Page 138 of Fertile Farms Bundle: 20 Erotic Farm Girl Collection
I cocked an eyebrow and put a hand on my hip, watching him warily, but nodding.
“Bet one of your barns has some room in it, huh?” Suddenly there was a boyish grin on his face, and mine flushed with anger at his suggestion.
“Now if you think,” I started angrily, wagging a finger, “if you think for one second I’m gonna let you park your booze-mobile on my land, you’ve got another thing comin’, stranger. ‘Sides, your truck ain’t goin’ nowhere, moonshine or no.”
“No, but you’ve got a truck.”
I was shocked by how forward he was being, glaring at him with both hands on my hips as he strode towards me with that wolfish look in his eye. What was he thinking, that I’d just let him stroll in and set up an operation on my land?
“Come on, now,” he lowered his already gravelly voice almost to a whisper, “what, the rest of the farmhands too righteous for that kind of thing? We could load all the booze
onto your truck and park it somewhere quiet, nobody’d be the wiser.”
“No, it’s just me there.”
I don’t know why I told that to a stranger, much less a guy like this. I’d expected a ravenous glint in his eye at the discovery, but his expression just made it seem like he either already knew or didn’t care.
“Really? Just you, all by yourself?” He tsked and shook his head, “Must get awfully lonely—by yourself so far out in the country that a stranger’s car breaking down is enough to get you moving.”
I crinkled my nose at the condescending comment and crossed my arms. I opened my mouth to say something back, but instead I just turned and started marching back to my truck.
I didn’t need that kind of attitude from some city boy with the law on his tail.
“I’ll eat your pussy.”
I stopped. I blinked. I turned around slowly.
He was just standing there, all smoky green eyes, dusty jacket, and a face covered in stubble. I hadn’t even registered that I’d heard him right when I realized that my face was probably not looking as disgusted as I wanted it to. My mouth was just barely agape, and even as I looked at him as if he hadn’t spoken English, my cheeks were flushed red.
“Huh?” was all I managed.
“You took a look under my hood,” he said, striding towards me casually, knowing he’d struck a chord from the time he saw my face, “now let me take a look under yours.”
“Mister, uh…”
“Jason.” He had come close to me without my realizing. “It’s Jason Brewer.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I-I don’t…”
My mind was a jumble of thoughts. I should have been laughing off the man’s absurd offer and getting into my truck right now, and every part of me knew it. Well, almost every part, I realized as I moved my hips and felt a wetness between my legs I hadn’t noticed.
He’s right, said something at the back of my mind. It was unbearably lonely on the farm. I worked all day with no more company than the animals, and at the end of each day, I headed inside to an empty house, no other noise but my footsteps on the old wood.
But I was a good gal, like my folks always taught me. Still, there were plenty of nights I’d lain in bed, wishing there were somebody lying beside me, and still more nights I’d felt my own hand wandering down below my waist.
Guilt burned in me those nights, even as I comforted myself, and it burned just as much now as I realized I was actually considering his words.
I was a good girl…but it wasn’t like I hadn’t pictured a man with a strong jaw going to work on me before. I licked my lips as excitement tickled my womanhood and shame made my face go red.
The word just kind of…spilled out of me. It was like someone else had said it through my mouth, but the next moment I was hauling moonshine into my truck.
Both of us moved fast. I was used to loading trucks fast, but I didn’t expect Jason to be so quick. He obviously had some experience with this kind of illicit work. Just what kind of criminal had I just invited to my farm—and between my legs?
I opened the truck door after we’d finished and sat down with my legs hanging out the side, my heart racing. Was I really about to go through with this? Help some stranger stash some contraband on my land and let him—
My thoughts were interrupted when Jason appeared at the open door, still catching his breath from hauling the jugs so quickly.