‘em both. And more than that, he’s changed. I can see it from all this distance away.
He ain’t missin’ no limbs if that’s what you’re thinking, nothing big. But he’s darker, his young, smooth face is all rugged, and those deep, dark eyes of his so serious. But he spots me, and his face lights up all the same, and I see the Jake I knew.
“Jill!” he cries out, his duffle over his shoulder as he runs on ahead, leaving behind the other guys.
“Jake!” I cry out so excitedly as I stand with the other folks awaiting the return of passengers.
Just before he gets to me he tosses his bag down then grabs me up in his big, thick arms. His whole body is bigger, tougher, stronger than ever! And I can feel it wrap about me as he crushes me to his chest. And even though I can’t breathe, I just shower him with kisses, feel the dark stubble on his jawline as my pouty lips meet his flesh.
“Oh Jake, I can’t wrap my head around just how much I missed you!” I say, rubbing my hands over his face as his grope my butt so passionately.
“No talkin’ yet,” he says before quieting all my words with his deep, passionate kisses. And I’m so lost in this moment I barely even notice the looks and catcalls of the other marines he was with as they pass us by.
My body starts getting right hot against his, that fire burning inside me even brighter than before. I knew I was ready to give him my virginity way back before his tour of duty, but now I’m the most certain girl in all the world. It’s not just a want or a passin’ fancy, but a full blown need now.
My arms tighten ‘round his neck, and my breasts mash into his chest as he lifts me up, and I can feel my skirt rolling up my thighs as I wrap my legs around his waist.
We stand there — or more accurately Jake stands there, holding me — makin’ out for the whole airport to see for ages, it seems. Ain’t nothing that can tear us apart until we say so, and even then we snatch a few more kisses as he looks at me, those eyes twinkling with such desire.
“Damn Jill,” he says with a whistle as he sets me back down and sizes me up. “You are even hotter than I remembered you!” he says, sliding those big ol’ hands of his down my waist, over my hips, givin’ it all a squeeze as he goes. “You got a bod that’d make men weak in the knees, and drain the blood from their brain,” he says with a gravelly lust in his voice.
“Then what do you say we get outta here, huh?” I purr, and I can’t hide my mutual desire lingering beneath my breath. I want him, sure as anything, especially with how rock solid his body is now. I can’t wait to see if his cock is just as hard and as big as he is.